char *amberhome; # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include "common.h" # include "define.h" # include "atom.h" # include "utility.c" # include "common.c" # include "ring.c" # include "equatom.c" # include "ac.c" # include "charmm.c" # include "mol2.c" # include "mmcif.c" # include "mopcrt.c" # include "divcrt.c" # include "sqmcrt.c" # include "sqmout.c" # include "mopint.c" # include "mopout.c" # include "divout.c" # include "gcrt.c" # include "gzmat.c" # include "gout.c" # include "pdb.c" # include "csd.c" # include "mdl.c" # include "alc.c" # include "hin.c" # include "prep.c" # include "rst.c" # include "jzmat.c" # include "jcrt.c" # include "jout.c" # include "gesp.c" # include "charge.c" int ao_flag = 0; /*For addtional file 1, only readin coordinates 2, only readin charge 3, only readin atom names 4, only readin atom types 5, only readin bond types */ int atomtype_flag = 0; /*judge atom type? */ int bondtype_flag = 0; /*judge bond type? */ int default_flag = 0; /*assign default information? */ int atomname_flag = 0; /*assign atom name? */ int atomicnum_flag = 0; /*judge atomic number according to atom name ? */ int adjustatomname_flag = 0; /*adjust atom name? */ int usr_aan_flag = -99; /*the user's input for adjusting atom names */ int duplicatedname_flag = 0; /*check atom name duplication? */ int cartcoord_flag = 0; /*generate coordinate from internal coordinate ? */ int connect_flag = 0; /*judge atom connectivity and generate bond ? */ int chargemethod_flag = 0; /* is there a "-c" flag on the input line? */ int divcon_flag = 2; int ek_flag = 0; /* read empircal calculation keyword or not */ int max_path_length = -1; int atomnum = 0; int bondnum = 0; int ringnum = 0; ATOM *atom; BOND *bond; RING *ring; AROM *arom; MOLINFO minfo; MOLINFO minfo2; CONTROLINFO cinfo; int atomnum_tmp = 0; int bondnum_tmp = 0; ATOM *atom_tmp; BOND *bond_tmp; char line[MAXCHAR]; char ifilename[MAXCHAR]; char ofilename[MAXCHAR]; char afilename[MAXCHAR] = ""; char cfilename[MAXCHAR]; char blockId[5]; /* for component mmcif files */ /*The following four functions, read_at(), write_at(), read_bt() and write_bt() are used in amber sybyl interface development and are unreachable to the users */ int ra_flag = 0; int rb_flag = 0; int wa_flag = 0; int wb_flag = 0; char at_filename[MAXCHAR]; char bt_filename[MAXCHAR]; FILE *fpin; FILE *fpout; size_t copied_size; void usage() { if (strcmp(COLORTEXT, "YES") == 0 || strcmp(COLORTEXT, "yes") == 0) { printf("Usage: antechamber -i  input file name\n" " -fi  input file format\n" " -o  output file name\n" " -fo  output file format\n" " -c  charge method\n" " -cf  charge file name\n" " -nc  net molecular charge (int)\n" " -a  additional file name\n" " -fa  additional file format\n" " -ao  additional file operation\n" " crd : only read in coordinate\n" " crg : only read in charge\n" " radius: only read in radius\n" " name : only read in atom name\n" " type : only read in atom type\n" " bond : only read in bond type \n" " -m  multiplicity (2S+1), default is 1\n" " -rn  residue name, overrides input file, default is MOL\n" " -rf  residue toplogy file name in prep input file,\n" " default is molecule.res\n" " -ch  check file name for gaussian, default is 'molecule'\n" " -ek  mopac or sqm keyword, inside a pair of quotes\n" " -gk  gaussian job keyword, inside a pair of quotes\n" " -gm  gaussian memory keyword, inside a pair of quotes, such as\"%%mem=1000MB\"\n" " -gn  gaussian number of processors keyword, inside a pair of quotes, such as \"%%nproc=8\"\n" " -gv  add keyword to generate gesp file (for Gaussian 09 only)\n" " 1 : yes\n" " 0 : no, the default\n" " -ge  gaussian esp file generated by iop(6/50=1), default is g09.gesp\n" " -df  am1-bcc precharge flag, 2 - use sqm(default); 0 - use mopac\n" " -at  atom type, can be gaff (the default), amber (for PARM94/99/99SB), bcc and sybyl\n" " -du  fix duplicate atom names: yes(y)[default] or no(n)\n" " -bk  4-character component Id, for ccif\n" " -an  adjust atom names: yes(y) or no(n)\n" " the default is 'y' for 'mol2' and 'ac' and 'n' for the other formats \n" " -j  atom type and bond type prediction index, default is 4 \n" " 0 : no assignment\n" " 1 : atom type \n" " 2 : full bond types \n" " 3 : part bond types \n" " 4 : atom and full bond type \n" " 5 : atom and part bond type \n" " -s  status information: 0(brief), 1(default) or 2(verbose)\n" " -eq  equalizing atomic charge, default is 1 for '-c resp' and '-c bcc' and 0 for the other charge methods \n" " 0 : no use\n" " 1 : by atomic paths \n" " 2 : by atomic paths and structural information, i.e. E/Z configurations \n" " -pf  remove intermediate files: yes(y) or no(n)[default]\n" " -pl  maximum path length to determin