!************************************************************************ ! AMBER ** ! ** ! Copyright (c) 1986, 1991, 1995 ** ! Regents of the University of California ** ! All Rights Reserved. ** ! ** ! This software provided pursuant to a license agreement containing ** ! restrictions on its disclosure, duplication, and use. This software ** ! contains confidential and proprietary information, and may not be ** ! extracted or distributed, in whole or in part, for any purpose ** ! whatsoever, without the express written permission of the authors. ** ! This notice, and the associated author list, must be attached to ** ! all copies, or extracts, of this software. Any additional ** ! restrictions set forth in the license agreement also apply to this ** ! software. ** !************************************************************************ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine thermo here] subroutine thermo(natoms,nvecs,ilevel,c,amass,freq,vtemp,evibn, & cvibn,svibn,t,patm) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) ! given the structure of a molecule and its normal mode vibrational ! frequencies this routine uses standard statistical mechanical ! formulas for an ideal gas (in the canonical ensemble, see, ! for example, d. a. mcquarrie, "statistical thermodynamics", ! harper & row, new york, 1973, chapters 5, 6, and 8) to compute ! the entropy, heat capacity, and internal energy. ! the si system of units is used internally. conversion to units ! more familiar to most chemists is made for output. logical linear double precision jpcal ! amass: atomic weights, in amu. ! pmom: principal moments of inertia, in amu-bohr**2 and ! in ascending order. ! freq: vibrational frequencies, in cm**-1 and in ascending ! order ! c : coordinates in Angstroms ! vtemp: vibrational temperatures, in kelvin. ! evibn: contribution to e from the vibration n. ! cvibn: contribution to cv from the vibration n. ! svibn: contribution to s from the vibration n. ! t: temperature ! patm: pressure, in atmospheres dimension amass(*),freq(*),c(*) dimension vtemp(*),evibn(*),cvibn(*),svibn(*) dimension pmom(10) data zero,pt2,half,one,onept5/0.0d0,0.2d0,0.5d0,1.0d0,1.5d0/ data two,twopt5,four,eight,akilo/2.0d0,2.5d0,4.0d0,8.0d0,1000.d0/ data thresh/900.d0/ data iout /6/ data pstd /1.01325d+05/ 1000 format(/20x,19(1h*),/20x,'- Thermochemistry -',/20x,19(1h*),/ /) 1010 format(1x,'molecular mass (principal isotopes) ',f11.5,' amu') 1020 format(/1x,'temperature ',f9.3,' kelvin', & /1x,'pressure ',f9.5,' atm') !1030 format(/1x,'Warning-- assumptions made about the electronic ', ! + 'partition function', ! + /1x,' are not valid for multiplets!'/) 1040 format(/1x,'internal energy: ',f10.3,' joule/mol',9x, & f10.3,' kcal/mol' & /1x,'entropy: ',f10.3,' joule/k-mol',7x, & f10.3,' cal/k-mol' & /1x,'heat capacity cv: ',f10.3,' joule/k-mol',7x, & f10.3,' cal/k-mol') 1050 format(/1x,'rotational symmetry number ',f3.0) 1060 format(/1x,'Warning-- assumption of classical behavior for ', & 'rotation', & /1x,' may cause significant error'/) 1070 format(/1x,'rotational temperatures (kelvin) ',3f12.5) 1080 format(/1x,'rotational temperature (kelvin) ',f12.5) 1090 format(/1x,'zero point vibrational energy ', & f12.1,' (joules/mol) ', & /1x,30x,f12.5,' (kcal/mol)', & /1x,30x,f12.7,' (hartree/particle)') 1100 format(/1x,'Warning-- ',i3,' vibrations have low frequencies', & ' and may represent hindered ', & /1x,' internal rotations. The contributions ', & 'printed below assume that these ', & /1x,' really are vibrations.') 