!DECK DSLUTI SUBROUTINE DSLUTI (N, B, X, NELT, IA, JA, A, ISYM, RWORK, IWORK) !***BEGIN PROLOGUE DSLUTI !***PURPOSE SLAP MTSOLV for LDU Factorization. ! This routine acts as an interface between the SLAP generic ! MTSOLV calling convention and the routine that actually ! -T ! computes (LDU) B = X. !***LIBRARY SLATEC (SLAP) !***CATEGORY D2E !***TYPE DOUBLE PRECISION (SSLUTI-S, DSLUTI-D) !***KEYWORDS ITERATIVE PRECONDITION, LINEAR SYSTEM SOLVE, SLAP, SPARSE !***AUTHOR Greenbaum, Anne, (Courant Institute) ! Seager, Mark K., (LLNL) ! Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ! PO BOX 808, L-60 ! Livermore, CA 94550 (510) 423-3141 ! seager@llnl.gov !***DESCRIPTION ! It is assumed that RWORK and IWORK have initialized with ! the information required for DSLUI4: ! IWORK(1) = Starting location of IL in IWORK. ! IWORK(2) = Starting location of JL in IWORK. ! IWORK(3) = Starting location of IU in IWORK. ! IWORK(4) = Starting location of JU in IWORK. ! IWORK(5) = Starting location of L in RWORK. ! IWORK(6) = Starting location of DINV in RWORK. ! IWORK(7) = Starting location of U in RWORK. ! See the DESCRIPTION of DSLUI4 for details. !***REFERENCES (NONE) !***ROUTINES CALLED DSLUI4 !***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) ! 871119 DATE WRITTEN ! 881213 Previous REVISION DATE ! 890915 Made changes requested at July 1989 CML Meeting. (MKS) ! 890922 Numerous changes to prologue to make closer to SLATEC ! standard. (FNF) ! 890929 Numerous changes to reduce SP/DP differences. (FNF) ! 910411 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) ! 920511 Added complete declaration section. (WRB) ! 921113 Corrected C***CATEGORY line. (FNF) ! 930701 Updated CATEGORY section. (FNF, WRB) !***END PROLOGUE DSLUTI ! .. Scalar Arguments .. INTEGER ISYM, N, NELT ! .. Array Arguments .. DOUBLE PRECISION A(N), B(N), RWORK(*), X(N) INTEGER IA(NELT), IWORK(*), JA(NELT) ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER LOCDIN, LOCIL, LOCIU, LOCJL, LOCJU, LOCL, LOCU ! .. External Subroutines .. EXTERNAL DSLUI4 !***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT DSLUTI ! ! Pull out the pointers to the L, D and U matrices and call ! the workhorse routine. ! LOCIL = IWORK(1) LOCJL = IWORK(2) LOCIU = IWORK(3) LOCJU = IWORK(4) LOCL = IWORK(5) LOCDIN = IWORK(6) LOCU = IWORK(7) ! CALL DSLUI4(N, B, X, IWORK(LOCIL), IWORK(LOCJL), RWORK(LOCL), & RWORK(LOCDIN), IWORK(LOCIU), IWORK(LOCJU), RWORK(LOCU)) ! RETURN !------------- LAST LINE OF DSLUTI FOLLOWS ---------------------------- END