equivalence of atomic charges for resp and bcc,\n" "  the smaller the value, the faster the algorithm, default is -1 (use full length),\n" "  set this parameter to 10 to 30 if your molecule is big (# atoms >= 100)\n" " -i -o -fi and -fo must appear; others are optional\n" " Use 'antechamber -L' to list the supported file formats and charge methods\n"); } else { printf("Usage: antechamber -i input file name\n" " -fi input file format\n" " -o output file name\n" " -fo output file format\n" " -c charge method\n" " -cf charge file name\n" " -nc net molecular charge (int)\n" " -a additional file name\n" " -fa additional file format\n" " -ao additional file operation\n" " crd only read in coordinate\n" " crg only read in charge\n" " radius only read in radius\n" " name only read in atom name\n" " type only read in atom type\n" " bond only read in bond type \n" " -m multiplicity (2S+1), default is 1\n" " -rn residue name, overrides input file, default is MOL\n" " -rf residue toplogy file name in prep input file,\n" " default is molecule.res\n" " -ch check file name for gaussian, default is molecule\n" " -ek mopac or sqm keyword, inside a pair of quotes\n" " -gk gaussian job keyword, inside a pair of quotes\n" " -gm gaussian memory keyword, inside a pair of quotes, such as\"%%mem=1000MB\"\n" " -gn gaussian number of processors keyword, inside a pair of quotes, such as \"%%nproc=8\"\n" " -gv add keyword to generate gesp file (for Gaussian 09 only)\n" " 1: yes\n" " 0: no, the default\n" " -ge gaussian esp file generated by iop(6/50=1), default is g09.gesp\n" " -df am1-bcc precharge flag, 2 - use sqm(default); 0 - use mopac\n" " -at atom type, can be gaff (default), amber (for PARM94/99/99SB), bcc and sybyl\n" " -du fix duplicate atom names: yes(y)[default] or no(n)\n" " -bk 4-character component Id, for ccif\n" " -an adjust atom names: yes(y) or no(n)\n" " the default is 'y' for 'mol2' and 'ac' and 'n' for the other formats \n" " -j atom type and bond type prediction index, default is 4 \n" " 0 no assignment\n" " 1 atom type \n" " 2 full bond types \n" " 3 part bond types \n" " 4 atom and full bond type \n" " 5 atom and part bond type \n" " -eq equalizing atomic charge, default is 1 for '-c resp' and '-c bcc' and 0 for the other charge methods \n" " 0 no use\n" " 1 by atomic paths \n" " 2 by atomic paths and structural information, i.e. E/Z configurations \n" " -s status information: 0(brief), 1(default) or 2(verbose)\n" " -pf remove intermediate files: yes(y) or no(n)[default]\n" " -pl maximum path length to determin equivalence of atomic charges for resp and bcc,\n" " the smaller the value, the faster the algorithm, default is -1 (use full length),\n" " set this parameter to 10 to 30 if your molecule is big (# atoms >= 100)\n" " -i -o -fi and -fo must appear; others are optional\n" " Using 'antechamber -L' to list the supported file formats and charge methods\n"); } } void list() { if (strcmp(COLORTEXT, "YES") == 0 || strcmp(COLORTEXT, "yes") == 0) { printf ("  List of the File Formats  \n"); printf ("\n file format type abbre. index | file format type abbre. index"); printf ("\n --------------------------------------------------------------- "); printf ("\n Antechamber ac 1 | Sybyl Mol2 mol2 2 "); printf ("\n PDB pdb 3 | Modified PDB mpdb 4 "); printf ("\n AMBER PREP (int) prepi 5 | AMBER PREP (car) prepc 6 "); printf ("\n Gaussian Z-Matrix gzmat 7 | Gaussian Cartesian gcrt 8 "); printf ("\n Mopac Internal mopint 9 | Mopac Cartesian mopcrt 10 "); printf ("\n Gaussian Output gout 11 | Mopac Output mopout 12 "); printf ("\n Alchemy alc 13 | CSD csd 14 "); printf ("\n MDL mdl 15 | Hyper hin 16 "); printf ("\n AMBER Restart rst 17 | Jaguar Cartesian jcrt 18 "); printf ("\n Jaguar Z-Matrix jzmat 19 | Jaguar Output jout 20"); printf ("\n Divcon Input divcrt 21 | Divcon Output divout 22"); printf ("\n SQM Input sqmcrt 23 | SQM Output sqmout 24"); printf ("\n Charmm charmm 25 | Gaussian ESP gesp 26"); printf ("\n Component cif ccif 27 | "); printf ("\n --------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf (" AMBER restart file can only be read in as additional file.