1110 format(/1x,'vibrational temperatures: ',5f9.2) 1120 format(1x,9x,'(kelvin)',9x,5f9.2) 1125 format(1x,26x,5f9.2) 1130 format(/ /1x, 10x, 'freq.',9x,'E',9x, 9x,'Cv',8x, 9x,'S') 1140 format(1x, 15x, 5x,'joules/mol',4x, 1x,'joules/mol-kelvin',1x, & 2x,'joules/mol-kelvin') 1150 format(1x, 'Total',10x, 3(4x,f11.3,4x)) 1160 format(1x, 'translational',2x, 3(4x,f11.3,4x)) 1170 format(1x, 'rotational',5x, 3(4x,f11.3,4x)) 1180 format(1x, 'vibrational',4x, 3(4x,f11.3,4x)) 1190 format(1x, i5,f10.3, 3(4x,f11.3,4x)) 1200 format(1x, 9x,'cm**-1', 6x,'kcal/mol',5x, 3x,'cal/mol-kelvin',2x, & 2x,'cal/mol-kelvin', & /8('----------')) 1210 format(1x,i3,' imaginary frequencies ignored') 1220 format(/1x,'principal moments of inertia (nuclei only) in ', & 'amu-A**2:', & /1x,5x,3f12.2) ! tokg: kilograms per amu. ! boltz: boltzman constant, in joules per kelvin. ! planck: planck constant, in joule-seconds. ! avog: avogadro constant, in mol**(-1). ! jpcal: joules per calorie. ! tomet: metres per Angstrom. ! hartre: joules per hartree. tokg = 1.660531d-27 boltz = 1.380622d-23 planck = 6.626196d-34 avog = 6.022169d+23 jpcal = 4.18674d+00 tomet = 1.0d-10 hartre = 4.35981d-18 ! compute the gas constant, pi, pi**2, and e. ! compute the conversion factors cal per joule and kcal per joule. gas = avog * boltz pi = four * datan(one) pipi = pi * pi e = dexp(one) tocal = one / jpcal tokcal = tocal / akilo ! print the temperature and pressure. p = pstd * patm write(iout,1000) write(iout,1020) t,patm rt = gas * t ! compute and print the molecular mass in amu, then convert to ! kilograms. weight = zero do 20 iat=1,natoms weight = weight + amass(iat) 20 continue write(iout,1010) weight weight = weight * tokg ! trap non-unit multiplicities. ! if (multip .ne. 1) write(iout,1030) ! compute contributions due to translation: ! etran-- internal energy ! ctran-- constant v heat capacity ! stran-- entropy dum1 = boltz * t dum2 = (two*pi) ** onept5 arg = dum1 ** onept5 / planck arg = (arg/p) * (dum1/planck) arg = arg * dum2 * (weight/planck) arg = arg * sqrt(weight) * e**twopt5 stran = gas * log(arg) etran = onept5 * rt ctran = onept5 * gas ! Compute contributions due to electronic motion: ! It is assumed that the first electronic excitation energy ! is much greater than kt and that the ground state has a ! degeneracy of one. Under these conditions the electronic ! partition function can be considered to be unity. The ! ground electronic state is taken to be the zero of ! electronic energy. ! 40 continue ! for monatomics print and return. if (natoms <= 1) then s = stran * tocal e = etran * tokcal cv = ctran * tocal write(iout,1040) etran,e,stran,s,ctran,cv return end if ! compute contributions due to rotation. ! Compute the principal moments of inertia, get the rotational ! symmetry number, see if the molecule is linear, and compute ! the rotational temperatures. Note the imbedded conversion ! of the moments to SI units. call mofi(natoms,c,amass,pmom) write(iout,1220) (pmom(i),i=1,3) linear = .false. call symnum(natoms,amass,sn,linear) write(iout,1050) sn con = planck / (boltz*eight*pipi) con = (con / tokg) * (planck / (tomet*tomet)) if (linear) then rtemp = con / pmom(3) if (rtemp < pt2) write(iout,1060) write(iout,1080) rtemp else rtemp1 = con / pmom(1) rtemp2 = con / pmom(2) rtemp3 = con / pmom(3) if (rtemp1 < pt2) write(iout,1060) write(iout,1070) rtemp1,rtemp2,rtemp3 end if ! erot-- rotational contribution to internal energy. ! crot-- rotational contribution to cv. ! srot-- rotational contribution to entropy. if (linear) then erot = rt crot = gas arg = (t/rtemp) * (e/sn) srot = gas * log(arg) else erot = onept5 * rt crot = onept5 * gas arg = sqrt(pi*e*e*e) / sn dum = (t/rtemp1) * (t/rtemp2) * (t/rtemp3) arg = arg * sqrt(dum) srot = gas * log(arg) end if ! compute contributions due to vibration. ! compute vibrational temperatures and zero point vibrational ! energy. only real frequencies are included in the analysis. ! ndof = 3*natoms - 6 - nimag ! if (nimag .ne. 0) write(iout,1210) nimag ! if (linear) ndof = ndof + 1 ndof = nvecs ! (---iff is the first frequency to include in thermo:) if (ilevel /= 0) then iff = 0 else if (linear) then iff = 5 else iff = 6 end if con = planck / boltz ezpe = zero do 160 i=1,ndof vtemp(i) = freq(i+iff) * con * 3.0d10 ezpe = ezpe + freq(i+iff) * 3.0d10 160 continue ezpe = half * planck * ezpe ezj = ezpe * avog ezkc = ezpe * tokcal * avog ezau = ezpe / hartre write(iout,1090) ezj, ezkc, ezau ! compute the number of vibrations for which more than 5% of an ! assembly of molecules would exist in vibrational excited states. ! special printing for these modes is done to allow the user to ! easily take internal rotations into account. the criterion ! corresponds roughly to a low frequency of 1.9(10**13) hz, or ! 