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For EVB/(LES)-PIMD, | ! | the morsify and mod_vdw parameters are replicated for the other beads | ! | based on the classical EVB input specifications in evb_pimd_init. | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( master ) then nrg_morsify(:) = 0.0d0 if( nmorse > 0 ) then if( .not. morsify_initialized ) call morsify_init ( ix ) call morsify ( x, nrg_morsify, f, natom*3, nbead ) ener%pot%bond = ener%pot%bond + sum( nrg_morsify(:) ) ener%pot%tot = ener%pot%tot + sum( nrg_morsify(:) ) endif nrg_vdw(:) = 0.0d0 if( nmodvdw > 0 ) then if( .not. modvdw_initialized ) call modvdw_init ( ix, ipairs ) call mod_vdw ( x, nrg_vdw, f, natom*3, nbead ) ener%pot%vdw = ener%pot%vdw + sum( nrg_vdw(:) ) ener%pot%tot = ener%pot%tot + sum( nrg_vdw(:) ) endif endif #if defined(LES) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Each master has a diabatic state energy and corresponding forces. | ! | MPI_ALLGATHER ( commmaster ) these into arrays of size (:,nevb) | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( master ) then nrg_bead(:) = nrg_all(:) + nrg_morsify(:) + nrg_vdw(:) if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) /= "dist_gauss" ) then do m = 1, natomPCL mm = atomCL_dcrypt(m) f(:,mm) = f(:,mm) * nbead_inv enddo call mpi_allgather ( nrg_bead, nbead, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, pie, nbead & , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_allgather ( f, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, pif & , natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Compute diabatic states for each bead | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do n = 1, nbead if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == "dist_gauss" ) then do m = 1, natomCL mm = bead_dcrypt(m,n) piqq(:,m ) = x(:,mm ) enddo endif if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == "dist_gauss" ) then call cart2internal ( piqq * A_TO_BOHRS, qint ) call schlegel_vmm ( qint, v, dv, ddv ) vmm_bead( n) = v dvmm_bead( :,n) = dv( :) ddvmm_bead(:,:,n) = ddv(:,:) endif enddo if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == "dist_gauss" ) then call mpi_allgather ( vmm_bead, nbead, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, vmm_evb & , nbead, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_allgather ( dvmm_bead, ncoord*nbead, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dvmm_evb & , ncoord*nbead, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_allgather ( ddvmm_bead, ncoord*ncoord*nbead, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, ddvmm_evb & , ncoord*ncoord*nbead, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) endif endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | EVB/PIMD requires all PEs to have the diabatic state energies & forces | ! | ... so MPI_BCAST. Note the high communication cost of pif ... instead | ! | we keep the diabatic state forces on the masters and formulate each | ! | diabatic state contribution to the Hellman-Feynman forces and the reduce | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ call mpi_bcast ( pie, nbead*nevb, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == "dist_gauss" ) then call mpi_bcast ( vmm_evb, nbead*nevb, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) call mpi_bcast ( dvmm_evb, ncoord*nbead*nevb, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) call mpi_bcast ( ddvmm_evb, ncoord*ncoord*nbead*nevb, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Scatter the EVB calculation for each bead onto PEs defined based on | ! | arrays evb_begin & evb_end | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( comm_lpimd /= MPI_COMM_NULL ) then vel0_tmp(:) = 0.0d0 evb_vec0_tmp(:,:) = 0.0d0 evb_mat_tmp(:,:,:) = 0.0d0 npimd_set = 0 fpimd (:,:) = 0.0d0 pimd_vec0sq(:) = 0.0d0 do n = evb_begin(lpimd_rank+1), evb_end(lpimd_rank+1) if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == "dist_gauss" ) then vmm( :) = vmm_evb( n,:) dvmm( :,:) = dvmm_evb( :,n,:) ddvmm(:,:,:) = ddvmm_evb(:,:,n,:) endif npimd_set = npimd_set + 1 if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) /= "constant" ) then do m = 1, natomCL mm = bead_dcrypt(m,n) piqq(:,m ) = x(:,mm ) if( cnum(mm) == 0 ) then piff(:,m,:) = pif(:,mm,:) * nbead_inv else piff(:,m,:) = pif(:,mm,:) endif enddo endif call evb_matrix ( pie(n,:), piqq, natomCL*3 ) ! if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) /= "constant" ) & call evb_force ( piff, piqq, mass, natomCL*3 ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | MPI_GATHER onto root of comm_lpimd | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ call mpi_gather ( evb_Hmat%evb_vec0, nevb, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION & , evb_vec0_lpimd, nevb, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0 & , comm_lpimd, ierr ) call mpi_gather ( evb_Hmat%evb_mat, nevb*nevb, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION & , evb_mat_lpimd, nevb*nevb, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0 & , comm_lpimd, ierr ) call mpi_gather ( evb_vel0%evb_nrg, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION & , vel0_lpimd, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0 & , comm_lpimd, ierr ) if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) /= "constant" ) & call mpi_gather ( evb_vel0%evb_f, natomCL*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION & , f0_lpimd, natomCL*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0 & , comm_lpimd, ierr ) ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Decrypt bead contributions on root(comm_lpimd) | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ do nn = 1, lpimd_size nslice = lpimd_dcrypt(nn,npimd_set) vel0_tmp( nslice) = vel0_lpimd(nn) evb_vec0_tmp(: ,nslice) = evb_vec0_lpimd(:,nn) evb_mat_tmp(:,:,nslice) = evb_mat_lpimd(:,:,nn) if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) /= "constant" ) & f0_bead(:,:,nslice) = f0_lpimd(:,:,nn) enddo enddo endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Since root(comm_lpimd) corresponds to root(commmaster), MPI_ALLREDUCE | ! | will synchronize all PIMD bead data on the masters | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( master ) then call mpi_allreduce ( vel0_tmp, vel0_bead, nbead, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION & , MPI_SUM, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_allreduce ( evb_vec0_tmp, evb_vec0_bead, nevb*nbead & , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_SUM, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_allreduce ( evb_mat_tmp, evb_mat_bead, nevb*nevb*nbead & , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_SUM, commmaster, ierr ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Now do the LES-PIMD forces | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! ............................................................................. ! : For coordinate-dependent EVB exchange type : ! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` if( master ) then fpimd(:,:) = 0.0d0 pimd_vec0sq(:) = 0.0d0 if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) /= "constant" ) then ! do n = 1, nbead do n = evb_begin(lpimd_rank+1), evb_end(lpimd_rank+1) do m = 1, natomCL mm = bead_dcrypt(m,n) fpimd(:,mm) = fpimd(:,mm) + f0_bead(:,m,n) enddo enddo ! ............................................................................. ! : for "constant" EVB exchange type : ! ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` else do n = 1, nbead pimd_vec0sq(:) = pimd_vec0sq(:) + evb_vec0_bead(:,n)**2 enddo ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Form Hellmann-Feynman forces | ! | | ! | F(:) = - sum(k,l) C_k1 * C_l1 * grad( H_kl ) | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! +,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+ ! | Loop over the classical atoms | ! +'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''+ nn = masterrank + 1 do m = 1, natomPCL mm = atomCL_dcrypt(m) fpimd(:,mm) = fpimd(:,mm) + pimd_vec0sq(nn) * pif(:,mm,nn) enddo ! +,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+ ! | Loop over the quantized atoms | ! +'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''+ nn = masterrank + 1 do m = 1, natomPQM mm = atomQM_dcrypt(m,1) nnn = atomQM_dcrypt(m,2) fpimd(:,mm) = fpimd(:,mm) + evb_vec0_bead(nn,nnn)**2 * pif(:,mm,nn) enddo endif call mpi_allreduce ( fpimd, f, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_SUM & , commmaster, ierr ) endif ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Broadcast PIMD forces. Since the forces on the masters are synchronized, | ! | we broadcast from commsander root (master) to the respective PEs | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if( master ) then if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == "dist_gauss" ) then do nn = 1, nevb nrg_diabatic(nn) = sum( evb_mat_bead(nn,nn,:) ) enddo ener%pot = null_potential_energy_rec ener%pot%tot = nrg_diabatic(masterrank+1) endif vel0_nrg_sum = sum( vel0_bead(:) ) evb_vel0%evb_nrg = vel0_nrg_sum evb_frc%evb_nrg = vel0_nrg_sum endif ! call mpi_bcast ( f, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) ! call mpi_bcast ( x, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) call mpi_bcast ( f, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commworld, ierr ) call mpi_bcast ( x, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commworld, ierr ) #else /* LES */ if( master ) then xq(:) = reshape( x(:,:), (/ 3 * natom /) ) if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) /= "dist_gauss" ) then call mpi_allgather ( ener%pot%tot, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xnrg, 1 & , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_allgather ( f, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xf, natom*3 & , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_barrier ( commmaster, ierr ) call evb_matrix ( xnrg, xq, natom*3 ) else ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Compute diabatic states | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ call cart2internal ( xq * A_TO_BOHRS, qint ) call schlegel_vmm ( qint, v, dv, ddv ) call mpi_allgather ( v, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, vmm, 1 & , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_allgather ( dv, ncoord, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, dvmm, ncoord & , MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_allgather ( ddv, ncoord*ncoord, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, ddvmm & , ncoord*ncoord, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, commmaster, ierr ) call mpi_bcast ( v, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) call mpi_bcast ( dv, ncoord, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) call mpi_bcast ( ddv, ncoord*ncoord, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commsander, ierr ) endif call evb_force ( xf, xq, mass, natom*3 ) f(:,:) = reshape( evb_frc%evb_f(:), (/ 3, natom /) ) if( trim( adjustl( xch_type ) ) == "dist_gauss" ) then ener%pot = null_potential_energy_rec ener%pot%tot = evb_Hmat%evb_mat(masterrank+1,masterrank+1) endif endif call mpi_bcast( f, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commworld, ierr ) call mpi_bcast( x, natom*3, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, 0, commworld, ierr ) #endif /* LES */ end subroutine evb_ntrfc ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Allocate storage space for xq, xf, xnrg for EVB | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ subroutine evb_amber_alloc use evb_parm, only: nevb use evb_amber, only: xnrg, xq, xf use pimd_vars, only: natomCL implicit none # include "../include/memory.h" integer :: alloc_error allocate( xnrg(nevb), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) #ifdef LES allocate( xq(natomCL*3), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( xf(natomCL*3,nevb), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) #else allocate( xq(natom*3), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) allocate( xf(natom*3,nevb), stat = alloc_error ) REQUIRE( alloc_error == 0 ) #endif /*LES*/ end subroutine evb_amber_alloc ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ! | Deallocate storage space for xnrg, xq, xf for EVB | ! +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ subroutine evb_amber_dealloc use evb_amber, only: xnrg, xq, xf implicit none integer :: dealloc_error deallocate( xnrg, xq, xf, stat = dealloc_error ) REQUIRE( dealloc_error == 0 ) end subroutine evb_amber_dealloc