/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-11 Matteo Frigo * Copyright (c) 2003, 2007-11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "api.h" static plan *mkplan0(planner *plnr, unsigned flags, const problem *prb, int hash_info, wisdom_state_t wisdom_state) { /* map API flags into FFTW flags */ X(mapflags)(plnr, flags); plnr->flags.hash_info = hash_info; plnr->wisdom_state = wisdom_state; /* create plan */ return plnr->adt->mkplan(plnr, prb); } static unsigned force_estimator(unsigned flags) { flags &= ~(FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PATIENT | FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE); return (flags | FFTW_ESTIMATE); } static plan *mkplan(planner *plnr, unsigned flags, const problem *prb, int hash_info) { plan *pln; pln = mkplan0(plnr, flags, prb, hash_info, WISDOM_NORMAL); if (plnr->wisdom_state == WISDOM_NORMAL && !pln) { /* maybe the planner failed because of inconsistent wisdom; plan again ignoring infeasible wisdom */ pln = mkplan0(plnr, force_estimator(flags), prb, hash_info, WISDOM_IGNORE_INFEASIBLE); } if (plnr->wisdom_state == WISDOM_IS_BOGUS) { /* if the planner detected a wisdom inconsistency, forget all wisdom and plan again */ plnr->adt->forget(plnr, FORGET_EVERYTHING); A(!pln); pln = mkplan0(plnr, flags, prb, hash_info, WISDOM_NORMAL); if (plnr->wisdom_state == WISDOM_IS_BOGUS) { /* if it still fails, plan without wisdom */ plnr->adt->forget(plnr, FORGET_EVERYTHING); A(!pln); pln = mkplan0(plnr, force_estimator(flags), prb, hash_info, WISDOM_IGNORE_ALL); } } return pln; } apiplan *X(mkapiplan)(int sign, unsigned flags, problem *prb) { apiplan *p = 0; plan *pln; unsigned flags_used_for_planning; planner *plnr = X(the_planner)(); unsigned int pats[] = {FFTW_ESTIMATE, FFTW_MEASURE, FFTW_PATIENT, FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE}; int pat, pat_max; double pcost = 0; if (flags & FFTW_WISDOM_ONLY) { /* Special mode that returns a plan only if wisdom is present, and returns 0 otherwise. This is now documented in the manual, as a way to detect whether wisdom is available for a problem. */ flags_used_for_planning = flags; pln = mkplan0(plnr, flags, prb, 0, WISDOM_ONLY); } else { pat_max = flags & FFTW_ESTIMATE ? 0 : (flags & FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE ? 3 : (flags & FFTW_PATIENT ? 2 : 1)); pat = plnr->timelimit >= 0 ? 0 : pat_max; flags &= ~(FFTW_ESTIMATE | FFTW_MEASURE | FFTW_PATIENT | FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE); plnr->start_time = X(get_crude_time)(); /* plan at incrementally increasing patience until we run out of time */ for (pln = 0, flags_used_for_planning = 0; pat <= pat_max; ++pat) { plan *pln1; unsigned tmpflags = flags | pats[pat]; pln1 = mkplan(plnr, tmpflags, prb, 0); if (!pln1) { /* don't bother continuing if planner failed or timed out */ A(!pln || plnr->timed_out); break; } X(plan_destroy_internal)(pln); pln = pln1; flags_used_for_planning = tmpflags; pcost = pln->pcost; } } if (pln) { /* build apiplan */ p = (apiplan *) MALLOC(sizeof(apiplan), PLANS); p->prb = prb; p->sign = sign; /* cache for execute_dft */ /* re-create plan from wisdom, adding blessing */ p->pln = mkplan(plnr, flags_used_for_planning, prb, BLESSING); /* record pcost from most recent measurement for use in X(cost) */ p->pln->pcost = pcost; if (sizeof(trigreal) > sizeof(R)) { /* this is probably faster, and we have enough trigreal bits to maintain accuracy */ X(plan_awake)(p->pln, AWAKE_SQRTN_TABLE); } else { /* more accurate */ X(plan_awake)(p->pln, AWAKE_SINCOS); } /* we don't use pln for p->pln, above, since by re-creating the plan we might use more patient wisdom from a timed-out mkplan */ X(plan_destroy_internal)(pln); } else X(problem_destroy)(prb); /* discard all information not necessary to reconstruct the plan */ plnr->adt->forget(plnr, FORGET_ACCURSED); #ifdef FFTW_RANDOM_ESTIMATOR X(random_estimate_seed)++; /* subsequent "random" plans are distinct */ #endif return p; } void X(destroy_plan)(X(plan) p) { if (p) { X(plan_awake)(p->pln, SLEEPY); X(plan_destroy_internal)(p->pln); X(problem_destroy)(p->prb); X(ifree)(p); } }