625 cm**(-1), or a vibrational temperature of 900 k. lofreq = 0 do 180 i=1,ndof if (vtemp(i) < thresh) lofreq = lofreq + 1 180 continue if (lofreq /= 0) write(iout,1100) lofreq ! compute: ! evib-- the vibrational component of the internal energy. ! cvib-- the vibrational component of the heat capacity. ! svib-- the vibrational component of the entropy. evib = zero cvib = zero svib = zero do 220 i=1,ndof ! compute some common factors. tovt = vtemp(i) / t etovt = dexp(tovt) em1 = etovt - one ! compute contributions due to the i'th vibration. econt = tovt * (half + one/em1) ccont = etovt * (tovt/em1)**2 argd = one - one/etovt if (argd > 1.0d-7) then scont = tovt/em1 - log(argd) else scont = 0.0 write (6,*) 'warning: setting vibrational entropy to zero ', & 'for mode ',i,' with vtemp = ',vtemp(i) end if ! if (lofreq .ge. i) then evibn(i) = econt * rt cvibn(i) = ccont * gas svibn(i) = scont * gas ! end if evib = evib + econt cvib = cvib + ccont svib = svib + scont 220 continue evib = evib * rt cvib = cvib * gas svib = svib * gas ! the units are now: ! e-- joules/mol ! c-- joules/mol-kelvin ! s-- joules/mol-kelvin etot = etran + erot + evib ctot = ctran + crot + cvib stot = stran + srot + svib ! print the sum of the hartree-fock energy and the thermal energy. ! call tread(501,gen,47,1,47,1,0) ! esum = gen(32) + etot/avog/hartre ! write(iout,1230) esum ! convert to the following and print ! e-- kcal/mol ! c-- cal/mol-kelvin ! s-- cal/mol-kelvin 240 continue etran = etran * tokcal ctran = ctran * tocal stran = stran * tocal erot = erot * tokcal crot = crot * tocal srot = srot * tocal evib = evib * tokcal cvib = cvib * tocal svib = svib * tocal etot = etran + erot + evib ctot = ctran + crot + cvib stot = stran + srot + svib do 280 i=1,ndof evibn(i) = evibn(i) * tokcal cvibn(i) = cvibn(i) * tocal svibn(i) = svibn(i) * tocal 280 continue write(iout,1130) write(iout,1200) write(iout,1150) etot,ctot,stot write(iout,1160) etran,ctran,stran write(iout,1170) erot,crot,srot write(iout,1180) evib,cvib,svib do 318 i=1,iff write(iout,1190) i,freq(i) 318 continue do 320 i=1,ndof write(iout,1190) i+iff,freq(i+iff),evibn(i),cvibn(i),svibn(i) 320 continue return end subroutine thermo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine symnum here] subroutine symnum(natoms,amass,sn,linear) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) logical linear ! ----- routine to give the symmetry number. only for linear ! molecules. for others symmetry number is unity ----- dimension amass(*) sn = 1.0d0 if(natoms <= 2) then linear = .true. if(amass(1) == amass(2)) sn = 2.0d0 end if return end subroutine symnum !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine mofi here] subroutine mofi(natoms,c,amass,pmom) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) ! compute the principal moments of inertia. ! units are amu-bohr**2 character(len=1) uplo,jobz data uplo,jobz / 'U','V' / dimension c(*),amass(*),pmom(*) dimension com(3),t(9),e2(30),eigvec(9) data zero/0.0d0/ ! stetement function to get ccom. ccom(ixyz,iat)=c(ixyz+3*(iat-1))-com(ixyz) ! compute the position of the center of mass and translate ! it to the origin. com(1) = zero com(2) = zero com(3) = zero totwt = zero do 20 iat=1,natoms iaind = 3*(iat-1) wt = amass(iat) totwt = totwt + wt com(1) = com(1) + wt*c(1+iaind) com(2) = com(2) + wt*c(2+iaind) com(3) = com(3) + wt*c(3+iaind) 20 continue com(1) = com(1) / totwt com(2) = com(2) / totwt com(3) = com(3) / totwt ! compute the principal moments. do 60 i=1,9 t(i) = zero 60 continue do 80 iat=1,natoms wt = amass(iat) x = ccom(1,iat) y = ccom(2,iat) z = ccom(3,iat) t(1) = t(1) + wt * (y*y+z*z) t(3) = t(3) + wt * (x*x+z*z) t(6) = t(6) + wt * (x*x+y*y) t(2) = t(2) - wt * x * y t(4) = t(4) - wt * x * z t(5) = t(5) - wt * y * z 80 continue ier = 0 call dspev(jobz,uplo,3,t,pmom,eigvec,3,e2,ier) return end subroutine mofi