SUBROUTINE LSQFIT(ISTEP,FIT,FITI,FIT2,LOUT) C C************************************************************************ C AMBER ** C ** C Copyright (c) 1986, 1991, 1995 ** C Regents of the University of California ** C All Rights Reserved. ** C ** C This software provided pursuant to a license agreement containing ** C restrictions on its disclosure, duplication, and use. This software ** C contains confidential and proprietary information, and may not be ** C extracted or distributed, in whole or in part, for any purpose ** C whatsoever, without the express written permission of the authors. ** C This notice, and the associated author list, must be attached to ** C all copies, or extracts, of this software. Any additional ** C restrictions set forth in the license agreement also apply to this ** C software. ** implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c Rev 17-May-89: hardwired the use of brief output. LOGICAL LOUT C C ----- ROUTINE TO MAKE A LEAST SQUARE FIT TO A STRAIGHT LINE ---- C c ---dac change 2/90: protect against divide by zero: c if ( return c FIT = FIT/ISTEP FITI = FITI/ISTEP FIT2 = FIT2/ISTEP IM1 = ISTEP-1 IP1 = ISTEP+1 IPM1 = IP1*IM1 ALINE = (2.d0*FITI-IP1*FIT)*6.d0/IPM1 BLINE = FIT-ALINE*IP1/2.d0 RLINE = 0.0d0 DUM = FIT2-FIT*FIT IF(ABS(DUM).GT.1.0d-06) RLINE = IPM1/(DUM*12.0d0) IF(RLINE.LT.0.d0) RLINE = 0.d0 RLINE = ALINE* SQRT(RLINE) CHILIN = FIT2-2.d0*ALINE*FITI-2.d0*BLINE*FIT+BLINE**2+ + ALINE**2*IP1*(IP1+IM1+1)/6.d0+ALINE*BLINE*IP1 IF(CHILIN.LT.0.d0) CHILIN = 0.d0 CHILIN = SQRT(CHILIN) if (lout) WRITE(6,9118) ISTEP,ALINE,BLINE 9118 FORMAT(/5X,' RESULT OF LEAST SQUARE FIT OVER',I5,' STEPS', + /5X,' ENERGY DRIFT PER STEP =',F14.6,5X,'ETOT(AT X=0) =', + 1PE11.3) RETURN END