#include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine decnvh here] subroutine decnvh(asol,bsol,nphb,radhb,welhb) ! SUBROUTINE DECoNVolute H-bond parameters ! This subroutine takes the A and C h-bond coefficients for 10-12 h-bond ! interactions and extracts the values of epsilon (well depth) and ! r* (ideal interaction distance) corresponding to these sets of coefficients. ! Author: David A. Pearlman ! Date: 4/90 ! INPUT: ! ASOL(I) : The "A" coefficient, corresponding to the 12-power term ! BSOL(I) : The "C" coefficient, corresponding to the 10-power term ! NPHB : The total number of h-bond interaction types ! OUTPUT ! RADHB(I) : The optimal interaction distance for h-bond I. ! WELHB(I) : The maximum well depth of h-bond interaction I. implicit none integer:: i, nphb _REAL_ :: asol, bsol, coef1, coef2, radhb, small, welhb dimension asol(1),bsol(1),radhb(1),welhb(1) data small/1.0d-7/ ! SAVE SMALL coef1 = 12.0d0/10.0d0 coef2 = (5.0d0**5)/(6.0d0**6) do i = 1,nphb if (abs(asol(i)) >= small .and. abs(bsol(i)) > small) then radhb(i) = sqrt(coef1*(asol(i)/bsol(i))) welhb(i) = coef2*bsol(i)*(bsol(i)/asol(i))**5 else radhb(i) = 0.0d0 welhb(i) = 0.0d0 end if end do return end subroutine decnvh