/* _______________________________________________________________________ * * RDPARM/PTRAJ: 2008 * _______________________________________________________________________ * * This file is part of rdparm/ptraj. * * rdparm/ptraj is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * rdparm/ptraj is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You can receive a copy of the GNU General Public License from * http://www.gnu.org or by writing to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * ________________________________________________________________________ * * CVS tracking: * * $Header: /home/case/cvsroot/amber11/AmberTools/src/ptraj/rdparm.h,v 10.0 2008/04/15 23:24:11 case Exp $ * * Revision: $Revision: 10.0 $ * Date: $Date: 2008/04/15 23:24:11 $ * Last checked in by $Author: case $ * ________________________________________________________________________ * * * CONTACT INFO: To learn who the code developers are, who to contact for * more information, and to know what version of the code this is, refer * to the CVS information and the include files (contributors.h && version.h) * */ #include "contributors.h" #include "version.h" /* ________________________________________________________________________ */ /* Titles in parameter files are 20A4 or 80 characters; we add an extra * * character to store newline */ #define TITLE_LENGTH 81 /* Defining the atoms. */ typedef struct _Atom { double chrg; /* the charge on the atom */ double amass; /* the mass of the atom */ double radii; /* continuum radii */ double screen; /* GB screening factor */ int join; /* the tree joining info */ int irotat; /* last at to move if cur at moved */ int iac; /* atom types involved in L-J */ int numex; /* index into excluded atom list */ int res; /* the residue number */ Name igraph; /* the true atom name */ Name isymbl; /* the atom type */ Name itree; /* the atom tree symbol */ } Atom; #define FREE_Atom(_at_) \ safe_free(_at_); _at_ = NULL /* Defining the residues. */ typedef struct _Residue { Name labres; /* the residue name */ int ipres; /* the pntr list or all residues */ } Residue; #define FREE_Residue(_res_) \ safe_free(_res_); _res_ = NULL /* Defining the bonds, angles, and dihedrals. Information is duplicated * * in two forms. The parm form (to allow re-creation of parm file) and * * the more obvious form, where each ``bond'' has associated parameters * * and optional scale factors. (This is used in LES spasms version) * */ typedef struct _Bond { int atom[2]; /* the atoms in the bond (2) */ int active; /* whether this bond is active */ double rk; /* the force constant */ double req; /* the minimum bond length */ double scale; /* scale factor */ } Bond; #define FREE_Bond(_bond_) \ safe_free(_bond_); _bond_ = NULL typedef struct _ParmBond { int ib; /* first atom in bond */ int jb; /* second atom in bond */ int icb; /* pointer to parameters */ } ParmBond; #define FREE_ParmBond(_pbond_) \ safe_free(_pbond_); _pbond_ = NULL typedef struct _Angle { int atom[3]; /* the atoms in the angle (3) */ double tk; /* the force constant */ double teq; /* the minimum angle */ double scale; /* scale factor */ } Angle; #define FREE_Angle(_ang_) \ safe_free(_ang_); _ang_ = NULL typedef struct _ParmAngle { int it; /* first atom in angle */ int jt; /* second atom in angle */ int kt; /* third atom in angle */ int ict; /* pointer to parameters */ } ParmAngle; #define FREE_ParmAngle(_pang_) \ safe_free(_pang_); _pang_ = NULL typedef struct _Dihedral { int atom[4]; /* the atoms in the dihedral (4) */ double pk; /* peak height */ double pn; /* the periodicity */ double phase; /* the phase */ double scale; /* scale factor */ } Dihedral; #define FREE_dihedral(_dih_) \ safe_free(_dih_); _dih_ = NULL typedef struct _ParmDihedral { int ip; /* first atom in angle */ int jp; /* second atom in angle */ int kp; /* third atom in angle */ int lp; /* fourth atom in angle */ int icp; /* pointer to parameters */ } ParmDihedral; #define FREE_ParmDihedral(_pdih_) \ safe_free(_pdih_); _pdih_ = NULL typedef struct _Box { int iptres; /* 1st res that is part of solvent */ int nspm; /* final res that is part of solv. */ int nspsol; /* atom in solv used for per imag */ int *nsp; /* num atoms in i'th solv. molecule */ double beta; /* the box angle */ double box[3]; /* box length in x,y,z */ } Box; #define FREE_Box(_box_) \ if (_box_ != NULL) \ safe_free(_box_->nsp); \ safe_free(_box_); \ _box_ = NULL typedef struct _Cap { int natcap; /* number of atoms in cap */ double cutcap; /* distance to edge of cap */ double xcap; /* x coord of center */ double ycap; /* y coord of center */ double zcap; /* z