! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" #include "../include/assert.fh" !Note: The routines contained here were updated in August 2008 by RCW ! to add support for multiple SCEE and SCNB numbers. This is done ! by having an array of SCEE and SCNB scale factors based on dihedral ! type. ! (TD based on my understanding of caldwell's ideas) ! At this time, all atom names beginning with EP or LP are ! considered extra points. ! For vacuum calculations (i.e. not periodic boundary conditions) ! set use_pme=0 ! (this turns off all but direct sum of ewald) ! set eedmeth = 4 ! (this uses straight coulomb and not erfc as in ewald) ! use a big cutoff to get all pairs ! dac note: in sander7, setting ntb=igb=0 automatically sets up a large ! box and turns the above two parameters on. ! If you want the lone pairs or extra points treated just like regular ! atoms, set noextra = 1 ! (this disables the pattern to find them, so all are normal atoms) ! The DEFAULT is noextra = 0 ! If you want bond angle and dihedral forces as usual for lone pairs ! (i.e. as if they are amber atoms) ! set frameon=0 ! If frameon is set to 1, (DEFAULT) the bonds, angles and dihedral interactions ! involving the lone pairs/extra points are removed ! except for constraints added during parm. The lone pairs are kept ! in ideal geometry relative to local atoms, and resulting torques are ! transferred to these atoms. ! If chngmask=1 (DEFAULT), new 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 interactions are ! calculated. An extra point belonging to an atom has a 1-1 interaction with it, ! and participates in any 1-2, 1-3 or 1-4 interaction that atom has. ! For example, suppose (excusing the geometry) ! C1,C2,C3,C4 form a dihedral and each has 1 extra point attached as below ! C1------C2------C3---------C4 ! | | | | ! | | | | ! Ep1 Ep2 Ep3 Ep4 ! The 1-4 interactions include C1&C4, Ep1&C4, C1&Ep4, and Ep1&Ep4 ! To see a printout of all 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 interactions ! set verbose=1 ! These interactions are masked out of nonbonds. Thus the amber mask list is ! rebuilt from these 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 pairs. I don't mask pairs that ! aren't in the union of these. ! A separate list of 1-4 nonbonds is then compiled. This list does not agree ! in general with the above 1-4, since a 1-4 could also be a 1-3 if its ! in a ring. I use the rules in EPHI to see who is included: ! Here is that code ! DO 700 JN = 1,MAXLEN ! I3 = IP(JN+IST) ! K3T = KP(JN+IST) ! L3T = LP(JN+IST) ! IC0 = ICP(JN+IST) ! IDUMI = ISIGN(1,K3T) ! IDUML = ISIGN(1,L3T) ! KDIV = (2+IDUMI+IDUML)/4 ! L3 = IABS(L3T) ! FMULN = FLOAT(KDIV) ! C ! II = (I3+3)/3 ! JJ = (L3+3)/3 ! IA1 = IAC(II) ! IA2 = IAC(JJ) ! IBIG = MAX0(IA1,IA2) ! ISML = MIN0(IA1,IA2) ! IC = IBIG*(IBIG-1)/2+ISML ! C ! C ----- CALCULATE THE 14-EEL ENERGY ----- ! C ! R2 = FMULN/CT(JN) ! R1 = SQRT(R2) ! ........... ! so I include a pair in the 1-4 list if kdiv is > 0 ! this is decided at startup. This decision logic is applied to the parent ! atoms, and if they are included, so are extra points attached: ! That is, in the above situation, if C1 and C4 pass the test I include ! C1&C4, Ep1&C4, C1&Ep4, and Ep1&Ep4. I don't test the dihedrals ! involving the extra points since the decision is based solely on ! parent atoms. ! The list of 1-4 nonbonds is also spit out if verbose=1. ! To scale 1-4 charge-dipole and dipole-dipole interactions the same as ! 1-4 charge-charge (i.e. divided by scee) ! set scaldip=1 (DEFAULT) ! If scaldip=0 the 1-4 charge-dipole and dipole-dipole interactions ! are treated the same as other dipolar interactions (i.e. divided by 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Using the bond list (the one not involving hydrogens), find the number ! of neighbors (heavy atom, hydrogens and extra points) attached to each ! atom. For example if atom i is heavy, numnghbr(1,i) is the number of heavy ! atoms attached to atom i, while numnghbr(2,i) is the number of ! hydrogens attached, and numnghbr(3,i) is the number of ! extra points attached to i. The identities of neighbors are ! packed back to back in nghbrlst. the attyp array holds the ! atom types, usded to distinguish extra points or lone pairs from ! regular atoms. !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine init_extra_pts1 here] subroutine init_extra_pts1() ! --- just figure out how much space is needed for extra_pts, ! and set up correct pointers. We need to do this first for ! the new dynamic memory allocation scheme implicit none # include "../include/memory.h" # include "extra_pts.h" integer max14 #ifndef LES call allocate_frames(numextra,ifrtyp,iatcen,inumep, & iepfr,ifrst,imid,ithrd,leploc) max14 = 12*(nphih+nphia+ndper) call allocate_14nb(inb_14,max14) #endif return end subroutine init_extra_pts1 !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine init_extra_pts here] subroutine init_extra_pts(ibh,jbh,icbh, & ib,jb,icb,ith,jth,kth,icth, & it,jt,kt,ict,iph,jph,kph,lph,icph, & ipa,jpa,kpa,lpa,icpa, & isymbl,ix,x,iblo,inb, & nspm,nsp,tma,tmass,tmassinv,amass,amassinv,req) implicit none integer ibh(*),jbh(*),icbh(*),ib(*),jb(*),icb(*), & ith(*),jth(*),kth(*),icth(*), & it(*),jt(*),kt(*),ict(*), & iph(*),jph(*),kph(*),lph(*),icph(*), & ipa(*),jpa(*),kpa(*),lpa(*),icpa(*), & ix(*),iblo(*),inb(*) character(len=4) isymbl(*) integer iz _REAL_ x(*) integer nspm,nsp(*) _REAL_ tma(*),tmass,tmassinv,amass(*),amassinv(*),req(*) # include "extra_pts.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" # include "../include/memory.h" integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: epbtyp integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nghbrs integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: hnghbrs integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: enghbrs integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: numnghbr integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: epowner integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: offset integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: test integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i11 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i12 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i13 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i14 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: nb_14_list integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: s3 integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: s4 character(len=4) ep,blank