#!/bin/bash # Check the existence of a test version of the mdgx program MDGX="/home/cerutti/AmberPOpt/bin/mdgx.MPI" # Write a simple input file cat > mdgx.in << EOF &files -p prmtop -c inpcrd -r 1aho -o 1aho -x 1aho -f 1aho -osf .out -rsf .rst -xsf .trj -fsf .frc &end &cntrl DoSETTLE = 1, DoRATTLE = 0, Vdw14Fac = 2.0, Elec14Fac = 1.2, ElecCut = 10.000, vdw_cutoff = 10.000, dt = 2.0e-3, nstlim = 500000, nfistep = 0, ntpr = 50, ntwr = 500000, ntwf = 0, ntwx = 0, ntt = 0, Temperature = 300.0, SplnSpc = 0.015625, &end EOF # Run the mdgx program mpirun -np 8 ${MDGX} -O -i mdgx.in