coord of center */ } Cap; #define FREE_Cap(_cap_) \ safe_free(_cap_); _cap_ = NULL typedef struct _Pert { int *ibper, *jbper; /* the bonds to be perturbed */ int *icbper; /* pntr to bond parameter arrays */ int *itper, *jtper, *ktper; /* angles to be perturbed */ int *ictper; /* pntr to angle parameter arrays */ int *ipper, *jpper, *kpper, *lpper; /* dihedrals to be perturbed */ int *icpper; /* pntr to dihedral parameter array */ Name *labper; /* residue names at lambda = 1 */ Name *igrper; /* atom names at lambda = 1 */ Name *ismper; /* atomic symbols at lambda = 1 */ double *almper; /* value of lambda for each atom */ int *iaper; /* = 1 if atom is being perturbed */ int *iacper; /* atom types at lambda = 1 */ double *cgper; /* atom charges at lambda = 1 */ } Pert; #define FREE_Pert(_pert_) \ if ( _pert_ != NULL ) { \ safe_free(_pert_->ibper); \ safe_free(_pert_->jbper); \ safe_free(_pert_->icbper); \ safe_free(_pert_->itper); \ safe_free(_pert_->jtper); \ safe_free(_pert_->ktper); \ safe_free(_pert_->ictper); \ safe_free(_pert_->ipper); \ safe_free(_pert_->jpper); \ safe_free(_pert_->kpper); \ safe_free(_pert_->icpper); \ safe_free(_pert_->labper); \ safe_free(_pert_->igrper); \ safe_free(_pert_->ismper); \ safe_free(_pert_->almper); \ safe_free(_pert_->iaper); \ safe_free(_pert_->iacper); \ safe_free(_pert_->cgper); \ } safe_free(_pert_); _pert_ = NULL typedef struct _Restart { char *title; /* the restart file title line */ int natoms; /* the number of atoms in the restart file */ double time; /* the current time in the simulation */ double *x, *y, *z; /* the coordinates */ int restart; /* flag for the presence of velocities */ double *vx, *vy, *vz; /* the velocities, only in restart files */ int isbox; /* flag for the presence of box values */ double box[6]; /* the box lengths and angles */ } Restart; #define FREE_Restart(_rst_) \ if (_rst_ != NULL ) { \ safe_free(_rst_->title); \ safe_free(_rst_->x); \ safe_free(_rst_->y); \ safe_free(_rst_->z); \ safe_free(_rst_->vx); \ safe_free(_rst_->vy); \ safe_free(_rst_->vz); \ } safe_free(_rst_); _rst_ = NULL typedef struct _Parm { char *filename; /* the filename represented */ FILE *fp; /* FILE descriptor */ char title[TITLE_LENGTH]; /* the title */ /* The integer control variables */ int NTOTAT; /* total number of atoms in the system */ int NTYPES; /* number of AMBER atom types used, max is 60 */ int NBONH; /* number of bonds containing hydrogen */ int NBONA; /* number of bonds without hydrogen */ int NTHETH; /* number of angles containing hydrogen */ int NTHETA; /* number of angles not containing hydrogen */ int NPHIH; /* number of dihedrals containing hydrogen */ int NPHIA; /* number of dihedrals not containing hydrogen */ int JHPARM; /* NOT USED */ int JPARM; /* NOT USED */ int NEXT; /* total number of excluded atoms */ int NTOTRS; /* total number of residues */ int MBONA; /* NBONA + number of constraint bonds */ int MTHETS; /* NTHETS (sic) + number of constraint angles */ int MPHIA; /* NPHIA + number of constraint dihedral angles */ int MUMBND; /* total number of unique bond types */ int MUMANG; /* total number of unique angle types */ int MPTRA; /* total number of unique dihedral types */ int NATYP; /* number of "atoms" defined in parameter file */ int NHB; /* number of types of hydrogen bonded pair interactions */ int IFPERT; /* =1 if perturbation info is to be read =0 otherwise */ int NBPER; /* number of bonds to be perturbed */ int NGPER; /* number of angles to be perturbed */ int NDPER; /* number of dihedrals to be perturbed */ int MBPER; /* num of pert bonds across boundary to non-pert groups */ int MGPER; /* num of pert angles across boundary to non-pert groups */ int MDPER; /* num of pert dihedrals across bndry to non-pert groups */ int IFBOX; /* =1 if periodic box info to be read =0 otherwise */ int NMXRS; /* number of atoms in the largest residue */ int IFCAP; /* =1 if CAP option was used in edit, =0 otherwise */ int NUMEXTRA; /* number of extra points (aka lone pairs) */ int RADII; /* =1 if radii present */ int SCREEN; /* =1 if screen present */ char RADIUS_SET[81]; /* the radius set */ Atom *atom; /* the atoms and related info */ int *nno; /* index for non-bond of each type */ Residue *residue; /* the residues and related info */ double *rk, *req; /* the bond parameters */ double *tk, *teq; /* the angle parameters */ double *pk, *pn, *phase; /* the dihedral parameters */ double *solty; /* NOT USED */ double *cn1; /* L-J r**12 and r**6 for all pos...