integer n,numextra_test integer num11,num12,num13,num14,max11,max12,max13,max14 integer maxa,ier ep = 'EP ' blank = ' ' numextra_test = 0 do n = 1,natom if ( isymbl(n) == ep )then numextra_test = numextra_test + 1 end if end do if( numextra_test /= numextra) then write(6,*) 'Error in numextra_test' call mexit(6,1) end if if( numextra == 0 ) frameon = 0 #ifdef LES if( numextra /= 0 ) then write(6,*) 'LES requires numextra=0' call mexit(6,1) end if return #endif max11 = natom+numextra max12 = 3*(nbonh+nbona+nbper) max13 = 3*(ntheth+ntheta+ngper) max14 = 12*(nphih+nphia+ndper) maxa = max(max11,max12,max13,max14) allocate( s3(maxa), stat=ier ) REQUIRE( ier == 0 ) allocate( s4(maxa), stat=ier ) REQUIRE( ier == 0 ) allocate ( epbtyp(5*natom), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( nghbrs(5*natom), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( hnghbrs(5*natom), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( enghbrs(5*natom), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( numnghbr(3*natom), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( epowner(natom), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( offset(natom), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( test(natom), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( i11(2*max11), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( i12(2*max12), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( i13(2*max13), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( i14(2*max14), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) allocate ( nb_14_list(max14), stat=ier) REQUIRE( ier==0 ) call get_nghbrs(ibh,jbh,ib,jb,icb,nbonh,nbona+nbper, & natom,isymbl,ep, & nghbrs,hnghbrs,enghbrs, & numnghbr,epowner,epbtyp) call define_frames(natom,isymbl, & nghbrs,hnghbrs,enghbrs, & numnghbr, & ix(ifrtyp),ix(iatcen),ix(inumep),ix(iepfr), & ix(ifrst),ix(imid),ix(ithrd),x(leploc),numfr, & epbtyp,req,verbose) call fill_bonded(max11,max12,max13,max14, & num11,num12,num13,num14, & i11,i12,i13,i14, & enghbrs, & numnghbr,epowner,natom, & ibh,jbh,ib,jb,ith,kth,it,kt,iph,lph,ipa,lpa, & nbonh,nbona,nbper,ntheth,ntheta,ngper,nphih,nphia,ndper, & offset,test,s3,verbose) if ( chngmask == 1 )then call redo_masked(natom,iblo,inb,nnb, & num11,num12,num13,num14, & i11,i12,i13,i14, & offset,test) end if call build_14nb(nb_14_list,numnb14,max14, & iph,jph,kph,lph,icph,ipa,jpa,kpa,lpa,icpa, & nphih,nphia,ndper, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs, & natom,offset,test,s3,s4, & chngmask,verbose) call copy_14nb(nb_14_list,ix(inb_14),numnb14) ! ---if frameon = 1 use frames and forces to define ep's ! ---else use their masses and amber force params if ( frameon == 1 )then ! ---zero out mass and massinv for extra points: call fix_masses(natom,epowner, & nspm,nsp,tma,tmass,tmassinv,amass,amassinv) ! ---now remove bonds etc involving extra points: iz = 0 call trim_bonds(ibh,jbh,icbh,nbonh,iz,epowner) call trim_bonds(ib,jb,icb,nbona,nbper,epowner) call trim_theta(ith,jth,kth,icth,ntheth,iz,epowner) call trim_theta(it,jt,kt,ict,ntheta,ngper,epowner) call trim_phi(iph,jph,kph,lph,icph,nphih,iz,epowner) call trim_phi(ipa,jpa,kpa,lpa,icpa,nphia,ndper,epowner) end if deallocate( s3 ) deallocate( s4 ) deallocate ( epbtyp ) deallocate ( nghbrs ) deallocate ( hnghbrs ) deallocate ( enghbrs ) deallocate ( numnghbr ) deallocate ( epowner ) deallocate ( offset ) deallocate ( test ) deallocate ( i11 ) deallocate ( i12 ) deallocate ( i13 ) deallocate ( i14 ) deallocate ( nb_14_list ) return end subroutine init_extra_pts !--------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ GET_NGHBRS !--------------------------------------------------------------- !+ find atoms involved in each center with an EP ! subroutine get_nghbrs(ibh,jbh,ib,jb,icb,numbh,numb, & natom,isymbl,ep, & nghbrs,hnghbrs,enghbrs,numnghbr,epowner,epbtyp) implicit none integer ibh(*),jbh(*),ib(*),jb(*),icb(*),numbh,numb,natom character(len=4) isymbl(*),ep integer nghbrs(5,natom),hnghbrs(5,natom),enghbrs(5,natom), & numnghbr(3,natom),epowner(natom),epbtyp(5,natom) # include "extra_pts.h" integer n,ii,jj epowner = 0 numnghbr=0 nghbrs = 0 hnghbrs = 0 enghbrs = 0 epbtyp = 0 do n = 1,numb ii = (ib(n) + 3)/3 jj = (jb(n) + 3)/3 if ( isymbl(ii) == ep ) then numnghbr(3,jj) = numnghbr(3,jj) + 1 enghbrs(numnghbr(3,jj),jj) = ii epowner(ii) = jj epbtyp(numnghbr(3,jj),jj) = icb(n) else if ( isymbl(jj) == ep ) then numnghbr(3,ii) = numnghbr(3,ii) + 1 enghbrs(numnghbr(3,ii),ii) = jj epowner(jj) = ii epbtyp(numnghbr(3,ii),ii) = icb(n) else numnghbr(1,ii) = numnghbr(1,ii) + 1 numnghbr(1,jj) = numnghbr(1,jj) + 1 nghbrs(numnghbr(1,ii),ii) = jj nghbrs(numnghbr(1,jj),jj) = ii end if end do do n = 1,numbh ii = (ibh(n) + 3)/3 jj = (jbh(n) + 3)/3 numnghbr(2,ii) = numnghbr(2,ii) + 1 numnghbr(2,jj) = numnghbr(2,jj) + 1 hnghbrs(numnghbr(2,ii),ii) = jj hnghbrs(numnghbr(2,jj),jj) = ii end do return end subroutine get_nghbrs !--------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ DEFINE_FRAMES !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !+ fix the positions of EP in the local frame/coord depending !+ on the kind of frame and atom types. ! subroutine define_frames(natom,isymbl, & nghbrs,hnghbrs,enghbrs,numnghbr, & frtype,atcenter,numep,epframe,first,middle,third, & eplocal,numfr,epbtyp,req,verbose) use constants, only : DEG_TO_RAD implicit none character(len=4) isymbl(*) integer natom integer nghbrs(5,*),hnghbrs(5,*),enghbrs(5,*), & numnghbr(3,*),epbtyp(5,*) integer frtype(*),atcenter(*),numep(*),epframe(2,*), & first(*),middle(*),third(*),numfr,verbose _REAL_ eplocal(3,2,*),req(*) integer k,m,n,l _REAL_ tetcos,tetsin,angle,scos,ssin character(len=4) sulf,sulfh sulf = 'S ' sulfh = 'SH ' ! --- get half-angle for tetrahedral angle = 54.735d0 angle = angle*DEG_TO_RAD tetcos = cos(angle) tetsin = sin(angle) ! --- get cos,sin for 60 scos = 0.5d0 ssin = sqrt(1.d0 - scos*scos) numfr = 0 do n = 1,natom if ( numnghbr(3,n) > 0 ) then if ( numnghbr(1,n) + numnghbr(2,n) > 2 ) then write(6,*)'EXTRA_PTS: too many nghbrs!!' call mexit(6,1) end if numfr = numfr + 1 atcenter(numfr) = n numep(numfr) = numnghbr(3,n) do k = 1,2 epframe(k,numfr) = 0 end do do k = 1,numep(numfr) epframe(k,numfr) = enghbrs(k,n) end do if ( numnghbr(1,n) == 0 .and. numnghbr(2,n) == 2 & .and. numnghbr(3,n) == 1) then !----- TIP4P water: --------------------------------- ! (temporarily assign frtype to 3, ! will set to 1 in next section) frtype(numfr) = 3 first(numfr) = hnghbrs(1,n) middle(numfr) = n third(numfr) = hnghbrs(2,n) else if ( numnghbr(1,n) == 0 .and. numnghbr(2,n) == 2 & .and. numnghbr(3,n) == 2) then !