program add_pdb !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This program adds data entries to the PRMTOP file from a matching PDB file. ! It is very simple, and requires all residues to be in the same order. ! ! The following four property arrays are added: ! ! %FLAG RESIDUE_NUMBER ! %COMMENT Residue number (resSeq) read from PDB file; DIMENSION(NRES) ! %FORMAT (20I4) ! ! %FLAG RESIDUE_CHAINID ! %COMMENT Residue chain ID (chainId) read from PDB file; DIMENSION(NRES) ! %FORMAT (20a4) ! ! %FLAG RESIDUE_ICODE ! %COMMENT Residue insertion code (iCode) read from PDB file; DIMENSION(NRES) ! %FORMAT (20a4) ! ! %FLAG ATOM_ELEMENT ! %COMMENT Atom element and formal charge, as read from PDB file; DIMENSION(NATOM) ! %COMMENT If all iCodes are blank, this array is not stored in the PRMTOP file. ! %FORMAT (20a4) ! ! The ELEMENT field is the 2-letter element name, right justified, followed ! by 2 characters to define the formal charge for ions. For example: ! ' H ' is hydrogen, 'HE ' is helium, and 'FE+2' is an iron ion. ! ! If the PDB file does not use iCodes (most do not), then the following comment ! is added to help keep the new data mostly self-documenting: ! %COMMENT Residue insertion code (iCode) not present in PDB file ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer, parameter :: real_kind=8, rk=real_kind integer, parameter :: path_max=256 integer, parameter :: stdin=5, stdout=6, stderr=0 integer, parameter :: pdb_lun=10, in_lun=11, out_lun=12, crd_lun=13 character(len=path_max) :: & prmtop_infile='', & prmtop_outfile='', & pdb_infile='', & crd_infile='' integer, parameter :: num_elements = 111 character(len=2), parameter :: element_name(num_elements) = (/ & ' H', 'HE', 'LI', 'BE', ' B', ' C', ' N', ' O', ' F', 'NE', & 'NA', 'MG', 'AL', 'SI', ' P', ' S', 'CL', 'AR', ' K', 'CA', & 'SC', 'TI', ' V', 'CR', 'MN', 'FE', 'CO', 'NI', 'CU', 'ZN', & 'GA', 'GE', 'AS', 'SE', 'BR', 'KR', 'RB', 'SR', ' Y', 'ZR', & 'NB', 'MO', 'TC', 'RU', 'RH', 'PD', 'AG', 'CD', 'IN', 'SN', & 'SB', 'TE', ' I', 'XE', 'CS', 'BA', 'LA', 'CE', 'PR', 'ND', & 'PM', 'SM', 'EU', 'GD', 'TB', 'DY', 'HO', 'ER', 'TM', 'YB', & 'LU', 'HF', 'TA', ' W', 'RE', 'OS', 'IR', 'PT', 'AU', 'HG', & 'TL', 'PB', 'BI', 'PO', 'AT', 'RN', 'FR', 'RA', 'AC', 'TH', & 'PA', ' U', 'NP', 'PU', 'AM', 'CM', 'BK', 'CF', 'ES', 'FM', & 'MD', 'NO', 'LR', 'RF', 'DB', 'SG', 'BH', 'HS', 'MT', 'DS', & 'RG' /) integer :: i, ierr character(len=32) :: fmt integer :: pointers(32) integer :: natom, nres equivalence(natom,pointers(1)) equivalence(nres,pointers(12)) character(len=4) :: name,resName,segID,element,prev_resName character(len=1) :: altLoc,chainID,iCode,prev_chainID,prev_iCode integer :: serial,resSeq,prev_resSeq real :: xyz(3),occupancy,tempFactor real, allocatable :: coor(:,:) real :: d logical :: warned_missing_elements = .false. ! Existing PRMTOP data: character(len=4), allocatable :: atom_name(:), residue_label(:) integer, allocatable :: residue_pointer(:) ! New PRMTOP data: character(len=4), allocatable :: residue_chainid(:), residue_icode(:) character(len=4), allocatable :: atom_element(:) ! atom_altloc(:) integer, allocatable :: residue_number(:) integer :: pdb_nres, pdb_natom logical :: guess_all ! Current PRMTOP files are limited to 80-character lines. ! This allows a bit more for future versions, or long comments. character(len=128) :: buf character(len=32) :: arg integer :: argc, iarg ! begin guess_all = .false. argc = command_argument_count() if (argc==0) call usage() iarg = 0 do while(iarg nres) then write(*,*)'PDB file has too many residues!' exit end if if (residue_label(pdb_nres) /= resName) then if (residue_label(pdb_nres) /= 'WAT') then write(*,*) 'Warning: PDB resName "',resName, & '" /= PRMTOP label "',residue_label(pdb_nres),'"' end if end if residue_chainid(pdb_nres) = chainID residue_icode(pdb_nres) = iCode residue_number(pdb_nres) = resSeq end if i = find_atom(pdb_nres,adjustl(name)) if (i<0) then write(*,*) 'Atom not found: ',trim(buf) stop end if if (crd_infile /= '') then d = sqrt(sum(coor(:,i)-xyz)**2) if (d > 0.3) then write(*,*)'Atom is ',d,' from PDB coordinate' write(*,*) coor(:,i) write(*,*) trim(buf) stop end if end if if (element(1:1) == char(0)) stop 'BAD ELEMENT' ! This element determination requires that names are element-aligned ! unless file contains explicit element+charge data. if (element == ' ') then if (guess_all) then element = guess_element(atom_name(i)) else