\n"); printf ("\n  List of the Charge Methods  \n"); printf ("\n charge method abbre. index | charge method abbre. index"); printf ("\n ---------------------------------------------------------------- "); printf ("\n RESP resp 1 | AM1-BCC bcc 2"); printf ("\n CM1 cm1 3 | CM2 cm2 4"); printf ("\n ESP (Kollman) esp 5 | Mulliken mul 6"); printf ("\n Gasteiger gas 7 | Read in charge rc 8"); printf ("\n Write out charge wc 9 | Delete Charge dc 10"); printf ("\n ----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { printf (" List of the File Formats \n"); printf ("\n file format type abbre. index | file format type abbre. index"); printf ("\n --------------------------------------------------------------- "); printf ("\n Antechamber ac 1 | Sybyl Mol2 mol2 2 "); printf ("\n PDB pdb 3 | Modified PDB mpdb 4 "); printf ("\n AMBER PREP (int) prepi 5 | AMBER PREP (car) prepc 6 "); printf ("\n Gaussian Z-Matrix gzmat 7 | Gaussian Cartesian gcrt 8 "); printf ("\n Mopac Internal mopint 9 | Mopac Cartesian mopcrt 10 "); printf ("\n Gaussian Output gout 11 | Mopac Output mopout 12 "); printf ("\n Alchemy alc 13 | CSD csd 14 "); printf ("\n MDL mdl 15 | Hyper hin 16 "); printf ("\n AMBER Restart rst 17 | Jaguar Cartesian jcrt 18 "); printf ("\n Jaguar Z-Matrix jzmat 19 | Jaguar Output jout 20"); printf ("\n Divcon Input divcrt 21 | Divcon Output divout 22"); printf ("\n SQM Input sqmcrt 23 | SQM Output sqmout 24"); printf ("\n Charmm charmm 25 | Gaussian ESP gesp 26"); printf ("\n Component cif ccif 27 | "); printf ("\n --------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf (" AMBER restart file can only be read in as additional file.\n"); printf ("\n List of the Charge Methods \n"); printf ("\n charge method abbre. index | charge method abbre. index"); printf ("\n ---------------------------------------------------------------- "); printf ("\n RESP resp 1 | AM1-BCC bcc 2"); printf ("\n CM1 cm1 3 | CM2 cm2 4"); printf ("\n ESP (Kollman) esp 5 | Mulliken mul 6"); printf ("\n Gasteiger gas 7 | Read in charge rc 8"); printf ("\n Write out charge wc 9 | Delete Charge dc 10"); printf ("\n ----------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } } void memory(int flag, int maxatom, int maxbond, int maxring) { if (flag == 0) { atom = (ATOM *) malloc(sizeof(ATOM) * maxatom); if (atom == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *atom\n"); exit(1); } arom = (AROM *) malloc(sizeof(AROM) * maxatom); if (arom == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *arom\n"); exit(1); } bond = (BOND *) malloc(sizeof(BOND) * maxbond); if (bond == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *bond\n"); exit(1); } int i; for (i = 0; i < maxbond; ++i) { bond[i].jflag = -1; /* bond type has not been assigned */ } } /*flag = 1 <->atom = 2 <->bond = 3 <->arom = 4 <->atom + bond = 5 <->atom + arom = 6 <->bond + arom = 7 <->atom + arom +bond */ if (flag == 1 || flag == 4 || flag == 5 || flag == 7) { free(atom); atom = (ATOM *) malloc(sizeof(ATOM) * maxatom); if (atom == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *atom\n"); exit(1); } } if (flag == 2 || flag == 4 || flag == 6 || flag == 7) { free(bond); bond = (BOND *) malloc(sizeof(BOND) * maxbond); if (bond == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *bond\n"); exit(1); } int i; for (i = 0; i < maxbond; ++i) { bond[i].jflag = -1; /* bond type has not been assigned */ } } if (flag == 3 || flag == 5 || flag == 6 || flag == 7) { free(arom); arom = (AROM *) malloc(sizeof(AROM) * maxatom); if (arom == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *arom\n"); exit(1); } } if (flag == 8) { free(ring); ring = (RING *) malloc(sizeof(RING) * maxring); if (ring == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *ring\n"); exit(1); } } } void judgebondtype(int atomnum, ATOM * atom, int bondnum, BOND * bond, CONTROLINFO cinfo, MOLINFO minfo, int bondtype_flag) { char tmpchar[MAXCHAR]; char *options; int status = 0; wac("ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC0", atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, minfo); copied_size = build_exe_path(tmpchar, "bondtype", sizeof tmpchar, 1 ); if (bondtype_flag == 1) options = " -j part -i ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC0" " -o ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC -f ac" ; else options = " -j full -i ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC0" " -o ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC -f ac" ; strncat(tmpchar, options, MAXCHAR - copied_size ); if (cinfo.intstatus == 2) fprintf(stdout, "Running: %s\n", tmpchar); status = system(tmpchar); if(status != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Error: cannot run \"%s\" in judgebondtype() of antechamber.c properly, exit\n", tmpchar); exit(1); } minfo2 = minfo; rac("ANTECHAMBER_BOND_TYPE.AC", &atomnum, atom, &bondnum, bond, &cinfo, &minfo2); } int read_at(char *filename) { FILE *fpin; int num = 0; char tmpchar1[MAXCHAR]; char tmpchar2[MAXCHAR]; char tmpchar3[MAXCHAR]; char line[MAXCHAR]; if ((fpin = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "Cannot open file %s in read_at(), exit\n", filename); return 0; } for (;;) { if (fgets(line, MAXCHAR, fpin) == NULL) break; sscanf(line, "%s%s%s", tmpchar1, tmpchar2, tmpchar3); strcpy(atom[num++].ambername, tmpchar3); } fclose(fpin); return 0; } int