--- TIP5P water: ------------------------------- frtype(numfr) = 1 first(numfr) = hnghbrs(1,n) middle(numfr) = n third(numfr) = hnghbrs(2,n) else if ( numnghbr(1,n) > 1 ) then !--- "ordinary" type of frame ---------------------- ! defined by two other heavy atoms: frtype(numfr) = 1 first(numfr) = nghbrs(1,n) middle(numfr) = n third(numfr) = nghbrs(2,n) else if ( numnghbr(1,n) == 1 .and. numnghbr(2,n) == 1) then !--- frame defined by one heavy atom and one hydrogen: ------- frtype(numfr) = 1 first(numfr) = nghbrs(1,n) middle(numfr) = n third(numfr) = hnghbrs(1,n) else if ( numnghbr(1,n) == 1 .and. numnghbr(2,n) == 0) then !--- Assume this is CARBONYL oxygen. ----------------------- ! (Need to use midpoints of other two bonds of the carbon ! for first and third in orient force, thus (mis)use ! first middle third and atcenter to store 4 atoms for ! this special case.) frtype(numfr) = 2 m = nghbrs(1,n) middle(numfr) = m if ( numnghbr(1,m) /= 3 .or.numnghbr(2,m) > 0 )then write(6,*)'EXTRA_PTS: frtype 2 Should not be here' write(6,*) n,m,numnghbr(1,m),numnghbr(2,m) call mexit(6,1) end if ! numnghbr(1,m) = 3. One is n (the oxygen) and other 2 are ! other bonding partners of carbon first(numfr) = 0 third(numfr) = 0 k=1 do while( (k < 4) .and. (first(numfr) == 0) ) if ( nghbrs(k,m) /= n )then first(numfr) = nghbrs(k,m) end if k=k+1 end do k=1 do while( (k < 4) .and. (third(numfr) == 0) ) if ( nghbrs(k,m) /= n .and. & nghbrs(k,m) /= first(numfr))then third(numfr) = nghbrs(k,m) end if k=k+1 end do if((first(numfr)==0) .or. (third(numfr) == 0))then write(6,*) 'EXTRA_PTS: cannot find first or third frame point ' write(6,*) 'define: ',n,numnghbr(1,n), & numnghbr(2,n),numnghbr(3,n),first(numfr),third(numfr) call mexit(6,1) endif else write(6,*) 'EXTRA_PTS: unexpected numnghbr array: ' write(6,*) 'define: ',n,numnghbr(1,n), & numnghbr(2,n),numnghbr(3,n) call mexit(6,1) end if ! ( numnghbr(1,n) == 0 .and. numnghbr(2,n) == 2 end if ! ( numnghbr(1,n) == 0 .and. numnghbr(2,n) == 2 end do ! ( numnghbr(3,n) > 0 ) !--- get the local coords --------------------------------------- eplocal(1:3,1:2,1:numfr) = 0.d0 do n = 1,numfr l = atcenter(n) if ( frtype(n) == 1 .or. frtype(n) == 3 )then ! z axis along symmetry axis of second atom opposite ! bisector of first,third; ! x axis along the diff vector third minus first ! y axis is cross product if ( numep(n) == 1 )then ! extra point is along the z-direction: positive for ordinary ! lone pair, negative for TIP4P water extra point: eplocal(3,1,n) = req(epbtyp(1,l)) if( frtype(n) == 3 ) then eplocal(3,1,n) = -req(epbtyp(1,l)) frtype(n) = 1 end if else if ( numep(n) == 2 )then ! extra points are are in the z,y plane, tetrahedrally ! (unless middle atom is sulfur, in which case they ! are opposite along y): m = middle(n) if ( isymbl(m) == sulf .or. isymbl(m) == sulfh )then eplocal(2,1,n) = req(epbtyp(1,l)) eplocal(2,2,n) = -req(epbtyp(2,l)) else eplocal(3,1,n) = tetcos*req(epbtyp(1,l)) eplocal(2,1,n) = tetsin*req(epbtyp(1,l)) eplocal(3,2,n) = tetcos*req(epbtyp(2,l)) eplocal(2,2,n) = -tetsin*req(epbtyp(2,l)) end if else write(6,*) 'EXTRA_PTS: unexpected numep value: ',numep(n) call mexit(6,1) end if ! ( numep(n) == 1 ) else if ( frtype(n) == 2 )then ! z axis is along bond from middle to atcenter ! x axis in plane of atcenter and midpoints of first,middle ! and middle,third if ( numep(n) == 1 )then eplocal(3,1,n) = req(epbtyp(1,l)) else if ( numep(n) == 2 )then eplocal(3,1,n) = scos*req(epbtyp(1,l)) eplocal(1,1,n) = ssin*req(epbtyp(1,l)) eplocal(3,2,n) = scos*req(epbtyp(2,l)) eplocal(1,2,n) = -ssin*req(epbtyp(2,l)) else write(6,*) 'EXTRA_PTS: unexpected numep value: ',numep(n) call mexit(6,1) end if else write(6,*) 'EXTRA_PTS: unexpected frtype value: ',frtype(n) call mexit(6,1) end if ! ( frtype(n) == 1 .or. frtype(n) == 3 ) end do ! n = 1,numfr if ( verbose > 3 )then write(6,*) 'frames:' do n = 1,numfr write(6,666)n,atcenter(n), & isymbl(atcenter(n)),numep(n), & epframe(1,n),epframe(2,n),frtype(n), & first(n),middle(n),third(n) write(6,667)eplocal(1,1,n),eplocal(2,1,n),eplocal(3,1,n), & eplocal(1,2,n),eplocal(2,2,n),eplocal(3,2,n) end do end if 666 format(1x,2i7,1x,a4,7i7) 667 format(1x,6(1x,f10.4)) return end subroutine define_frames !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! LOCAL TO GLOBAL !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Calls do_local_to_global() to !+ Put EP in position in world coord system based on the ! position of the frame and the local coordinates. ! subroutine local_to_global(crd,x,ix) implicit none _REAL_ crd(3,*),x(*) integer ix(*) # include "extra_pts.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" ! integer iproc,numtasks if ( frameon == 0 .or. numfr == 0 ) return call do_local_global(crd,ix(ifrtyp),ix(iatcen),ix(inumep), & ix(iepfr),ix(ifrst),ix(imid),ix(ithrd),x(leploc),numfr) return end subroutine local_to_global !--------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO_LOCAL_TO_GLOBAL !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Put EP in position in world coord system based on the ! position of the frame and the local coordinates. ! subroutine do_local_global(crd,frtype,atcenter,numep, & epframe,first,middle,third,eplocal,numfr) ! iproc,numtasks) implicit none _REAL_ crd(3,*),eplocal(3,2,*) integer frtype(*),atcenter(*),numep(*),epframe(2,*),numfr integer first(*),middle(*),third(*) ! integer iproc,numtasks ! Frames from Stone and Alderton Mol Phys. 56, 5, 1047 (1985) ! plus weird modification for carbonyl to symmetrize _REAL_ uvec(3),vvec(3),ave(3),diff(3), & usiz,vsiz,asiz,dsiz,f(3,3) _REAL_ a(3),b(3),c(3) integer j,k,m,n if ( numfr == 0 )return do n = 1,numfr if ( frtype(n) == 1 )then do m = 1,3 a(m) = crd(m,first(n)) b(m) = crd(m,middle(n)) c(m) = crd(m,third(n)) end do else if ( frtype(n) == 2 ) then do m = 1,3 a(m) = 0.5d0*(crd(m,first(n))+crd(m,middle(n))) b(m) = crd(m,atcenter(n)) c(m) = 0.5d0*(crd(m,third(n))+crd(m,middle(n))) end do end if ! z-axis along symmmetry axis of b midway between ! unit vector to a and unit vector to c; points opposite usiz = 0.d0 vsiz = 0.d0 do m = 1,3 uvec(m) = a(m) - b(m) usiz = usiz + uvec(m)*uvec(m) vvec(m) = c(m) - b(m) vsiz = vsiz + vvec(m)*vvec(m) end do usiz = sqrt(usiz) vsiz = sqrt(vsiz) asiz = 0.d0 dsiz = 0.d0 do m = 1,3 uvec(m) = uvec(m)/usiz vvec(m) = vvec(m)/vsiz ave(m) = (uvec(m)+vvec(m))/2.d0 asiz = asiz + ave(m)*ave(m) diff(m) = (vvec(m)-uvec(m))/2.d0 dsiz = dsiz + diff(m)*diff(m) end do asiz = sqrt(asiz) dsiz = sqrt(dsiz) do m = 1,3 f(m,3) = -ave(m)/asiz f(m,1) = diff(m)/dsiz end do f(1,2) = f(2,3)*f(3,1)-f(3,3)*f(2,1) f(2,2) = f(3,3)*f(1,1)-f(1,3)*f(3,1) f(3,2) = f(1,3)*f(2,1)-f(2,3)*f(1,1) do k = 1, numep(n) j = epframe(k,n) do m = 1,3 crd(m,j) = crd(m,atcenter(n)) + eplocal(1,k,n)*f(m,1) + & eplocal(2,k,n)*f(m,2) + eplocal(3,k,n)*f(m,3) end do end do end do ! n = 1,numfr return end subroutine do_local_global !