include ../config.h # Makefile for building and installing AMBER 10 Amgauss ESPTDOC = ESSfile.pdf Gfchk.pdf Glib.pdf Aprmtop.pdf Aprmcrd.pdf FIXEDPWD=$(subst /,\/,$(PWD)) PROG=amgauss SHELL=/bin/sh VPATH=lib/ESPT install: fixlib chmod exelink chmod: -chmod a+x $(PROG).pl clean: uninstall -rm -f doc/*.pdf uninstall: -rm -f $(BINDIR)/$(PROG) # create documentation in pdf format # from embedded perldoc. doc: $(PROG).pdf mv $(PROG).pdf doc/ # link to the development version of ESPT esptlink: ln -s ../../ESPT lib/ESPT # make a link in AMBER's binaries directory exelink: ln -sf ../src/$(PROG)/$(PROG).pl $(BINDIR)/$(PROG) # make ESPT documentation extradoc: $(ESPTDOC) mv *.pdf doc/ # update the use lib statement to reflect where amgauss actually resides fixlib: perl -pe 's/^use\slib\s".*$(PROG)\/lib";/use lib "$(FIXEDPWD)\/lib";/g' $(PROG).plx > : pod2man $< | groff -man -Tps -t >$@ : pod2man $< | groff -man -Tps -t >$@ %.pdf : ps2pdf $<