!************************************************************************ ! AMBER ** ! ** ! Copyright (c) 1986, 1991, 1995 ** ! Regents of the University of California ** ! All Rights Reserved. ** ! ** ! This software provided pursuant to a license agreement containing ** ! restrictions on its disclosure, duplication, and use. This software ** ! contains confidential and proprietary information, and may not be ** ! extracted or distributed, in whole or in part, for any purpose ** ! whatsoever, without the express written permission of the authors. ** ! This notice, and the associated author list, must be attached to ** ! all copies, or extracts, of this software. Any additional ** ! restrictions set forth in the license agreement also apply to this ** ! software. ** !************************************************************************ !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine debug here] subroutine debug (dbl, n1, int, n2) double precision dbl(n1) integer int(n2) logical first data first /.true./ if (first) then first = .false. call amopen(15, 'debug.dat', 'N', 'F', 'W') end if write (15,*) ' debug:' if (n1 /= 0) write (15,1) (dbl(i),i=1,n1) if (n2 /= 0) write (15,*) (int(i),i=1,n2) 1 format (3(2x,e11.4)) end subroutine debug