if (.not.warned_missing_elements) then warned_missing_elements = .true. write(*,'(A)') & 'Warning: This PDB file does not contain atomic element data', & 'for all atoms. Element determination will assume that atom', & 'labels are element-aligned: 1-letter element codes must', & 'contain a leading space or a wrapped digit.' end if if (name(1:1) >= '0' .and. name(1:1) <= '9') then element = ' '//name(2:2) else element = name(1:2) end if end if end if if (atom_element(i) /= '????') then write(*,*) 'Duplicate atom: ',trim(buf) stop end if atom_element(i) = element end if end do ! For all atoms not in the PDB file, guess the element: do i=1,natom if (atom_element(i) == '????') then atom_element(i) = guess_element(atom_name(i)) end if end do write(stdout,*) 'PRMTOP: num. atoms=',natom,', num. residues=',nres write(stdout,*) 'PDB: num. atoms=',pdb_natom,', num. residues=',pdb_nres !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Copy infile content to outfile (crude with Fortran) rewind(in_lun) do read(in_lun,'(A)',end=1) buf write(out_lun,'(A)') trim(buf) end do 1 continue close(in_lun) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Append new data to outfile fmt='(20I4)' write(out_lun,'(A)') & '%FLAG RESIDUE_NUMBER', & '%COMMENT Residue number (resSeq) read from PDB file; DIMENSION(NRES)', & '%FORMAT'//fmt write(out_lun,fmt) residue_number fmt='(20a4)' write(out_lun,'(A)') & '%FLAG RESIDUE_CHAINID', & '%COMMENT Residue chain ID (chainId) read from PDB file; DIMENSION(NRES)', & '%FORMAT'//fmt write(out_lun,fmt) residue_chainid if (any(residue_icode /= ' ')) then fmt='(20a4)' write(out_lun,'(A)') & '%FLAG RESIDUE_ICODE', & '%COMMENT Residue insertion code (iCode) read from PDB file; DIMENSION(NRES)', & '%COMMENT If all iCodes are blank, this array is not stored in the PRMTOP file.', & '%FORMAT'//fmt write(out_lun,fmt) residue_icode else write(out_lun,'(A)') & '%COMMENT Residue insertion code (iCode) not present in PDB file', & '%COMMENT If present: %FLAG RESIDUE_ICODE, %FORMAT'//fmt end if fmt='(20a4)' write(out_lun,'(A)') & '%FLAG ATOM_ELEMENT', & '%COMMENT Atom element and formal charge, as read from PDB file; DIMENSION(NATOM)', & '%FORMAT'//fmt write(out_lun,fmt) atom_element close(out_lun) contains subroutine get_next_arg(string) implicit none character(len=*), intent(out) :: string if (iarg >= argc) then write(*,*)'Error: option "',trim(arg),'" requires an argument.' call usage() end if iarg = iarg + 1 call getarg(iarg,string) end subroutine get_next_arg subroutine usage() implicit none write(*,'(A)') & 'add_pdb -i prmtop -p pdb -o prmtop [-guess]', & ' prmtop : amber topology', & ' pdb : matching PDB file', & ' -guess : Guess atomic elements when absent from the PDB file.', & ' (default assumes proper element-aligned names)', & '', & 'Residues not in the PDB file are assigned chainID="*" and resSeq=0' stop end subroutine usage function find_atom(res_index,name) result(atom_index) implicit none integer :: atom_index integer, intent(in) :: res_index character(len=4), intent(in) :: name ! local character(len=4) :: name1 integer :: i ! begin name1 = adjustl(name) if (name1(1:1) >= '0' .and. name1(1:1) <= '9') then name1 = trim(name1(2:))//name1(1:1) end if do i = residue_pointer(res_index), residue_pointer(res_index+1)-1 if (atom_name(i)==name .or. atom_name(i)==name1) then atom_index = i return end if end do atom_index=-1 end function find_atom ! TODO: estimate formal charges? function guess_element(name) result(element) implicit none character(len=4), intent(in) :: name character(len=4) :: element ! locals character(len=4) :: lname ! begin lname = adjustl(name) ! Leading non-alpha is a wrapped 5th character; insert a leading space. if (lname(1:1) < 'A' .or. lname(1:1) > 'Z') then element = ' '//lname(2:2) ! If second character is lower case, it is a 2-letter element. ! (Not standard, but it would make things a lot easier if it was.) else if (lname(1:1) >= 'a' .and. lname(1:1) <= 'z') then element = lname(1:2) ! If guessing, prefer the 1-letter element if it is valid. else if (index("BCFHIKNOPSUVWY",lname(1:1))>0) then element = ' '//lname(1:1) if (lname(2:2)>='A' .and. lname(2:2)<='Z') then if (any(element_name == lname(1:2))) then write(*,*) & 'Warning: guessing atom "',name,'" as element "',element,'"' end if end if !Otherwise it must be a 2-letter element. else element = lname(1:2) end if end function guess_element end program add_pdb