subroutine amopen(lun,fname,fstat,fform,facc) C************************************************************************ C AMBER ** C ** C Copyright (c) 1986, 1991, 1995 ** C Regents of the University of California ** C All Rights Reserved. ** C ** C This software provided pursuant to a license agreement containing ** C restrictions on its disclosure, duplication, and use. This software ** C contains confidential and proprietary information, and may not be ** C extracted or distributed, in whole or in part, for any purpose ** C whatsoever, without the express written permission of the authors. ** C This notice, and the associated author list, must be attached to ** C all copies, or extracts, of this software. Any additional ** C restrictions set forth in the license agreement also apply to this ** C software. ** C************************************************************************ C #ifdef VMS implicit none #endif c INPUT: c integer lun c ... logical unit number character*(*) fname c ... file name (not used in VAX/VMS implementation) character*1 fstat c ... status code: "N", "O", or "U" = new, old, unk. character*1 fform c ... format code: "U", "F" = unform., form. character*1 facc c ... access code: "R", "W", "A" = read, read/write, append C The amopen subroutines are ifdefd for: C C VMS C Unix/generic C #if VMS || IBM_VM_CMS c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c THIS IS VAX/VMS and IBM VM/CMS VERSION c (grouped because both require external assignment of units) c Author: George Seibel c c c INTERNAL: c character*7 stat c ... status keyword character*11 kform c ... form keyword integer ios c ... i/o status variable c #ifdef IBM_VM_CMS c VM/CMS: unit 6 is automatically opened so leave it alone if (lun.eq.6) return c #endif if (fstat .eq. 'N') then stat = 'NEW' elseif (fstat .eq. 'O') then stat = 'OLD' elseif (fstat .eq. 'U') then stat = 'UNKNOWN' else write(6,'(/,2x,a,i4)') + 'amopen: bogus fstat, unit ', lun call mexit(6, 1) endif c if (fform .eq. 'U') then kform = 'UNFORMATTED' elseif (fform .eq. 'F') then kform = 'FORMATTED' else write(6,'(/,2x,a,i4)') + 'amopen: bogus fform, unit ', lun call mexit(6, 1) endif c #ifdef VMS if (facc .eq. 'R') then if (fform .eq. 'U') then open(unit=lun,status=stat,form=kform,readonly, + iostat=ios) elseif (fform .eq. 'F') then open(unit=lun,status=stat,carriagecontrol='list', + form=kform,readonly,iostat=ios) endif elseif (facc .eq. 'W' .or. facc .eq. 'A') then if (fform .eq. 'U') then open(unit=lun,status=stat,form=kform,iostat=ios) elseif (fform .eq. 'F') then open(unit=lun,status=stat, + carriagecontrol='list',form=kform,iostat=ios) endif else write(6,'(/,2x,a,i4)') + 'amopen: bogus facc, unit ', lun call mexit(6, 1) endif #else open(unit=lun,status=stat,form=kform,iostat=ios) #endif c if (ios .ne. 0) then #ifdef IBM_VM_CMS if ( close(unit=lun) #else close(unit=lun) #endif if (lun .eq. 6) then c this is the only place outside of mexit() where a stop c stmt should occur stop 'Error on Unit 6 OPEN' else write(6,'(/,2x,a,i4)') + 'Error on OPEN, Fortran unit ', lun call mexit(6, 1) endif endif return end #else c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c THIS IS UNIX VERSION c Author: George Seibel c Rev 13-Jun-90: add rewind after open. c INTERNAL: character*7 stat c ... status keyword character*11 kform c ... form keyword integer ios c ... i/o status variable if (fstat .eq. 'N') then stat = 'NEW' elseif (fstat .eq. 'O') then stat = 'OLD' elseif (fstat .eq. 'U') then stat = 'UNKNOWN' else write(6,'(/,2x,a,i4)') $ 'amopen: bogus fstat, unit ', lun call mexit(6, 1) endif c if (fform .eq. 'U') then kform = 'UNFORMATTED' elseif (fform .eq. 'F') then kform = 'FORMATTED' else write(6,'(/,2x,a,i4)') $ 'amopen: bogus fform, unit', lun call mexit(6, 1) endif c open(unit=lun,file=fname,status=stat,form=kform,iostat=ios) c if (ios .ne. 0) then if (lun .eq. 6) then #ifndef DUMB write(0,'(/,2x,a,i4,a,a)') 'Unit ', lun, $ ' Error on OPEN: ',fname #endif else #ifndef DUMB write(0,'(/,2x,a,i4,a,a)') 'Unit ', lun, $ ' Error on OPEN: ',fname(1:len_trim(fname)) #endif write(6,'(/,2x,a,i4,a,a)') 'Unit ', lun, $ ' Error on OPEN: ',fname(1:len_trim(fname)) close(unit=6) endif call mexit(6, 1) endif rewind(lun) return end #endif