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ORIENT_FRC !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Calls do_orient_frc() to !+ transfer forces from EP to main atoms in frame ! subroutine orient_frc(crd,frc,framevir,ix) implicit none _REAL_ crd(3,*),frc(3,*) _REAL_ framevir(3,3) integer ix(*) # include "extra_pts.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" if ( frameon == 0 )return call do_orient_frc(crd,frc,framevir, & ix(ifrtyp),ix(iatcen),ix(inumep), & ix(iepfr),ix(ifrst),ix(imid),ix(ithrd),numfr) return end subroutine orient_frc !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO_ ORIENT_FRC !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ transfer forces from EP to main atoms in frame ! subroutine do_orient_frc(crd,frc,framevir,frtype,atcenter,numep, & epframe,first,middle,third,numfr) implicit none _REAL_ crd(3,*),frc(3,*) _REAL_ framevir(3,3) integer frtype(*),atcenter(*),numep(*),epframe(2,*),numfr integer first(*),middle(*),third(*) ! Frames from Stone and Alderton Mol Phys. 56, 5, 1047 (1985) _REAL_ u(3),v(3),w(3) _REAL_ up(3),vp(3),diff(3) _REAL_ usiz,vsiz,wsiz,upsiz,vpsiz _REAL_ dotdu,dotdv,dphidu,dphidv,dphidw _REAL_ c,s,uvdis,vudis,du(3),dv(3) _REAL_ force(3),torque(3),rel(3) integer i,j,k,l,j1,j2,j3,j4,m,n _REAL_ ap(3),bp(3),cp(3) ! motions of the frame can be described in terms of rotations about the ! unit vectors u and v from middle to first, third respecively ! and rotation about the unit cross product w if ( numfr == 0 )return framevir = 0.d0 do n = 1,numfr force = 0.d0 torque = 0.d0 i = atcenter(n) do k = 1,numep(n) j = epframe(k,n) force(1:3) = force(1:3) + frc(1:3,j) rel(1:3) = crd(1:3,j) - crd(1:3,i) #ifndef noVIRIAL ! ---get transferred force component of virial do m = 1,3 do l = 1,3 framevir(l,m) = framevir(l,m) + frc(l,j)*rel(m) end do end do #endif !---torque is rel x frc torque(1) = torque(1) + rel(2)*frc(3,j) - rel(3)*frc(2,j) torque(2) = torque(2) + rel(3)*frc(1,j) - rel(1)*frc(3,j) torque(3) = torque(3) + rel(1)*frc(2,j) - rel(2)*frc(1,j) frc(1,j) = 0.d0 frc(2,j) = 0.d0 frc(3,j) = 0.d0 end do if ( frtype(n) == 1 ) then do m = 1,3 ap(m) = crd(m,first(n)) bp(m) = crd(m,middle(n)) cp(m) = crd(m,third(n)) end do else if ( frtype(n) == 2 ) then do m = 1,3 ap(m) = 0.5d0*(crd(m,first(n))+crd(m,middle(n))) bp(m) = crd(m,atcenter(n)) cp(m) = 0.5d0*(crd(m,third(n))+crd(m,middle(n))) end do end if usiz = 0.d0 vsiz = 0.d0 do m = 1,3 u(m) = ap(m) - bp(m) usiz = usiz + u(m)*u(m) v(m) = cp(m) - bp(m) vsiz = vsiz + v(m)*v(m) end do usiz = sqrt(usiz) vsiz = sqrt(vsiz) w(1) = u(2)*v(3)-u(3)*v(2) w(2) = u(3)*v(1)-u(1)*v(3) w(3) = u(1)*v(2)-u(2)*v(1) wsiz = sqrt(w(1)*w(1)+w(2)*w(2)+w(3)*w(3)) dotdu = 0.d0 dotdv = 0.d0 do m = 1,3 u(m) = u(m)/usiz v(m) = v(m)/vsiz w(m) = w(m)/wsiz diff(m) = v(m) - u(m) dotdu = dotdu + u(m)*diff(m) dotdv = dotdv + v(m)*diff(m) end do ! ---get perps to u,v to get direction of motion of u or v ! due to rotation about the cross product vector w upsiz = 0.d0 vpsiz = 0.d0 do m = 1,3 up(m) = diff(m) - dotdu*u(m) vp(m) = diff(m) - dotdv*v(m) upsiz = upsiz + up(m)*up(m) vpsiz = vpsiz + vp(m)*vp(m) end do upsiz = sqrt(upsiz) vpsiz = sqrt(vpsiz) do m = 1,3 up(m) = up(m)/upsiz vp(m) = vp(m)/vpsiz end do ! ---negative of dot product of torque with unit vectors ! along u,v and w. give result of infinitesmal rotation ! along these vectors, i.e. dphi/dtheta = dot product dphidu = -(torque(1)*u(1)+torque(2)*u(2)+torque(3)*u(3)) dphidv = -(torque(1)*v(1)+torque(2)*v(2)+torque(3)*v(3)) dphidw = -(torque(1)*w(1)+torque(2)*w(2)+torque(3)*w(3)) ! ---get projected distances between vectors c = u(1)*v(1)+u(2)*v(2)+u(3)*v(3) s = sqrt(1.d0 - c*c) uvdis = usiz*s vudis = vsiz*s !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! frame formed by bisector of u,v, its perp, and w ! movement of u by dz out of plane -> rotation about v of -dz/uvdis ! since positive rotation about v move u in negative dir. wrt w ! dphi/dz = dphi/dtheta dtheta/dz = -dotvt /uvdis ! movement of v by dz out of plane -> rotation about u of dz/vudis ! movement of u by dy along up -> rotation about w of 1/2 dy/usiz ! since bisector only rotates 1/2 as much as u or v in isolation ! movement of v by dy along vperp -> rotation about w of 1/2 dy/vsiz ! movement of u by dx along u doesn't change frame ! movement of v by dx along v doesn't change frame ! So... du_du = 0, du_dw = -dotvt/uvdis, du_dup = dotwt/(2.d0*usiz) ! So... dv_dv = 0, dv_dw = dotut/vudis, du_dup = dotwt/(2.d0*usiz) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( frtype(n) == 1 )then j1 = first(n) j2 = middle(n) j3 = third(n) do m = 1,3 du(m) = -w(m)*dphidv/uvdis + up(m)*dphidw/(2.d0*usiz) dv(m) = w(m)*dphidu/vudis + vp(m)*dphidw/(2.d0*vsiz) frc(m,j1) = frc(m,j1) - du(m) frc(m,j3) = frc(m,j3) - dv(m) frc(m,j2) = frc(m,j2) + dv(m) + du(m) + force(m) end do #ifndef noVIRIAL ! ---get torque contribution to virial do m = 1,3 do l = 1,3 framevir(l,m) = framevir(l,m) + du(l)*(ap(m)-bp(m)) & + dv(l)*(cp(m) - bp(m)) end do end do #endif else if ( frtype(n) == 2 ) then ! ---need to transfer forces from midpoints to atoms j1 = first(n) j2 = middle(n) j3 = third(n) j4 = atcenter(n) do m = 1,3 du(m) = -w(m)*dphidv/uvdis + up(m)*dphidw/(2.d0*usiz) dv(m) = w(m)*dphidu/vudis + vp(m)*dphidw/(2.d0*vsiz) frc(m,j1) = frc(m,j1) - 0.5d0*du(m) frc(m,j3) = frc(m,j3) - 0.5d0*dv(m) frc(m,j2) = frc(m,j2) - 0.5d0*(du(m)+dv(m)) frc(m,j4) = frc(m,j4) + dv(m) + du(m) + force(m) end do #ifndef noVIRIAL ! ---get torque contribution to virial do m = 1,3 do l = 1,3 framevir(l,m) = framevir(l,m) + du(l)*(ap(m)-bp(m)) & + dv(l)*(cp(m) - bp(m)) end do end do #endif end if ! ( frtype(n) == 1 ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! OTHER TYPE FRAME; NOT SEEN YET ! frame formed by u, its perp, and w ! movement of v in plane doesn't change frame ! movement of u by dz out of plane -> rotation about v of -dz/uvdis ! since positive rotation about v move u in negative dir. wrt w ! dphi/dz = dphi/dtheta dtheta/dz = -dotvt /uvdis ! movement of v by dz out of plane -> rotation about u of dz/vudis ! movement of u by dy along up -> rotation about w of dy/usiz ! since frame rotates as much as u in isolation !