RCW 30th July 2007 List of QMMM TODO items Bugs ETC -------- 1) Fix Ewald Error Estimate. 2) Add support for non rectangular boxes. - DONE, RCW MFC, 17th Aug 2007 3) Fix QM bounding box check. - DONE, RCW MFC, 6th Aug 2007 4) Fix MPI with Verbose = 3. Features -------- 1) Add RM1 Hamiltonian. - DONE, RCW, 4th Aug 2007 2) Continued optimization of DFTB. 3) Extend parallelization of DFTB. 4) Parallel diagonalizer. 5) Dynamic Water / Dynamic QM region? 6) Add summary of convergence failures to end of MD run. - keep a table + if we have too many failures we just quit the run. 7) Charge based QM-MM interaction (qmmm_int=2?) 8) Orbital visualization? 9) Excited stated (Amber 11?) 10) GB Support for DFTB 11) Unpacked storage diagonalizer (dsyevd/dsyevr)