/***************************************************** * AMBER Bond Angle and Dihedral Parameter Optimiser * * * * Written by: Robin Betz (2011) * * Ross Walker (2004) * * UC San Diego * * San Diego Supercomputer Center * * La Jolla, California, 92092 * * USA * *****************************************************/ /*process_command_line.c*/ /*This module contains a number of Help routines for printing out help messages*/ #include #include "function_def.h" /*This module prints out the command line help when the user either requests help with /? -? /help or -help or if the user provides unknown command line arguments */ void command_line_help(char *cmd_line_options[]) { printf("Usage is:\n"); printf(" %s -i Job_Control.in -p prmtop -c mdcrd -q QM_data.dat -v [LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH]\n",cmd_line_options[0]); printf("\n"); printf("All switches are optional. If not specified the following defaults are loaded:\n"); printf(" -i Job_Control.in\n"); printf(" -p prmtop\n"); printf(" -c mdcrd\n"); printf(" -q QM_data.dat\n"); printf(" -v MEDIUM\n"); printf(" --random-seed 0 (for debugging only, no default value)\n\n"); printf(" /history prints program development history\n\n"); printf(" For HELP please see the documentation\n"); printf("\n"); }