!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! : ! This program will calculate the pKa of each residue based on the : ! given cpin and cpout files. : ! : !::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: program calcpka implicit none ! Variables: ! STATEINF_FLD_C : How many fields are in the type const_ph_info ! TITR_RES_C : How many residues may be titrated ! TITR_STATES_C : How many states may exist ! ATOM_CHRG_C : How many charges may exist ! const_ph_info : Type for constant pH info ! max_nstate : Maximum number of states in titratable residues ! cpin : Name of cpin specified on command line (CL) ! cpout(:) : Array holding all cpout file names specified on CL ! output_file : File where final statistics are printed ! alternative_output : Output file for dumping of chunks or running sum ! population_output : Output file with detailed populations for each state ! arg_holder : holds a command-line argument ! line_holder : holds a parsed line from the cpout ! cpin_unit : Fortran file unit for the cpin file ! cpout_unit : Fortran file unit for the cpout file ! output_unit : Fortran file unit for the output file ! alternative_unit : Fortran file unit for the time-dumped output file ! population_unit : Fortran file unit for the population data file ! ios : stat for opening file -- catch errors ! narg : Number of CL arguments ! num_cpout : Number of cpout files to parse ! dump_interval : How frequently to dump pKa chunks or cumulative sums. ! Literally, how many ntcnstph steps between dumping pKas ! i, j : Counters in do loops ! cpout_done : Logical to see if we're done finding cpout files on the CL ! solvph : Solvent pH in cpout file ! step_size : Monte carlo step size ! stateinf : Holds info for each titrating residue ! resstate : Array for the state of each residue ! protcnt : Array for number of protons in each state ! statene : State energy array for each state ! chrgdat : Array with all partial atomic charges ! trescnt : Number of titratable residues ! resname : Array holding all residue names ! cph_igb : GB model used for hybrid explicit CpHMD ! cphfirst_sol : Atom number of first bulk solvent atom ! avg_prot : Average protonation count -- running avg ! avg_prot_chunk : Average protonation count reset for chunks ! frames : counter for how many frames we have ! frames_chunk : counter for how many frames since the last output dump ! protonations : Array holding populations of every protonation state ! protonations_chunk : same as above, but reset every interval steps ! updating : Logical to see if we are still updating protonations ! res_holder : Holder variable for which residue was selected ! state_holder : Holder for which state was selected for the above residue ! onstep : Which step we are currently on ! protonated : array that holds the protcnt for protonated for each residue ! transitions : array that holds the number of transitions that each residue has made ! From dynph.h integer, parameter :: STATEINF_FLD_C = 5 integer, parameter :: TITR_RES_C = 50 integer, parameter :: TITR_STATES_C = 200 integer, parameter :: ATOM_CHRG_C = 1000 integer :: max_nstate = 0 type :: const_ph_info sequence integer :: num_states, first_atom, num_atoms, first_state, first_charge end type const_ph_info ! end dynph.h character (len=256) :: cpin character (len=256), allocatable :: cpout(:) character (len=256) :: output_file = 'none' character (len=256) :: alternative_output = "pKa_evolution.dat" character (len=256) :: population_output = "populations.dat" character (len=256) :: arg_holder character (len=80) :: line_holder integer :: narg, iargc integer :: num_cpout = 1 integer :: dump_interval = 0 integer :: i, j integer :: ios integer :: frames = 0 integer :: frames_chunk = 0 real :: avg_prot = 0.0d0 real :: avg_prot_chunk = 0.0d0 logical :: cpout_done = .false. logical :: rem = .false. real :: solvph integer :: step_size integer, parameter :: cpin_unit = 10 integer, parameter :: cpout_unit = 20 integer, parameter :: output_unit = 6 integer, parameter :: alternative_unit = 30 integer, parameter :: population_unit = 40 type (const_ph_info) :: stateinf(0:TITR_RES_C-1) integer :: resstate(0:TITR_RES_C-1) integer :: protcnt(0:TITR_STATES_C-1) real :: statene(0:TITR_STATES_C-1) real :: chrgdat(0:ATOM_CHRG_C-1) real :: cph_intdiel integer :: trescnt character (len=40) :: resname(0:TITR_RES_C) integer :: cph_igb, cphfirst_sol integer, allocatable :: protonations(:,:), protonations_chunk(:,:) logical :: updating integer :: res_holder, state_holder integer :: onstep = 0 integer, allocatable :: protonated(:), transitions(:) namelist /cnstph/ stateinf, resstate, protcnt, statene, & chrgdat, trescnt, resname, cph_igb, & cph_intdiel, cphfirst_sol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! END VARIABLE DECLARATIONS ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! narg = iargc() ! load number of arguments into narg ! Make sure that enough arguments are given if (narg .lt. 2) then call usage() call exit(1) end if ! get the cpin call getarg(1, cpin) ! answer cries for help if (cpin .eq. "-h" .or. cpin .eq. "--help") then call usage() call exit(0) end if ! get the rest of the CL arguments i = 3 do while (i .le. narg) call getarg(i, arg_holder) if (arg_holder(1:1) .eq. '-') then cpout_done = .true. end if if (arg_holder .eq. '-o') then i = i + 1 call getarg(i, output_file) else if (arg_holder .eq. '-t') then i = i + 1 call getarg(i, arg_holder) read (arg_holder,FMT='(I10)') dump_interval else if (arg_holder .eq. '-ao') then i = i + 1 call getarg(i, alternative_output) else if (arg_holder .eq. '-po') then i = i + 1 call getarg(i, population_output) else if (cpout_done) then call usage() call exit(1) else num_cpout = num_cpout + 1 end if i = i + 1 end do ! allocate cpout name array and fill it allocate(cpout(num_cpout)) do i = 1, num_cpout call getarg(i+1,cpout(i)) end do ! open the cpin file and parse it open(unit=cpin_unit, file=cpin, status='OLD', iostat=ios) if (ios .ne. 0) then write(0,*) 'Error: CPIN file ', trim(cpin), ' cannot be opened!' call usage() call exit(1) end if read(cpin_unit, nml=cnstph) close(cpin_unit) ! open output_file to stdout if it's specified if (output_file .ne. 'none') then open(unit=output_unit, file=output_file, status='REPLACE') end if ! open the alternative output file if it's specified if (dump_interval .ne. 0) then open(unit=alternative_unit, file=alternative_output, status='REPLACE') end if ! open the population output file open(unit=population_unit, file=population_output, status='REPLACE') ! open up the first cpout file and get the necessary information open(unit=cpout_unit, file=cpout(1), status='OLD',iostat=ios) if (ios .ne. 0) then write(0,fmt="(a,a,a)") "Error: CPOUT ", trim(cpout(1)), " does not exist!" call usage() stop 1 end if read(cpout_unit,fmt='(1a80)') line_holder if (line_holder(1:11) .ne. "Solvent pH:") then write(0,'(a,a,a)') 'Error: ', trim(cpout(1)), ' is an invalid CPOUT file!' call usage() stop 1 end if read(line_holder(13:),'(f8.5)') solvph read(cpout_unit,fmt='(1a80)') line_holder read(line_holder(24:),fmt='(i8)') step_size close(cpout_unit) ! allocate storage for all of the protonations and zero it out allocate(transitions(trescnt)) allocate(protonated(trescnt)) do i = 1, trescnt transitions(i) = 0 protonated(i) = 0 do j = 0, stateinf(i-1)%num_states-1 if (protcnt(stateinf(i-1)%first_state + j) .gt. protonated(i)) then protonated(i) = protcnt(stateinf(i-1)%first_state + j) end if end do end do ! Find the