""" This module contains classes that back up the state of the MM/PBSA calculation so that future post-processing of the output files can be done without re-supplying all of the information again. ######################### GPL LICENSE INFO ############################ Copyright (C) 2009 - 2012 Jason Swails, Bill Miller III, and Dwight McGee This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. """ import re import warnings class InfoFile(object): """ This is the class responsible for backing up all of the calculation information and details so the output files can be re-written or the data can be readied for post-processing with external scripts. This object is passed a copy of the main app MMPBSA_App class """ # Make a list about which INPUT variables are editable EDITABLE_INFO_VARS = ['debug_printlevel', 'verbose', 'csv_format', 'dec_verbose'] def __init__(self, app): """ Instantiate me """ self.app = app def write_info(self, name=None): """ Writes the info file to the info name """ if name is None: name = self.app.pre + 'info' outfile = open(name, 'w') # The data we have to write: INPUT, FILES, and the following attributes: # numframes, numframes_nmode, mpi_size (also recognize size), # input_file_text, mut_str # Start with INPUT (and the editable vars). Allow this to recognize INFO # files from the last version of MMPBSA.py outfile.write('# You can alter the variables below to change what info ' 'is printed out\n') for var in InfoFile.EDITABLE_INFO_VARS: outfile.write("INPUT['%s'] = %s\n" % (var, self.write_var(self.app.INPUT[var]))) outfile.write('#\n# MODIFY NOTHING BELOW HERE, OR GET WHAT YOU DESERVE\n') for var in self.app.INPUT.keys(): if var in InfoFile.EDITABLE_INFO_VARS: continue outfile.write("INPUT['%s'] = %s\n" % (var, self.write_var(self.app.INPUT[var]))) # Now print out the FILES for var in dir(self.app.FILES): # Skip over __method__ functions and output files if var.startswith('__') or var in ('rewrite_output', 'output_file', 'decompout', 'energyout', 'dec_energies', 'overwrite'): continue outfile.write("FILES.%s = %s\n" % (var, self.write_var(getattr(self.app.FILES, var)))) # Now print out the attributes we need to save outfile.write('size = %d\n' % self.app.mpi_size) outfile.write('numframes = %d\n' % self.app.numframes) outfile.write('numframes_nmode = %d\n' % self.app.numframes_nmode) outfile.write("mut_str = '%s'\n" % self.app.mut_str) outfile.write(self.app.input_file_text) def read_info(self, name=None): """ Reads a _MMPBSA_info file and populates the app """ from MMPBSA_mods.commandlineparser import OptionList # Give self.app a FILES attribute if it does not have one yet before # trying to modify it if not hasattr(self.app, 'FILES'): self.app.FILES = OptionList() if name is None: name = self.app.pre + 'info' #TODO Add checking for differences in FILES inputre = re.compile(r'''INPUT\['(\S+)'\] = ((?:'.*')|(?:".*")|\S+)''') filesre = re.compile(r'''FILES\.(\S+) = (.*)''') otherre = re.compile(r'(\S+) = (\S+)') infile = open(name, 'r') input_text = '' for line in infile: if line.startswith('#'): continue # Now load each info file line if line.startswith('|'): input_text += line continue rematch = inputre.match(line) if rematch: var, val = rematch.groups() val = _determine_type(val) self.app.INPUT[var] = val continue rematch = filesre.match(line) if rematch: var, val = rematch.groups() val = _determine_type(val) setattr(self.app.FILES, var, val) rematch = otherre.match(line) if rematch: var, val = rematch.groups() val = _determine_type(val) if var == 'size': self.app.mpi_size = val else: setattr(self.app, var, val) continue # Determine stability here: self.app.stability = (self.app.FILES.receptor_prmtop is None and self.app.FILES.ligand_prmtop is None) if self.app.FILES.receptor_mdcrd or self.app.FILES.ligand_mdcrd: self.app.traj_protocol = 'MTP' else: self.app.traj_protocol = 'STP' # Load the input file text self.app.input_file_text = input_text def write_var(self, var): """ Wrapper to return a string in which str vars are enclosed in quotes and numeric types (int and float) are not """ if isinstance(var, str): return "'%s'" % var else: return "%s" % var def _determine_type(thing): """ Determines what type this thing is """ # If it is a string with quotes, strip off the quotes if thing.startswith('"') and thing.endswith('"'): return thing[1:len(thing)-1] if thing.startswith("'") and thing.endswith("'"): return thing[1:len(thing)-1] # Check for bool or None if thing == 'True': return True elif thing == 'False': return False elif thing == 'None': return None # Check for int, then check for float try: return int(thing) except ValueError: pass try: return float(thing) except ValueError: pass # Check for list if thing.startswith('[') and thing.endswith(']'): return eval(thing) # No idea what else it could be! Return string, but warn warnings.warn('Encountered unknown type in info file.\n' + str(thing)) return thing