read_bt(char *filename) { FILE *fpin; int num = 0; char tmpchar1[MAXCHAR]; char tmpchar2[MAXCHAR]; char tmpchar3[MAXCHAR]; char line[MAXCHAR]; if ((fpin = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "Cannot open file %s in read_bt(), exit\n", filename); return 0; } for (;;) { if (fgets(line, MAXCHAR, fpin) == NULL) break; sscanf(line, "%s%s%s%d", tmpchar1, tmpchar2, tmpchar3, &bond[num++].type); } fclose(fpin); return 0; } int write_at(char *filename) { FILE *fpout; int i; if ((fpout = fopen(filename, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "Cannot open file %s to write in write_at(), exit\n", filename); return 0; } for(i=0;i 0) { index = 1; break; } if(index == 1) { bondnum = 0; for(i=0; i 0) { index = 1; break; } if(index == 1) { bondnum = 0; for(i=0; i 0) { judgebondtype(atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, minfo, bondtype_flag); if(cinfo.prediction_index ==2||cinfo.prediction_index ==3) { cinfo.prediction_index = 0; atomtype_flag = 0; bondtype_flag = 0; } if(cinfo.prediction_index ==4||cinfo.prediction_index ==5) { cinfo.prediction_index = 1; atomtype_flag = 1; bondtype_flag = 0; } } if (duplicatedname_flag) duplicatedname(atomnum, atom); if (atomtype_flag) { wac("ANTECHAMBER_AC.AC0", atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, minfo); atomtype_args = " -i ANTECHAMBER_AC.AC0 -o ANTECHAMBER_AC.AC -p "; copied_size = build_exe_path(tmpchar, "atomtype", sizeof tmpchar, 1 ); strncat(tmpchar, atomtype_args, MAXCHAR - copied_size ); strncat(tmpchar, minfo.atom_type_def, MAXCHAR - copied_size - strlen(atomtype_args)); if (cinfo.intstatus == 2) fprintf(stdout, "\nRunning: %s\n", tmpchar); status = system(tmpchar); if(status != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Error: cannot run \"%s\" in main() of antechamber.c properly, exit\n", tmpchar); exit(1); } minfo2 = minfo; rac("ANTECHAMBER_AC.AC", &atomnum, atom, &bondnum, bond, &cinfo, &minfo2); } /* the following code readin or calculate charges */ /* usercharge info*/ if (minfo.usercharge > -9999) { /*charge read in with -nc flag, it is unlikely users input a charge smaller than -9999 */ minfo.icharge = minfo.usercharge; minfo.dcharge = minfo.usercharge; } else { if(minfo.dcharge < -9990) { minfo.dcharge = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < atomnum; i++) minfo.dcharge += atom[i].charge; fraction = modf(minfo.dcharge, &tmpf); minfo.icharge = (int) tmpf; if (fabs(fraction) >= 0.50) { if (minfo.dcharge < 0) minfo.icharge--; if (minfo.dcharge > 0) minfo.icharge++; } } } if(minfo.multiplicity < -9990) minfo.multiplicity = 1; /*zero weird charges */ if(minfo.usercharge < -9990 && (minfo.icharge <= -10 || minfo.icharge >= 10)) { fprintf(stdout, "Warning: Weird total charge: %d!" "The net charge is assumed to be 0.\n" " If the weird charge was correct, " "specify it via the -nc net charge flag.\n", minfo.icharge); minfo.icharge = 0; } if (strcmp("resp", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("1", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) resp(ifilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, minfo); else if (strcmp("bcc", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("2", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) bcc(ifilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, arom, &cinfo, &minfo); else if (strcmp("cm1", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("3", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) cm1(atomnum, atom, &cinfo, &minfo); else if (strcmp("cm2", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("4", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) cm2(atomnum, atom, &cinfo, &minfo); else if (strcmp("esp", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("5", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) esp(ifilename, atomnum, atom, cinfo, minfo); else if (strcmp("mul", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("6", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) mul(ifilename, atomnum, atom, &cinfo, &minfo); else if (strcmp("gas", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("7", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) gascharge(atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, &minfo); else if (strcmp("rc", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("8", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) rcharge(cfilename, atomnum, atom, cinfo, &minfo); else if (strcmp("wc", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("9", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) wcharge(cfilename, atomnum, atom, cinfo, minfo); else if (strcmp("dc", cinfo.chargetype) == 0 || strcmp("10", cinfo.chargetype) == 0) { for(i=0;i 1 && strlen(cinfo.atype) > 