maximum number of states do i = 1, trescnt if (stateinf(i-1)%num_states > max_nstate) then max_nstate = stateinf(i-1)%num_states end if end do allocate(protonations(trescnt, max_nstate)) allocate(protonations_chunk(trescnt, max_nstate)) call empty_protonation(protonations, trescnt, max_nstate) call empty_protonation(protonations_chunk, trescnt, max_nstate) ! Now loop through every cpout file to calculate the pKas. i = 1 do while (i <= num_cpout) ! open up the i-th cpout file, but go to the next if it's not valid open(unit=cpout_unit, file=cpout(i), status='OLD', iostat=ios) if (ios .ne. 0) then write(0,'(a,a,a)') 'Error: CPOUT file ', trim(cpout(i)), ' does not exist!' call exit(1) end if ! read the cpout file do while(.true.) read(unit=cpout_unit,fmt='(1a80)',end=9) line_holder ! Now update the protonations if (line_holder(1:8) .eq. "Residue ") then frames = frames + 1 frames_chunk = frames_chunk + 1 updating = .true. do while(updating) read(line_holder(9:12),'(i4)') res_holder read(line_holder(21:22),'(i2)') state_holder if (protcnt(stateinf(res_holder)%first_state + resstate(res_holder)) .ne. & protcnt(stateinf(res_holder)%first_state + state_holder)) then transitions(res_holder + 1) = transitions(res_holder + 1) + 1 end if resstate(res_holder) = state_holder read(cpout_unit,fmt='(1a80)',end=9) line_holder if (line_holder(1:8) .ne. "Residue ") then updating = .false. end if end do !while(updating) onstep = onstep + step_size call average_protonations(avg_prot, resstate, protcnt, stateinf, trescnt) call average_protonations(avg_prot_chunk, resstate, protcnt, stateinf, trescnt) if (dump_interval .eq. 0) then do j = 1, trescnt protonations(j,resstate(j-1)+1) = protonations(j, resstate(j-1)+1 ) + 1 end do ! j = 1, trescnt else do j = 1, trescnt protonations(j,resstate(j-1)+1) = protonations(j,resstate(j-1)+1 ) + 1 protonations_chunk(j,resstate(j-1)+1) = protonations_chunk(j,resstate(j-1)+1 ) + 1 end do if (mod(onstep, dump_interval) .eq. 0) then write(unit=alternative_unit,fmt='(a)') "========================== CUMULATIVE ========================" call calculate_pKas(protonations, solvph, stateinf, protcnt, trescnt, max_nstate, alternative_unit, & protonated, resname, transitions, avg_prot, frames) write(unit=alternative_unit,fmt='(a)') "============================ CHUNK ===========================" call calculate_pKas(protonations_chunk, solvph, stateinf, protcnt, trescnt, max_nstate, alternative_unit, & protonated, resname, transitions, avg_prot_chunk, frames_chunk) call empty_protonation(protonations_chunk, trescnt, max_nstate) avg_prot_chunk = 0 frames_chunk = 0 end if ! mod(onstep end if ! dump_interval end if ! line_holder(1:8) end do ! while(.true.) 9 close(cpout_unit) i = i + 1 end do call calculate_pKas(protonations, solvph, stateinf, protcnt, trescnt, max_nstate, & output_unit, protonated, resname, transitions, avg_prot, frames) write(population_unit,*) "Populations: " write(population_unit,*) call dump_protonations(protonations, stateinf, protcnt, trescnt, max_nstate, & population_unit, resname) close(output_unit) close(alternative_unit) close(population_unit) end program calcpka subroutine usage() implicit none write(0,*) 'Usage: calcpka { ... } {-o output} \\' write(0,*) ' {-t dump_interval} {-ao dump_output} {-po population_output}' end subroutine usage subroutine empty_protonation(array, index1, index2) integer, intent (in) :: index1, index2 integer, intent (out) :: array(index1, index2) integer :: i, j do i = 1, index1 do j = 1, index2 array(i,j) = 0 end do end do end subroutine empty_protonation subroutine calculate_pKas(protonations, solvph, stateinf, protcnt, trescnt, & max_nstate, fileno, protonated, resname, transitions, & avg_prot, nsteps) type :: const_ph_info ! from dynph.h sequence integer :: num_states, first_atom, num_atoms, first_state, first_charge end type const_ph_info integer, intent (in) :: max_nstate, trescnt, fileno integer, intent (in) :: protonations(1:trescnt, 1:max_nstate) type (const_ph_info), intent(in) :: stateinf(0:*) integer, intent (in) :: protcnt(0:*) integer, intent(in) :: protonated(0:*) real, intent(in) :: solvph character (len=40), intent(in) :: resname(0:*) integer, intent(in) :: transitions(*) real, intent(in) :: avg_prot integer, intent(in) :: nsteps integer :: i, j ! counters real, dimension(trescnt) :: pkas, fracprot real :: numprot, numdep character (len=40) :: rnm do i = 0, trescnt-1 numprot = 0 numdep = 0 do j = 0, stateinf(i)%num_states-1 if (protcnt(stateinf(i)%first_state + j) .eq. protonated(i)) then numprot = numprot + protonations(i+1,j+1) else numdep = numdep + protonations(i+1,j+1) end if end do pkas(i+1) = solvph - log10(numdep / numprot) fracprot(i+1) = numprot / (numdep + numprot) end do write(fileno, '(a,f8.3)') "Solvent pH is ", solvph do i = 1, trescnt rnm = resname(i) write(fileno, '(a,a,f6.3,a,f6.3,a,f5.3,a,i9)') rnm(10:17), ': Offset ', & pkas(i) - solvph, " Pred ", pkas(i), " Frac Prot ", fracprot(i), " Transitions ", & transitions(i) end do write(fileno, '()') write(fileno, '(a,f7.3)') "Average total molecular protonation: ", avg_prot / nsteps end subroutine calculate_pKas subroutine dump_protonations(protonations, stateinf, protcnt, trescnt, max_nstate, & fileno, resname) type :: const_ph_info ! from dynph.h sequence integer :: num_states, first_atom, num_atoms, first_state, first_charge end type const_ph_info integer, intent (in) :: max_nstate, trescnt, fileno integer, intent (in) :: protonations(1:trescnt, 1:max_nstate) type (const_ph_info), intent(in) :: stateinf(0:*) integer, intent (in) :: protcnt(0:*) character (len=40), intent(in) :: resname(0:*) integer :: i, j, linelen ! counters real :: totpts = 0 character (len=256) :: line character (len=13) :: holder write(line,'(1a17,x)') "Residue Number" linelen = 18 do i = 0, max_nstate - 1 ! write the header write(holder, '(1a9,i3,x)') " State", i line = line(1:linelen) // holder linelen = linelen + 13 end do write(fileno,'(a)') trim(line) ! print the header to the screen line = '------------------' do i = 1, max_nstate line = trim(line) // '-------------' end do write(fileno,'(a)') trim(line) do i = 0, trescnt - 1 ! write out all of the populations line = '' totpts = 0 write(line, '(1a17)') resname(i+1) do j = 0, stateinf(i)%num_states - 1 totpts = totpts + protonations(i+1,j+1) end do linelen = 18 do j = 0, stateinf(i)%num_states - 1 write(holder,'(f8.6,1a2,i1,1a2)') protonations(i+1,j+1)/totpts, ' (', & protcnt(stateinf(i)%first_state+j), ') ' line = line(1:linelen) // holder linelen = linelen + 13 end do write(fileno,'(a)') trim(line) end do end subroutine dump_protonations subroutine average_protonations(avg_prot, resstate, protcnt, stateinf, trescnt) implicit none ! stateinf type type :: const_ph_info sequence integer :: num_states, first_atom, num_atoms, first_state, first_charge end type const_ph_info ! Variables ! Passed: ! avg_prot : average protonations that we're adding to ! resstate : current state of each titratable residue ! protcnt : number of protons in each state of each residue ! stateinf : titratable residue state information ! trescnt : titratable residue count ! Local: ! i : loop counter real, intent(inout) :: avg_prot integer, intent(in) :: resstate(0:*) integer, intent(in) :: protcnt(0:*) integer, intent(in) :: trescnt type (const_ph_info), intent(in) :: stateinf(0:*) integer :: i do i = 0, trescnt - 1 avg_prot = avg_prot + protcnt(stateinf(i)%first_state + resstate(i)) end do end subroutine average_protonations