#! PYTHONEXE from tkFileDialog import askopenfilenames from Tkinter import Tk, BOTH import matplotlib matplotlib.use('TkAgg') from mdoutanalyzer import __version__, __author__, __date__ from mdoutanalyzer.graphproperties import GraphControlWindow from mdoutanalyzer.mdout import AmberMdout, OpenMMMdout from mdoutanalyzer.toplevel_app import MdoutAnalyzerApp from optparse import OptionParser import re import sys geore = re.compile(r'(\d+)x(\d+)\+(-?\d+)\+(-?\d+)') geoformat = '%dx%d+%d+%d' verstring = """ %%prog : An AMBER MD output file parser and graphing utility Version %s %s Written by %s """ % (__version__, __date__, __author__) parser = OptionParser(usage='%prog [Options] [mdout1] [mdout2] ... [mdoutN]', version=verstring) parser.add_option('--openmm', dest='openmm', default=False, action='store_true', help='Treat the input files as comma-delimited ' 'output from the Amber/OpenMM-interface in ParmEd.') opt, arg = parser.parse_args() if opt.openmm: MdoutClass = OpenMMMdout else: MdoutClass = AmberMdout root = Tk() root.title('Mdout Analyzer') if not arg: arg = askopenfilenames(title='Select Mdout File(s)', parent=root, filetypes=[('Mdout Files', '*.mdout'), ('All Files', '*')]) if not arg: print ('No mdout files chosen!') sys.exit(1) for f in arg: try: mdout += MdoutClass(f) except NameError: mdout = MdoutClass(f) app = MdoutAnalyzerApp(root, mdout) app.pack(fill=BOTH) # Update idle tasks here to make sure the whole app is filled in before making # our window non-resizable. In some instances, this can chop off the second # frame app.update_idletasks() # Now make our window non-resizable root.resizable(False, False) root.update_idletasks() # Load up the graph options window and move it to the right of the root window rootgeo = [int(i) for i in geore.match(root.geometry()).groups()] graphprops = GraphControlWindow(root, app.graph_props) root.update_idletasks() ggeo = [int(i) for i in geore.match(graphprops.geometry()).groups()] graphprops.geometry(geoformat % (ggeo[0], ggeo[1], rootgeo[2] + rootgeo[0] + 5, rootgeo[3]) ) # For some reason it seems like mainloop is not exited properly if we simply # call root.destroy(). Therefore, we'll replace WM_DELTE_WINDOW with root.quit() # to bust out of the mainloop. root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', root.quit) # Enter our mainloop root.mainloop()