1) { cinfo.maxatom = atomnum + 10; cinfo.maxbond = bondnum + 10; atom_tmp = (ATOM *) malloc(sizeof(ATOM) * cinfo.maxatom); if (atom_tmp == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *atom_tmp\n"); exit(1); } bond_tmp = (BOND *) malloc(sizeof(BOND) * cinfo.maxbond); if (bond_tmp == NULL) { fprintf(stdout, "memory allocation error for *bond_tmp\n"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < cinfo.maxbond; ++i) { bond[i].jflag = -1; /* bond type has not been assigned */ } if (strcmp("ac", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("1", cinfo.atype) == 0) { minfo2 = minfo; overflow_flag = rac(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &bondnum_tmp, bond_tmp, &cinfo, &minfo2); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("mol2", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("2", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rmol2(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &bondnum_tmp, bond_tmp, &cinfo, &minfo, 0); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("mopint", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("9", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rmopint(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("mopcrt", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("10", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rmopcrt(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("mopout", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("12", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rmopout(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &cinfo, &minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("gcrt", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("8", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rgcrt(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("gzmat", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("7", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rgzmat(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("gout", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("11", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rgout(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, &minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("jcrt", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("18", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rjcrt(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("jzmat", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("19", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rjzmat(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("jout", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("20", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rjout(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, &minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("pdb", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("3", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rpdb(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo, 0); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("mpdb", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("4", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rpdb(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo, 1); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("csd", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("14", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rcsd(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("mdl", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("sd", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("sdf", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("15", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rmdl(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &bondnum_tmp, bond_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("alc", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("13", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = ralc(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &bondnum_tmp, bond_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("hin", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("16", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rhin(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &bondnum_tmp, bond_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("prepi", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("5", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rprepi(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &bondnum_tmp, bond_tmp, &cinfo, &minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("prepc", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("6", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