This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from /u/wxw/ambers/amber_dev/AmberTools/src/netcdf-fortran-4.2/man4//defines.texi. Copyright (C) 2005-2009 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided that the copyright notice and these paragraphs are preserved on all copies. The software and any accompanying written materials are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. UCAR expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The Unidata Program Center is managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Mention of any commercial company or product in this document does not constitute an endorsement by the Unidata Program Center. Unidata does not authorize any use of information from this publication for advertising or publicity purposes. INFO-DIR-SECTION netCDF scientific data format START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * netcdf-f77: (netcdf-f77). The NetCDF Fortran 77 Interface Guide END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  Indirect: 1423 292084  Tag Table: (Indirect) Node: Top1423 Node: Use of the NetCDF Library5021 Node: Creating a NetCDF Dataset6611 Node: Reading a NetCDF Dataset with Known Names9600 Node: Reading a netCDF Dataset with Unknown Names11652 Node: Adding New Dimensions14943 Node: Error Handling18046 Node: Compiling and Linking with the NetCDF Library19192 Node: Datasets20905 Node: Datasets Introduction21507 Node: NetCDF Library Interface Descriptions23509 Node: NF_STRERROR24544 Node: NF_INQ_LIBVERS25922 Node: NF_CREATE26598 Node: NF__CREATE30269 Node: NF_CREATE_PAR35402 Node: NF_OPEN38298 Node: NF__OPEN40222 Node: NF_OPEN_PAR43104 Node: NF_REDEF45721 Node: NF_ENDDEF46958 Node: NF__ENDDEF48687 Node: NF_CLOSE53090 Node: NF_INQ Family54557 Node: NF_SYNC57392 Node: NF_ABORT61514 Node: NF_SET_FILL63284 Node: NF_SET_DEFAULT_FORMAT67668 Node: NF_SET_CHUNK_CACHE69972 Node: NF_GET_CHUNK_CACHE71676 Node: Groups73101 Node: NF_INQ_NCID74760 Node: NF_INQ_GRPS76025 Node: NF_INQ_VARIDS77348 Node: NF_INQ_DIMIDS78592 Node: NF_INQ_GRPNAME_LEN80242 Node: NF_INQ_GRPNAME81459 Node: NF_INQ_GRPNAME_FULL82972 Node: NF_INQ_GRP_PARENT84562 Node: NF_INQ_GRP_NCID85892 Node: NF_INQ_GRP_FULL_NCID87339 Node: NF_DEF_GRP88848 Node: Dimensions90782 Node: Dimensions Introduction91056 Node: NF_DEF_DIM92909 Node: NF_INQ_DIMID95003 Node: NF_INQ_DIM Family96475 Node: NF_RENAME_DIM99357 Node: User Defined Data Types101310 Node: User Defined Types101649 Node: NF_INQ_TYPEIDS103063 Node: NF_INQ_TYPEID103989 Node: NF_INQ_TYPE105104 Node: NF_INQ_USER_TYPE107691 Node: Compound Types109448 Node: NF_DEF_COMPOUND110682 Node: NF_INSERT_COMPOUND112869 Node: NF_INSERT_ARRAY_COMPOUND114881 Node: NF_INQ_COMPOUND117505 Node: NF_INQ_COMPOUND_FIELD120268 Node: Variable Length Array123586 Node: NF_DEF_VLEN125624 Node: NF_INQ_VLEN126975 Node: NF_FREE_VLEN128382 Node: NF_PUT_VLEN_ELEMENT129380 Node: NF_GET_VLEN_ELEMENT130680 Node: Opaque Type132146 Node: NF_DEF_OPAQUE132890 Node: NF_INQ_OPAQUE134137 Node: Enum Type135320 Node: NF_DEF_ENUM135674 Node: NF_INSERT_ENUM137615 Node: NF_INQ_ENUM139378 Node: NF_INQ_ENUM_MEMBER140866 Node: NF_INQ_ENUM_IDENT142444 Node: Variables143979 Node: Variables Introduction144990 Node: Variable Types147264 Node: NF_DEF_VAR148640 Node: NF_DEF_VAR_CHUNKING152530 Node: NF_INQ_VAR_CHUNKING157255 Node: NF_SET_VAR_CHUNK_CACHE158916 Node: NF_GET_VAR_CHUNK_CACHE161343 Node: NF_DEF_VAR_FILL163693 Node: NF_INQ_VAR_FILL165807 Node: NF_DEF_VAR_DEFLATE166762 Node: NF_INQ_VAR_DEFLATE170760 Node: NF_INQ_VAR_SZIP172656 Node: NF_DEF_VAR_FLETCHER32173825 Node: NF_INQ_VAR_FLETCHER32176763 Node: NF_DEF_VAR_ENDIAN178185 Node: NF_INQ_VAR_ENDIAN181384 Node: NF_INQ_VARID182816 Node: NF_INQ_VAR family184193 Node: NF_PUT_VAR1_ type188346 Node: NF_PUT_VAR_ type192341 Node: NF_PUT_VARA_ type197078 Node: NF_PUT_VARS_ type203224 Node: NF_PUT_VARM_ type209242 Node: NF_GET_VAR1_ type218496 Node: NF_GET_VAR_ type222499 Node: NF_GET_VARA_ type226390 Node: NF_GET_VARS_ type231996 Node: NF_GET_VARM_ type237636 Node: Reading and Writing Character String Values246958 Node: Fill Values252379 Node: NF_RENAME_VAR254795 Node: NF_VAR_PAR_ACCESS256654 Node: Attributes258785 Node: Attributes Introduction259141 Node: NF_PUT_ATT_ type261272 Node: NF_INQ_ATT Family266522 Node: NF_GET_ATT_ type270934 Node: NF_COPY_ATT275766 Node: NF_RENAME_ATT279479 Node: NF_DEL_ATT281659 Node: V2 FORTRAN Transition283501 Node: Summary of FORTRAN 77 Interface292084 Node: Combined Index305460  End Tag Table