#!/bin/sh echo "WARNING: lmodprmtop is now deprecated and will be removed in future" echo " versions of AmberTools. Please use the 'lmod' action in ParmEd" echo " instead" input=$1 output=$2 if [ ! "$input" ] || [ ! "$output" ]; then echo 'Usage: lmodprmtop input_prmtop output_prmtop'; exit; fi #sed -e '/LENNARD_JONES_ACOEF/,/LENNARD_JONES_BCOEF/ s/0.00000000E+00/1.00000000E+03/g' $input >$output # Go through ParmEd instead, since it is more robust and does not depend on flag # ordering in the topology file (and it also works -- I have verified that # they give the same topologies). Oh, and it also works on old-style topologies # This also has safer topology overwriting, if that is desired. $AMBERHOME/bin/parmed.py -n -p $1 << EOF setOverwrite True lmod parmout $2 EOF