\file submolecule.h
\brief Container for atoms and bonds
\author Martin Peters
$Date: 2010/03/29 20:45:26 $
$Revision: 1.16 $
MTK++ - C++ package of modeling libraries.
Copyright (C) 2005-2006 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)
This file is part of MTK++.
MTK++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MTK++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lessser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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#include "Utils/constants.h"
namespace MTKpp
class collection;
class molecule;
class atom;
class vector3d;
struct Bond;
struct Angle;
struct Torsion;
struct Improper;
class stdFrag;
struct stdAtom;
// ============================================================
// Class : submolecule()
// ------------------------------------------------------------
\class submolecule
\brief Container for atoms and bonds
\author Martin Peters
\version 0.1
\date 2005
// ============================================================
class submolecule
friend class molecule;
\brief submolecule Constructor
\param parent molecule pointer
submolecule(molecule *parent = 0);
//! submolecule Destructor
virtual ~submolecule();
\brief Compares two submolecule based on collection index
\param lhs first idObject
\param rhs Second idObject
\return boolean
After this function is defined the STL sort() function can be used
static bool less(submolecule* lhs, submolecule* rhs)
return lhs->getColIndex() < rhs->getColIndex();
\brief Compares two submolecule based on collection index
\param lhs first idObject
\param rhs Second idObject
\return boolean
After this function is defined the STL sort() function can be used
static bool greater(submolecule* lhs, submolecule* rhs)
return lhs->getColIndex() > rhs->getColIndex();
\brief Copy contents of pSubMol in this submolecule
\param pSubMol submolecule pointer
void copy(submolecule* pSubMol);
\brief Get molecule which submolecule is apart of
\return molecule pointer
molecule* getParent();
\brief Add atom to the submolecule
\return atom pointer
virtual atom* addAtom();
\brief Copy atom into the submolecule
\param pAt atom pointer to be copied
\return atom pointer
virtual atom* addAtom(atom* pAt);
\brief Add a Bond between a and b
\param a atom pointer 1
\param b atom pointer 2
\return Bond pointer
virtual Bond* addBond(atom* a, atom* b);
\brief Set name of submolecule
\param name submolecule name
void setName(const std::string& name);
\brief Set 1-Letter name of submolecule
\param name submolecule 1-Letter name
void set1LName(const std::string& name);
\brief Get name of submolecule
\return submolecule name
std::string getName();
\brief Get 1-Letter name of submolecule
\return submolecule 1-Letter name
std::string get1LName();
\brief Set index of submolecule
\param i submolecule index
void setIndex(const int& i);
\brief Get index of submolecule
\return submolecule index
int getIndex();
\brief Set id of submolecule
\param id submolecule id
void setSubMolId(const int& id);
\brief Get id of submolecule
\return submolecule id
int getSubMolId();
\brief Set collection index of submolecule
\param id submolecule collection index
void setColIndex(const int& id);
\brief Get collection index of submolecule
\return submolecule collection index
int getColIndex();
\brief Set icode of submolecule
\param i submolecule icode
void setiCode(const std::string& i);
\brief Get icode of submolecule
\return submolecule icode
std::string getiCode();
\brief Set the number of atoms in submolecule
\param n number of atoms
void setNumAtoms(const int& n);
\brief Get number of atoms in the submolecule
\return number of atoms in submolecule
int getNumAtoms();
\brief Set the number of bonds in submolecule
\param n number of bonds
void setNumBonds(const int& n);
\brief Get number of bonds in the submolecule
\return number of bonds in submolecule
int getNumBonds();
\brief Set the standard fragment for this submolecule
\param f standard fragment (stdFrag) pointer
void setStdFrag(stdFrag* f);
\brief Get standard fragment associated with this submolecule
\return stdFrag pointer
stdFrag* getStdFrag();
\brief Has a standard fragment
\return boolean
bool hasStdFrag();
\brief Get all atoms in submolecule
\return list to atoms
std::vector getAtomList();
\brief Get all bonds in submolecule
\return list to bonds
std::vector getBondList();
\brief Get an atom in submolecule
\param i integer index
\return atom pointer
atom* getAtom(int i);
\brief Get an atom in submolecule
\param name atom name
\return atom pointer
atom* getAtom(const std::string& name);
\brief Get atom
\param pStdAtom standard atom pointer
\return atom pointer
atom* getAtom(stdAtom* pStdAtom);
//! Calculate the center of mass
void centerOfMass();
//! Get the center of mass
vector3d* getCenterOfMass();
\brief Get number of stdAtoms in fragment
\return number of stdAtoms
int numHeavyAtoms();
\brief Get Molecular Weight
\return molecular weight
double getMolecularWeight();
\brief Print submolecule details to screen
void print();
//! submolecules' molecule
molecule* pParent;
//! atom iterator
typedef std::vector::iterator AtomIterator;
//! submolecule name
std::string itsName;
//! submolecule name
std::string its1LName;
//! iCode from pdb file
std::string itsiCode;
//! Collection index
int itsColIndex;
//! Molecule index
int itsIndex;
//! submolecule internal id
int itsSubMolId; // This is a file id when pdb files are read
//! number of atoms
int itsNumAtoms;
//! number of bonds
int itsNumBonds;
// coordinates of its center of mass
vector3d* pCenterMass;
//! list of atoms in submolecule
std::vector itsAtomList;
//! list of bonds in submolecule
std::vector itsBondList;
//! atom pointer
atom* pAtom;
//! Bond pointer
Bond* pBond;
//! standard fragment pointer
stdFrag* pStdFrag;
} // MTKpp namespace