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! do m = 1,3 ! du(m) = -w(m)*dphidv/uvdis + up(m)*dphidw/usiz ! dv(m) = w(m)*dphidu/vudis ! frc(m,j1) = frc(m,j1) - du(m) + force(m) ! frc(m,j3) = frc(m,j3) - dv(m) ! frc(m,j2) = frc(m,j2) + dv(m) + du(m) ! enddo ! get torque contribution to virial ! do m = 1,3 ! do l = 1,3 ! framevir(l,m) = framevir(l,m) + du(l)*(crd(m,j1)-crd(m,j2)) ! . + dv(l)*(crd(m,j3)-crd(m,j2)) ! enddo ! enddo ! endif 199 continue end do ! n = 1,numfr return end subroutine do_orient_frc !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ZERO_EXTRA_PNTS_VEC !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Calls do_zero_extra_pnts_vec() to !+ zero the force or velocity vectors associated with extra points. ! subroutine zero_extra_pnts_vec(vec,ix) implicit none _REAL_ vec(3,*) integer ix(*) # include "extra_pts.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" if ( frameon == 0 )return call do_zero_extra_pnts_vec(vec, ix(inumep), ix(iepfr),numfr) return end subroutine zero_extra_pnts_vec !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO_ZERO_EXTRA_PNTS_VEC !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ Zero the force or velocity vectors associated with extra points. ! subroutine do_zero_extra_pnts_vec(vec,numep,epframe,numfr) implicit none _REAL_ vec(3,*) integer numep(*),epframe(2,*),numfr integer j,k,n if ( numfr == 0 )return do n = 1,numfr do k = 1,numep(n) j = epframe(k,n) vec(:,j) = 0.d0 end do end do ! n = 1,numfr return end subroutine do_zero_extra_pnts_vec !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FILL_BONDED !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ subroutine fill_bonded(max11,max12,max13,max14, & num11,num12,num13,num14, & list11,list12,list13,list14, & enghbrs,numnghbr,epowner,natom, & ibh,jbh,ib,jb,ith,kth,it,kt,iph,lph,ip,lp, & nbonh,nbona,nbper,ntheth,ntheta,ngper,nphih,nphia,ndper, & scr1,scr2,scr3,verbose) implicit none integer max11,max12,max13,max14,num11,num12,num13,num14 integer list11(2,max11),list12(2,max12), & list13(2,max13),list14(2,max14) integer scr1(*),scr2(*),scr3(*) integer enghbrs(5,*), & numnghbr(3,*),epowner(*),natom integer ibh(*),jbh(*),ib(*),jb(*), & ith(*),kth(*),it(*),kt(*),iph(*),lph(*),ip(*),lp(*), & nbonh,nbona,ntheth,ntheta,nphih,nphia,verbose, & nbper,ngper,ndper integer n,ifail num11 = 0 num12 = 0 num13 = 0 num14 = 0 do n = 1,natom if ( numnghbr(3,n) == 1 )then num11 = num11 + 1 if ( num11 > max11 )goto 100 list11(1,num11) = n list11(2,num11) = enghbrs(1,n) else if ( numnghbr(3,n) == 2 )then if ( num11 +3 > max11 )goto 100 num11 = num11 + 1 if ( num11 > max11 )goto 100 list11(1,num11) = n list11(2,num11) = enghbrs(1,n) num11 = num11 + 1 if ( num11 > max11 )goto 100 list11(1,num11) = n list11(2,num11) = enghbrs(2,n) num11 = num11 + 1 if ( num11 > max11 )goto 100 list11(1,num11) = enghbrs(1,n) list11(2,num11) = enghbrs(2,n) else if ( numnghbr(3,n) == 3 )then goto 500 end if end do ! --- bonds --------- call do_pairs(ibh,jbh,nbonh,list12,num12,max12, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail) if ( ifail == 1 )goto 200 call do_pairs(ib,jb,nbona+nbper,list12,num12,max12, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail) call sort_pairs(list12,num12,natom,scr1,scr2,scr3) if ( ifail == 1 )goto 200 ! --- angles -------- call do_pairs(ith,kth,ntheth,list13,num13,max13, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail) if ( ifail == 1 )goto 300 call do_pairs(it,kt,ntheta+ngper,list13,num13,max13, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail) if ( ifail == 1 )goto 300 call sort_pairs(list13,num13,natom,scr1,scr2,scr3) ! --- dihedrals ----- call do_pairs(iph,lph,nphih,list14,num14,max14, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail) if ( ifail == 1 )goto 400 call do_pairs(ip,lp,nphia+ndper,list14,num14,max14, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail) if ( ifail == 1 )goto 400 call sort_pairs(list14,num14,natom,scr1,scr2,scr3) if( verbose > 0 ) & write(6,'(a,4i6)') '| EXTRA PTS fill_bonded: num11-14 = ', & num11,num12,num13,num14 if ( verbose > 3 )then write(6,*)'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1-1 pairs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' do n = 1,num11 write(6,666)n,list11(1,n),list11(2,n) end do write(6,*)'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1-2 pairs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' do n = 1,num12 write(6,666)n,list12(1,n),list12(2,n) end do write(6,*)'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1-3 pairs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' do n = 1,num13 write(6,666)n,list13(1,n),list13(2,n) end do write(6,*)'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1-4 pairs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' do n = 1,num14 write(6,666)n,list14(1,n),list14(2,n) end do write(6,*)'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' 666 format(1x,i5,':',3x,'i,j = ',i5,1x,i5) end if return 100 write(6,*)'fill_bonded: max11 exceeded!!' call mexit(6,1) 200 write(6,*)'fill_bonded: max12 exceeded!!' call mexit(6,1) 300 write(6,*)'fill_bonded: max13 exceeded!!' call mexit(6,1) 400 write(6,*)'fill_bonded: max14 exceeded!!' call mexit(6,1) 500 write(6,*)'fill_bonded: should not be here!' end subroutine fill_bonded !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine sort_pairs here] subroutine sort_pairs(list,num,natom,scr1,scr2,scr3) implicit none integer list(2,*),num,natom,scr1(*),scr2(*),scr3(*) integer i,j,k,m,n,ntot do n = 1,num i = list(1,n) j = list(2,n) if ( i < j )then list(1,n) = i list(2,n) = j else list(1,n) = j list(2,n) = i end if end do ! ---now get rid of duplicates ! ---first pass do n = 1,natom scr1(n) = 0 end do do n = 1,num i = list(1,n) scr1(i) = scr1(i) + 1 end do scr2(1) = 0 do n = 2,natom scr2(n) = scr2(n-1) + scr1(n-1) scr1(n-1) = 0 end do scr1(natom) = 0 ! ---second pass do n = 1,num i = list(1,n) j = list(2,n) scr1(i) = scr1(i) + 1 scr3(scr1(i) + scr2(i)) = j end do do n = 1,natom scr2(n) = 0 end do ! ---now trim them ntot = 0 k = 0 do n = 1,natom do m = 1,scr1(n) j = scr3(ntot + m) if ( scr2(j) /= n )then k = k + 1 list(1,k) = n list(2,k) = j scr2(j) = n end if end do ntot = ntot + scr1(n) end do num = k return end subroutine sort_pairs !