*/ double *cn2; /* ...atom type interactions */ ParmBond *pbondH; /* bonds with hydrogen */ ParmBond *pbond; /* bonds without hydrogen */ ParmAngle *pangleH; /* angles with hydrogen */ ParmAngle *pangle; /* angles without hydrogen */ ParmDihedral *pdihedralH; /* dihedrals with hydrogen */ ParmDihedral *pdihedral; /* dihedrals without hydrogen */ int *natex; /* excluded atom list */ double *ag; /* H-bond r**12 and r**10... */ double *bg; /* ... */ double *hbcut; /* NO LONGER USED */ Box *box; /* box info IFBOX > 1 */ Cap *cap; /* cap info IFCAP > 1 */ Pert *pert; /* pert info IFPERT > 1 */ Bond *bond; /* the bonds... */ Angle *angle; /* the angles... */ Dihedral *dihedral; /* the dihedrals... */ Restart *coords; /* optional AMBER coordinates */ int trajSize; /* actual # of coords in trajectory */ int trajMaxSize; /* max # of coords in trajectory */ int nlestyp; /* number of LES types */ int *lestyp; /* the specific type */ double *lesfac; /* the LES factors */ int *lescnum; int *lessubsp; } Parm; #define FREE_Parm(_prm_) \ if ( _prm_ != NULL ) { \ safe_free(_prm_->fp); \ safe_free(_prm_->filename); \ FREE_Atom(_prm_->atom); \ safe_free(_prm_->nno); \ safe_free(_prm_->residue); \ safe_free(_prm_->rk); \ safe_free(_prm_->req); \ safe_free(_prm_->tk); \ safe_free(_prm_->teq); \ safe_free(_prm_->pk); \ safe_free(_prm_->pn); \ safe_free(_prm_->phase); \ safe_free(_prm_->solty); \ safe_free(_prm_->cn1); \ safe_free(_prm_->cn2); \ FREE_ParmBond(_prm_->pbondH); \ FREE_ParmBond(_prm_->pbond); \ FREE_ParmAngle(_prm_->pangleH); \ FREE_ParmAngle(_prm_->pangle); \ FREE_ParmDihedral(_prm_->pdihedralH); \ FREE_ParmDihedral(_prm_->pdihedral); \ safe_free(_prm_->natex); \ safe_free(_prm_->ag); \ safe_free(_prm_->bg); \ safe_free(_prm_->hbcut); \ FREE_Box(_prm_->box); \ FREE_Cap(_prm_->cap); \ FREE_Pert(_prm_->pert); \ FREE_Bond(_prm_->bond); \ FREE_Angle(_prm_->angle); \ FREE_Dihedral(_prm_->dihedral); \ FREE_Restart(_prm_->restart); \ safe_free(_prm_->lestyp); \ safe_free(_prm_->lesfac); \ safe_free(_prm_->lescnum); \ safe_free(_prm_->lessubsp); \ } safe_free(_prm_); _prm_ = NULL #ifndef RDPARM_MODULE # ifdef __STDC__ extern void clearParm(Parm *); extern Parm * openParm( char * ); extern void parmInfo( ); extern void printLJ( ); extern void printAtomTypes( ); extern void printExcluded( ); extern void printAtomInfo(char *); extern void countAtoms(char *); extern void chargeOnAtoms(char *); extern void printAngles(char *); extern void printBonds(char *); extern void printPerturbedBonds(char *); extern void printPerturbedAngles(char *); extern void printPerturbedDihedrals(char *); extern void printDelphiCharge(char *); extern void printDihedrals(char *); extern void PrintDihedral(int, FILE *, int *); extern void dumpDihedrals(); extern void readParm(); extern void translateBox(char *); extern void translateRestart(char *); extern void writeParm( FILE *, int ); extern void verbosity( ); extern void initializeParm(Parm *); extern void getParm(char *); extern void putParm(char *); extern void quit(); extern void doMardi2Sander(char *); extern void modifyBoxInfo(); extern void modifyMolInfo(); extern int getAtomTypes(Name, double *, double *, int); extern int getAtomCharge(Name, int, double *, int); extern int getAtomRadii(Name, int, double *, int); extern void testit(); extern void checkVelocity(); extern void deleteBAD(char *, int); extern void deletePerturbedBAD(char *, int); extern void restrainBAD(char *); extern void prnlevSet(char *); # else extern void clearParm(); extern Parm * openParm(); extern void parmInfo(); extern void printLJ(); extern void printAtomTypes( ); extern void countAtoms( ); extern void chargeOnAtoms( ); extern void printExcluded( ); extern void printAtomInfo(); extern void printAngles(); extern void printBonds(); extern void printPerturbedBonds(); extern void printPerturbedAngles(); extern void printPerturbedDihedrals(); extern void printDelphiCharge(); extern void printDihedrals(); extern void PrintDihedral(); extern void dumpDihedrals(); extern void readParm(); extern void translateBox(); extern void translateRestart(); extern void writeParm(); extern void verbosity(); extern void getParm(); extern void initializeParm(); extern void putParm(); extern void quit(); extern void doMardi2Sander(); extern void modifyBoxInfo(); extern void modifyMolInfo(); extern int getAtomTypes(); extern int getAtomCharge(); extern int getAtomRadii(); extern void testit(); extern void checkVelocity(); extern void deleteBAD(); extern void deletePerturbedBAD(); extern void restrainBAD(); extern void prnlevSet(); # endif /* global variables defined in rdparm */ extern int verboseStatus; extern int isModifiedParm; extern int isWrittenParm; extern int isErrorParm; extern Parm *parm; #endif /* RDPARM_MODULE */