rprepc(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &cinfo, &minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("rst", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("17", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rrst(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("divcrt", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("21", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rdivcrt(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("divout", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("22", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rdivout(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &cinfo, &minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("sqmcrt", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("23", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rsqmcrt(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("sqmout", cinfo.atype) == 0 || strcmp("24", cinfo.atype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rsqmout(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &cinfo, &minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("charmm", cinfo.intype) == 0 || strcmp("25", cinfo.intype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rcharmm(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, &bondnum, bond, &cinfo, &minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (strcmp("gesp", cinfo.intype) == 0 || strcmp("26", cinfo.intype) == 0) { overflow_flag = rgesp(afilename, &atomnum_tmp, atom_tmp, cinfo, minfo); if (overflow_flag) { fprintf(stdout, "Overflow happens for additional files, exit"); exit(1); } } if (ao_flag == 1) for (i = 0; i < atomnum; i++) { atom[i].x = atom_tmp[i].x; atom[i].y = atom_tmp[i].y; atom[i].z = atom_tmp[i].z; } if (ao_flag == 2) for (i = 0; i < atomnum; i++) atom[i].charge = atom_tmp[i].charge; if (ao_flag == 3) for (i = 0; i < atomnum; i++) strcpy(atom[i].name, atom_tmp[i].name); if (ao_flag == 4) for (i = 0; i < atomnum; i++) strcpy(atom[i].ambername, atom_tmp[i].ambername); if (ao_flag == 5) for (i = 0; i < bondnum; i++) bond[i].type = bond_tmp[i].type; if (ao_flag == 6) for (i = 0; i < atomnum; i++) atom[i].radius = atom_tmp[i].radius; free(atom_tmp); free(bond_tmp); } /* This part may not necessary! commented by Junmei Wang if(atomtype_flag == 0 && (strcmp("charmm", cinfo.outtype) == 0|| strcmp("23", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("ac", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("1", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("mol2", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("2", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("csd", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("14", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("mdl", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("15", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("sdf", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("sd", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("alc", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("13", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("hin", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("16", cinfo.outtype) == 0)) { memory(8, cinfo.maxatom, cinfo.maxbond, cinfo.maxring); overflow_flag = ringdetect(atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, &ringnum, ring, arom, cinfo.maxatom, cinfo.maxring, minfo.inf_filename, 0); if (overflow_flag) { cinfo.maxring = ringnum + 10; memory(8, cinfo.maxatom, cinfo.maxbond, cinfo.maxring); overflow_flag = ringdetect(atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, &ringnum, ring, arom, cinfo.maxatom, cinfo.maxring, minfo.inf_filename, 0); } } */ if(ra_flag==1) read_at(at_filename); if(rb_flag==1) read_bt(bt_filename); /* write out files */ if (strcmp("ac", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("1", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wac(ofilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, minfo); } else if (strcmp("charmm", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("23", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wcharmm(ofilename, ifilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, minfo); } else if (strcmp("mol2", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("2", cinfo.outtype) == 0) { wmol2(ofilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, arom, cinfo, minfo); } else if (strcmp("mopint", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("9", cinfo.outtype) == 0) { adjust_sequence_order(atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond); wmopint(ofilename, atomnum, atom, minfo); } else if (strcmp("mopcrt", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("10", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wmopcrt(ofilename, atomnum, atom, minfo); } else if (strcmp("mopout", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("12", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wmopout(ofilename, atomnum, atom, cinfo, minfo); } else if (strcmp("gcrt", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("8", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wgcrt(ofilename, atomnum, atom, minfo); } else if (strcmp("gzmat", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("7", cinfo.outtype) == 0) { adjust_sequence_order(atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond); wgzmat(ofilename, atomnum, atom, minfo); } else if (strcmp("gout", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("11", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wgout(); } else if (strcmp("jcrt", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("18", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wjcrt(ofilename, atomnum, atom, minfo); } else if (strcmp("jzmat", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("19", cinfo.outtype) == 0) { adjust_sequence_order(atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond); wjzmat(ofilename, atomnum, atom, minfo); } else if (strcmp("jout", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("20", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wjout(); } else if (strcmp("pdb", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("3", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wpdb(ofilename, atomnum, atom); } else if (strcmp("mpdb", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("4", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wmpdb(ofilename, atomnum, atom); } else if (strcmp("csd", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("14", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wcsd(ofilename, atomnum, atom); } else if (strcmp("mdl", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("sdf", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("sd", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("15", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wmdl(ofilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo); } else if (strcmp("alc", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("13", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ walc(ofilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond); } else if (strcmp("hin", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("16", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ whin(ofilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond); } else if (strcmp("prepi", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("5", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wprep(ofilename, ifilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, &minfo, 1); } else if (strcmp("prepc", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("6", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wprep(ofilename, ifilename, atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, cinfo, &minfo, 0); } else if (strcmp("rst", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("17", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wrst(ofilename, atomnum, atom); } else if (strcmp("divcrt", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("21", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wdivcrt(ofilename, atomnum, atom, minfo); } else if (strcmp("divout", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("22", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wdivout(ofilename, atomnum, atom, cinfo, minfo); } else if (strcmp("gesp", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("25", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wgesp(); } else if (strcmp("sqmcrt", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("23", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wsqmcrt(ofilename, atomnum, atom, minfo); } else if (strcmp("sqmout", cinfo.outtype) == 0 || strcmp("24", cinfo.outtype) == 0){ wsqmout(ofilename, atomnum, atom, cinfo, minfo); /* info(atomnum, atom, bondnum, bond, arom, cinfo, minfo); */ } else { fprintf( stderr, "Unknown output file format: %s\n", cinfo.outtype ); exit(1); } /* free(atom); free(bond); free(arom); */ if(wa_flag==1) write_at(at_filename); if(wb_flag==1) write_bt(bt_filename); if (cinfo.pfindex == 1) { status = system("rm -f ANTECHAMBER* ATOMTYPE.INF BCCTYPE.INF NEWPDB.PDB PREP.INF"); if(status != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Error: cannot run \"%s\" in main() of antechamber.c properly, exit\n", "rm -f ANTECHAMBER* ATOMTYPE.INF BCCTYPE.INF NEWPDB.PDB PREP.INF"); exit(1); } } printf("\n"); return (0); }