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine sort_pairs here] subroutine sort_pairs_14_nb(nb_14_list,num,natom,scr1,scr2,scr3,scr4) implicit none integer nb_14_list(3,*),num,natom,scr1(*),scr2(*),scr3(*),scr4(*) integer i,j,k,m,n,ntot,ic0 !Indexes of nb_14_list = 1,j,ic0 (ic0=icp(n)) !First pass, make sure the first index contains the lowest number. Ignore !index 3 here since this won't change anything. do n = 1,num i = nb_14_list(1,n) j = nb_14_list(2,n) if ( i < j )then nb_14_list(1,n) = i nb_14_list(2,n) = j else nb_14_list(1,n) = j nb_14_list(2,n) = i end if end do ! ---now get rid of duplicates ! ---first pass scr1(1:natom) = 0 do n = 1,num i = nb_14_list(1,n) scr1(i) = scr1(i) + 1 end do scr2(1) = 0 do n = 2,natom scr2(n) = scr2(n-1) + scr1(n-1) scr1(n-1) = 0 end do scr1(natom) = 0 ! ---second pass do n = 1,num i = nb_14_list(1,n) j = nb_14_list(2,n) ic0 = nb_14_list(3,n) scr1(i) = scr1(i) + 1 scr3(scr1(i) + scr2(i)) = j scr4(scr1(i) + scr2(i)) = ic0 end do scr2(1:natom) = 0 ! ---now trim them ntot = 0 k = 0 do n = 1,natom do m = 1,scr1(n) j = scr3(ntot + m) ic0 = scr4(ntot + m) if ( scr2(j) /= n )then k = k + 1 nb_14_list(1,k) = n nb_14_list(2,k) = j nb_14_list(3,k) = ic0 scr2(j) = n end if end do ntot = ntot + scr1(n) end do num = k return end subroutine sort_pairs_14_nb !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine redo_masked here] subroutine redo_masked(natom,iblo,inb,nnb, & num11,num12,num13,num14, & list11,list12,list13,list14,offset,test) implicit none integer natom,iblo(*),inb(*),nnb, & num11,num12,num13,num14, & list11(2,*),list12(2,*),list13(2,*),list14(2,*), & offset(*), test(*) ! ---build the mask list from list11-14. Make sure no duplication integer j,n,m,ntot do n = 1,natom iblo(n) = 0 offset(n) = 0 test(n) = 0 end do ! ---PASS 1 fill iblo call add_one_list_iblo(iblo,list11,num11) call add_one_list_iblo(iblo,list12,num12) call add_one_list_iblo(iblo,list13,num13) call add_one_list_iblo(iblo,list14,num14) ! ---check totals while finding offsets, resetting iblo ntot = 0 do n = 1,natom offset(n) = ntot ntot = ntot + iblo(n) iblo(n) = 0 end do if ( ntot > 2*nnb )then write(6,*)'EXTRA POINTS: nnb too small! ' write(6,*)'nnb,ntot = ',nnb,ntot call mexit(6,1) end if ! ---PASS 2 fill inb, redo iblo call add_one_list_inb(iblo,inb,offset,list11,num11) call add_one_list_inb(iblo,inb,offset,list12,num12) call add_one_list_inb(iblo,inb,offset,list13,num13) call add_one_list_inb(iblo,inb,offset,list14,num14) ! ---PASS 3 filter inb, remove duplicate entries do n = 1,natom-1 do m = 1, iblo(n) j = inb(offset(n) + m) if (test(j) /= n )then test(j) = n else inb(offset(n) + m) = 0 end if end do end do return end subroutine redo_masked !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine add_one_list_iblo here] subroutine add_one_list_iblo(iblo,list,num) implicit none integer iblo(*),list(2,*),num integer n,i do n = 1,num i = list(1,n) iblo(i) = iblo(i) + 1 end do return end subroutine add_one_list_iblo !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine add_one_list_inb here] subroutine add_one_list_inb(iblo,inb,offset,list,num) implicit none integer iblo(*),inb(*),offset(*),list(2,*),num integer n,i,j,m do n = 1,num i = list(1,n) j = list(2,n) m = offset(i) iblo(i) = iblo(i) + 1 inb(m+iblo(i)) = j end do return end subroutine add_one_list_inb !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine build_14nb here] subroutine build_14nb(nb_14_list,numnb14,maxnb14, & iph,jph,kph,lph,icph,ipa,jpa,kpa,lpa,icpa, & nphih,nphia,ndper, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs, & natom,scr1,scr2,scr3,scr4, & chngmask,verbose) implicit none integer nb_14_list(3,*),numnb14,maxnb14, & iph(*),jph(*),kph(*),lph(*),icph(*), & ipa(*),jpa(*),kpa(*),lpa(*),icpa(*), & nphih,nphia,ndper,chngmask,verbose integer enghbrs(5,*),numnghbr(3,*),epowner(*) integer natom,scr1(*),scr2(*),scr3(*),scr4(*) integer ifail,n numnb14 = 0 call do_14pairs(iph,jph,kph,lph,icph, & nphih,nb_14_list,numnb14,maxnb14, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail,chngmask) if ( ifail == 1 )then write(6,*)'exceeded maxnb14 in build14: check extra_pts.h' call mexit(6,1) end if call do_14pairs(ipa,jpa,kpa,lpa,icpa, & nphia+ndper,nb_14_list,numnb14,maxnb14, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail,chngmask) if ( ifail == 1 )then write(6,*)'exceeded maxnb14 in build14: check extra_pts.h' call mexit(6,1) end if call sort_pairs_14_nb(nb_14_list,numnb14,natom,scr1,scr2,scr3,scr4) if( verbose > 0 ) write(6,'(a,i6)') & '| EXTRA_PTS, build_14: num of 14 terms = ',numnb14 if ( verbose > 3 )then write(6,*)'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1-4 nb list $$$$$$$$$$' do n = 1,numnb14 write(6,666)n,nb_14_list(1,n),nb_14_list(2,n) end do 666 format(1x,i5,':',3x,'i,j = ',i5,1x,i5) write(6,*)'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' end if return end subroutine build_14nb !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! GET_14_CG !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ subroutine get_14_cg(charge,crd,frc, & iac,ico,ntypes,cn1,cn2, & ee14,enb14,one_scee,one_scnb,e14vir,ix,mytaskid,numtasks,eedmeth) implicit none _REAL_ charge(*),crd(3,*),frc(3,*), & cn1(*),cn2(*),e14vir(3,3) integer iac(*),ico(*),ntypes,ix(*) _REAL_ ee14,enb14,one_scee(*),one_scnb(*) integer mytaskid,numtasks,eedmeth # include "extra_pts.h" call do_14_cg(charge,crd,frc, & iac,ico,ntypes,cn1,cn2, & ee14,enb14,one_scee,one_scnb,e14vir,ix(inb_14),numnb14, & mytaskid,numtasks,eedmeth) return end subroutine get_14_cg !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! DO_14_CG !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ subroutine do_14_cg(charge,crd,frc, & iac,ico,ntypes,cn1,cn2, & ee14,enb14,one_scee,one_scnb,e14vir,nb_14_list,numnb14, & mytaskid,numtasks,eedmeth) use constants, only: zero,one use decomp, only: decpr, decpair use crg_reloc, only: ifcr, cropt, cr_charge, cr_add_dcdr_factor use file_io_dat #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ use softcore, only: ifsc, nsc, sc_ener, oneweight, emil_sc #endif implicit none _REAL_ charge(*),crd(3,*),frc(3,*), & cn1(*),cn2(*),e14vir(3,3) integer iac(*),ico(*),ntypes,nb_14_list(3,*),numnb14 _REAL_ ee14,enb14,one_scee(*),one_scnb(*) integer mytaskid,numtasks,eedmeth # include "flocntrl.h" # include "../include/md.h" integer n,i,j,ic,ic0,ia1,ia2,ibig,isml _REAL_ dx,dy,dz,r2,r2inv,rinv,scnb0, scee0 _REAL_ g,f6,f12,r6,df _REAL_ cgi, cgj ee14 = zero enb14 = zero #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ sc_ener(4) = 0.0d0 sc_ener(5) = 0.0d0 #endif if ( do_14 == 0 )return e14vir = zero if(eedmeth == 5)then do n = mytaskid+1,numnb14,numtasks i = nb_14_list(1,n) j = nb_14_list(2,n) ic0 = nb_14_list(3,n) scee0=one_scee(ic0) scnb0=one_scnb(ic0) dx = crd(1,j) - crd(1,i) dy = crd(2,j) - crd(2,i) dz = crd(3,j) - crd(3,i) r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz rinv = sqrt(1.d0/r2) r2inv = rinv*rinv r6 = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv if ( ifcr /= 0 .and. cropt == 0 ) then cgi = cr_charge(i) cgj = cr_charge(j) else cgi = charge(i) cgj = charge(j) end if g = cgi*cgj*r2inv ee14 = ee14 + scee0*g ! always use the 6-12 parameters, even if 10-12 are available: ia1 = iac(i) ia2 = iac(j) ibig = max0(ia1,ia2) isml = min0(ia1,ia2) ic = ibig*(ibig-1)/2+isml f6 = cn2(ic)*r6 f12 = cn1(ic)*(r6*r6) enb14 = enb14 + scnb0*(f12 - f6) df = (2.d0*scee0*g + scnb0*(12.d0*f12 - 6.d0*f6))*r2inv if ( ifcr /= 0 .and. cropt /= 0 ) then call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, cgj*r2inv*scee0 ) call cr_add_dcdr_factor( j, cgi*r2inv*scee0 ) end if ! -- ti decomp if(decpr .and. idecomp /= 0) then if(idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,i,j,scee0*g/(nstlim/ntpr)) call decpair(4,i,j,scnb0*(f12 - f6)/(nstlim/ntpr)) elseif(idecomp == 2) then call decpair(2,i,j,scee0*g/(nstlim/ntpr)) call decpair(3,i,j,scnb0*(f12 - f6)/(nstlim/ntpr)) endif endif frc(1,j) = frc(1,j) + df*dx frc(2,j) = frc(2,j) + df*dy frc(3,j) = frc(3,j) + df*dz frc(1,i) = frc(1,i) - df*dx frc(2,i) = frc(2,i) - df*dy frc(3,i) = frc(3,i) - df*dz #ifndef noVIRIAL e14vir(1,1) = e14vir(1,1) - df*dx*dx e14vir(1,2) = e14vir(1,2) - df*dx*dy e14vir(1,3) = e14vir(1,3) - df*dx*dz e14vir(2,1) = e14vir(2,1) - df*dy*dx e14vir(2,2) = e14vir(2,2) - df*dy*dy e14vir(2,3) = e14vir(2,3) - df*dy*dz e14vir(3,1) = e14vir(3,1) - df*dz*dx e14vir(3,2) = e14vir(3,2) - df*dz*dy e14vir(3,3) = e14vir(3,3) - df*dz*dz #endif end do ! n = 1,numnb14 else ! do n = 1,numnb14 ! if ( mod(n,numtasks) /= mytaskid)cycle do n = mytaskid+1,numnb14,numtasks i = nb_14_list(1,n) j = nb_14_list(2,n) ic0 = nb_14_list(3,n) scee0=one_scee(ic0) scnb0=one_scnb(ic0) dx = crd(1,j) - crd(1,i) dy = crd(2,j) - crd(2,i) dz = crd(3,j) - crd(3,i) r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz rinv = sqrt(1.d0/r2) r2inv = rinv*rinv r6 = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv if ( ifcr /= 0 .and. cropt == 0 ) then cgi = cr_charge(i) cgj = cr_charge(j) else cgi = charge(i) cgj = charge(j) end if g = cgi*cgj*rinv ee14 = ee14 + scee0*g ! always use the 6-12 parameters, even if 10-12 are available: ia1 = iac(i) ia2 = iac(j) ibig = max0(ia1,ia2) isml = min0(ia1,ia2) ic = ibig*(ibig-1)/2+isml f6 = cn2(ic)*r6 f12 = cn1(ic)*(r6*r6) enb14 = enb14 + scnb0*(f12 - f6) df = (scee0*g + scnb0*(12.d0*f12 - 6.d0*f6))*r2inv if ( ifcr /= 0 .and. cropt /= 0 ) then call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, cgj*rinv*scee0 ) call cr_add_dcdr_factor( j, cgi*rinv*scee0 ) end if #ifdef MPI /* SOFT CORE */ ! For dual-topology softcore runs, 1-4 interactions involving sc atoms are modified here if (ifsc /= 0) then ! Check if a softcore atom is involved in this interaction if ((nsc(i) == 1 .or. nsc(j) == 1) .and. emil_sc .eq. 0) then ! This interactions need to ! a) get their energies removed from the 1-4 energies ! b) get their force scaled up by 1/weight ! This means reversing the work done above, but keeps the code simple sc_ener(4) = sc_ener(4) + (scnb0*(f12 - f6)) enb14 = enb14 - (scnb0*(f12 - f6)) sc_ener(5) = sc_ener(5) + (scee0*g) ee14 = ee14 - (scee0*g) df = df * oneweight if ( ifcr /= 0 .and. cropt /= 0 ) then call cr_add_dcdr_factor( i, -cgj*rinv*scee0 ) call cr_add_dcdr_factor( j, -cgi*rinv*scee0 ) end if end if endif ! -- ti decomp if(ifsc == 0) then if(decpr .and. idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,i,j,scee0*g/(nstlim/ntpr)) call decpair(4,i,j,scnb0*(f12 - f6)/(nstlim/ntpr)) else if(decpr .and. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(2,i,j,scee0*g/(nstlim/ntpr)) call decpair(3,i,j,scnb0*(f12 - f6)/(nstlim/ntpr)) endif else if( nsc(i) /= 1 .and. nsc(j) /= 1 ) then if(decpr .and. idecomp == 1) then call decpair(4,i,j,scee0*g/(nstlim/ntpr)) call decpair(4,i,j,scnb0*(f12 - f6)/(nstlim/ntpr)) else if(decpr .and. idecomp == 2) then call decpair(2,i,j,scee0*g/(nstlim/ntpr)) call decpair(3,i,j,scnb0*(f12 - f6)/(nstlim/ntpr)) endif endif #endif frc(1,j) = frc(1,j) + df*dx frc(2,j) = frc(2,j) + df*dy frc(3,j) = frc(3,j) + df*dz frc(1,i) = frc(1,i) - df*dx frc(2,i) = frc(2,i) - df*dy frc(3,i) = frc(3,i) - df*dz #ifndef noVIRIAL e14vir(1,1) = e14vir(1,1) - df*dx*dx e14vir(1,2) = e14vir(1,2) - df*dx*dy e14vir(1,3) = e14vir(1,3) - df*dx*dz e14vir(2,1) = e14vir(2,1) - df*dy*dx e14vir(2,2) = e14vir(2,2) - df*dy*dy e14vir(2,3) = e14vir(2,3) - df*dy*dz e14vir(3,1) = e14vir(3,1) - df*dz*dx e14vir(3,2) = e14vir(3,2) - df*dz*dy e14vir(3,3) = e14vir(3,3) - df*dz*dz #endif end do ! n = 1,numnb14 end if ! (eedmeth == 5) return end subroutine do_14_cg !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine get_14_dipole here] subroutine get_14_dipole(charge,crd,frc, & dipole,field,iac,ico,ntypes,cn1,cn2, & ! M-WJ, WJM, YD pol,dampfactor,pol2,& ! ee14,enb14,epol14,one_scee,one_scnb,e14vir,ix, & mytaskid,numtasks) implicit none _REAL_ charge(*),crd(3,*),frc(3,*), & cn1(*),cn2(*),e14vir(3,3) ! M-WJ, WJM, YD _REAL_ dipole(3,*),field(3,*), one_scee(*), one_scnb(*), pol(*),dipdamp _REAL_ dampfactor(*) , pol2(*) ! integer iac(*),ico(*),ntypes,ix(*) _REAL_ ee14,enb14,epol14 integer mytaskid,numtasks # include "extra_pts.h" # include "ew_cntrl.h" call do_14_dipole(charge,crd,frc,dipole,field, & iac,ico,ntypes,cn1,cn2, & ! M-WJ, WJM, YD pol,mpoltype,dampfactor,pol2,& ! ee14,enb14,epol14,one_scee,one_scnb, & e14vir,ix(inb_14),numnb14,mytaskid,numtasks,scaldip) return end subroutine get_14_dipole !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine do_14_dipole here] subroutine do_14_dipole(charge,crd,frc,dipole,field, & iac,ico,ntypes,cn1,cn2, & ! M-WJ, WJM, YD pol,mpoltype,dampfactor,pol2, & ! ee14,enb14,epol14,one_scee,one_scnb, & e14vir,nb_14_list,numnb14,mytaskid,numtasks,scaldip) ! M-WJ use constants, only : zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, twelve, third, half ! implicit none _REAL_ charge(*),crd(3,*),frc(3,*), & cn1(*),cn2(*),e14vir(3,3) ! M-WJ, WJM, YD _REAL_ dipole(3,*),field(3,*), one_scee(*), one_scnb(*), pol(*),dipdamp _REAL_ dampfactor(*), pol2(*) integer mpoltype ! integer iac(*),ico(*),ntypes,nb_14_list(3,*),numnb14 _REAL_ ee14,enb14,epol14 integer mytaskid,numtasks,scaldip # include "flocntrl.h" integer n,i,j,ic, ic0,ia1,ia2,ibig,isml _REAL_ dx,dy,dz,r2,r2inv _REAL_ rinv _REAL_ scee0,scnb0,scdd0,f6,f12,r6,df _REAL_ term,term0,term1,termi,termj,termq,cgp _REAL_ dphii_dx,dphii_dy,dphii_dz, & dphij_dx,dphij_dy,dphij_dz _REAL_ c0,c1,c2,c3 _REAL_ dfx,dfy,dfz _REAL_ cgi,cgj,dotir,dotjr,dotp,dotij ! M-WJ _REAL_ u3,au3,exp_au3,lambda3,lambda5,lambda7,c1_o _REAL_ u,au,a2u2,a3u3,a4u4,exp_au,v,v3,v4,termi_o,termj_o ! ee14 = 0.d0 enb14 = 0.d0 epol14 = 0.d0 if ( do_14 == 0 )return scdd0 = 1.d0 do j = 1,3 do i = 1,3 e14vir(i,j) = 0.d0 end do end do ! do n = 1,numnb14 ! if ( mod(n,numtasks) /= mytaskid ) cycle do n = mytaskid+1,numnb14,numtasks i = nb_14_list(1,n) j = nb_14_list(2,n) ic0 = nb_14_list(3,n) scee0=one_scee(ic0) scnb0=one_scnb(ic0) if ( scaldip == 1 )then scdd0 = one_scee(1) end if cgi = charge(i) cgj = charge(j) cgp = cgi*cgj dx = crd(1,j) - crd(1,i) dy = crd(2,j) - crd(2,i) dz = crd(3,j) - crd(3,i) r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz r2inv = 1.d0/r2 rinv = sqrt(r2inv) ! M-WJ: calculate Thole damping function ! Modified by WJM if ( pol(i) == 0 .or. pol(j) == 0 ) then lambda3 = one lambda5 = one lambda7 = one else if ( mpoltype == 1 ) then lambda3 = one lambda5 = one lambda7 = one else if ( mpoltype == 2 ) then ! pol2()=sqrt(pol()/dampfactors()) au3 = r2/rinv/ (pol2(i)*pol2(j)) exp_au3 = exp(-au3) lambda3 = one - exp_au3 lambda5 = one - (one+au3)*exp_au3 lambda7 = one - (one + au3 + three/five*au3*au3)*exp_au3 else if ( mpoltype == 3 ) then ! pol2()=pol()**sixth/sqrt(dampfactors()) au = one / (pol2(i)*pol2(j))/rinv exp_au = exp(-au) a2u2 = au*au a3u3 = a2u2*au a4u4 = a3u3*au lambda3=one-(a2u2/two+au+one)*exp_au lambda5=lambda3-a3u3/six*exp_au lambda7=lambda5-a4u4/six/five*exp_au else if ( mpoltype == 4 ) then ! pol2()=sqrt(dampfactors())*pol()**(1/6) v = one / (pol2(i)*pol2(j)) / rinv if ( v < one ) then v3 = v*v*v v4 = v3*v lambda3 = four*v3 - three*v4 lambda5 = v4 lambda7 = v4 / five else lambda3 = one lambda5 = one lambda7 = one end if end if ! c0 = rinv c1 = c0*r2inv c2 = 3.d0*c1*r2inv c3 = 5.d0*c2*r2inv ! M-WJ damping B c1_o = c1 c1 = c1 * lambda3 c2 = c2 * lambda5 c3 = c3 * lambda7 ! dotjr = dipole(1,j)*dx+dipole(2,j)*dy+dipole(3,j)*dz dotir = dipole(1,i)*dx+dipole(2,i)*dy+dipole(3,i)*dz dotp = dotjr*dotir dotij = dipole(1,i)*dipole(1,j)+dipole(2,i)*dipole(2,j)+ & dipole(3,i)*dipole(3,j) term = cgj*dotir-cgi*dotjr+dotij term0 = cgp*c0 + term*c1 - dotp*c2 ! M-WJ ! termq = cgp*c1 termq = cgp*c1_o ! term1 = term*c2 - dotp*c3 termi = cgi*c1+dotir*c2 termj = cgj*c1 - dotjr*c2 ! M-WJ termi_o = cgi*c1_o+dotir*c2 termj_o = cgj*c1_o - dotjr*c2 ! ee14 = ee14 + scee0*cgp*c0 epol14 = epol14 + scdd0*(term*c1 - dotp*c2) dfx = (scee0*termq + scdd0*term1)*dx + & scdd0*(termi*dipole(1,j) - termj*dipole(1,i)) dfy = (scee0*termq + scdd0*term1)*dy + & scdd0*(termi*dipole(2,j) - termj*dipole(2,i)) dfz = (scee0*termq + scdd0*term1)*dz + & scdd0*(termi*dipole(3,j) - termj*dipole(3,i)) r6 = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv ! always use the 6-12 parameters, even if 10-12 are available: ia1 = iac(i) ia2 = iac(j) ibig = max0(ia1,ia2) isml = min0(ia1,ia2) ic = ibig*(ibig-1)/2+isml f6 = cn2(ic)*r6 f12 = cn1(ic)*(r6*r6) enb14 = enb14 + scnb0*(f12 - f6) df = (12.d0*f12 - 6.d0*f6)*r2inv dfx = dfx + scnb0*df*dx dfy = dfy + scnb0*df*dy dfz = dfz + scnb0*df*dz frc(1,j) = frc(1,j) + dfx frc(2,j) = frc(2,j) + dfy frc(3,j) = frc(3,j) + dfz frc(1,i) = frc(1,i) - dfx frc(2,i) = frc(2,i) - dfy frc(3,i) = frc(3,i) - dfz ! M-WJ ! dphii_dx = termj*dx + c1*dipole(1,j) ! dphii_dy = termj*dy + c1*dipole(2,j) ! dphii_dz = termj*dz + c1*dipole(3,j) ! dphij_dx = -termi*dx + c1*dipole(1,i) ! dphij_dy = -termi*dy + c1*dipole(2,i) ! dphij_dz = -termi*dz + c1*dipole(3,i) dphii_dx = termj_o*dx + c1*dipole(1,j) dphii_dy = termj_o*dy + c1*dipole(2,j) dphii_dz = termj_o*dz + c1*dipole(3,j) dphij_dx = -termi_o*dx + c1*dipole(1,i) dphij_dy = -termi_o*dy + c1*dipole(2,i) dphij_dz = -termi_o*dz + c1*dipole(3,i) ! field(1,i) = field(1,i) - scdd0*dphii_dx field(2,i) = field(2,i) - scdd0*dphii_dy field(3,i) = field(3,i) - scdd0*dphii_dz field(1,j) = field(1,j) - scdd0*dphij_dx field(2,j) = field(2,j) - scdd0*dphij_dy field(3,j) = field(3,j) - scdd0*dphij_dz #ifndef noVIRIAL e14vir(1,1) = e14vir(1,1) - dfx*dx e14vir(1,2) = e14vir(1,2) - dfx*dy e14vir(1,3) = e14vir(1,3) - dfx*dz e14vir(2,1) = e14vir(2,1) - dfy*dx e14vir(2,2) = e14vir(2,2) - dfy*dy e14vir(2,3) = e14vir(2,3) - dfy*dz e14vir(3,1) = e14vir(3,1) - dfz*dx e14vir(3,2) = e14vir(3,2) - dfz*dy e14vir(3,3) = e14vir(3,3) - dfz*dz #endif end do ! n = 1,numnb14 return end subroutine do_14_dipole !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine fix_masses here] subroutine fix_masses(natom,epowner, & nspm,nsp,tma,tmass,tmassinv,amass,amassinv) implicit none integer natom,epowner(*),nspm,nsp(*) _REAL_ tma(*),tmass,tmassinv, & amass(*),amassinv(*) integer n,k,l ! ---zero out mass and inverse masses for extra points; ! first fix amass,amassinv do n = 1,natom if ( epowner(n) /= 0 )then amass(n) = 0.d0 amassinv(n) = 0.d0 end if end do ! ---now redo tmass and tma tmass = 0.d0 l = 0 do k = 1,nspm tma(k) = 0.d0 do n = 1,nsp(k) l = l + 1 tma(k) = tma(k) + amass(l) end do tmass = tmass + tma(k) end do tmassinv = 1.d0/tmass return end subroutine fix_masses !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine trim_bonds here] subroutine trim_bonds(ib,jb,icb,nbona,nbper,epowner) implicit none integer ib(*),jb(*),icb(*),nbona,nbper,epowner(*) integer ii,jj,n,m,nbper_new write(6,'(a,2i6)') & '| EXTRA_PTS, trim_bonds: num bonds BEFORE trim =', & nbona,nbper m = 0 do n = 1,nbona ii = (ib(n) + 3)/3 jj = (jb(n) + 3)/3 ! ---only keep if neither is extra if ( epowner(ii) == 0 .and. epowner(jj) == 0 )then m = m + 1 ib(m) = ib(n) jb(m) = jb(n) icb(m) = icb(n) end if end do nbona = m if( nbper > 0 ) then do n = nbona+1,nbona+nbper ii = (ib(n) + 3)/3 jj = (jb(n) + 3)/3 ! ---only keep if neither is extra if ( epowner(ii) == 0 .and. epowner(jj) == 0 )then m = m + 1 ib(m) = ib(n) jb(m) = jb(n) icb(m) = icb(n) icb(m+nbper) = icb(n+nbper) end if end do nbper_new = m - nbona do n = 1,nbper-nbper_new icb(nbona + nbper_new + n) = icb(nbona + nbper + n) end do nbper = nbper_new end if write(6,'(a,2i6)') & '| EXTRA_PTS, trim_bonds: num bonds AFTER trim =', & nbona,nbper return end subroutine trim_bonds !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine trim_theta here] subroutine trim_theta(it,jt,kt,ict,ntheta,ngper,epowner) implicit none integer it(*),jt(*),kt(*),ict(*),ntheta,ngper,epowner(*) integer ii,kk,n,m,ngper_new m = 0 write(6,'(a,2i6)') & '| EXTRA_PTS, trim_theta: num angle BEFORE trim =', & ntheta,ngper do n = 1,ntheta ii = (it(n) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(n) + 3)/3 ! ---only keep if neither is extra if ( epowner(ii) == 0 .and. epowner(kk) == 0 )then m = m + 1 it(m) = it(n) jt(m) = jt(n) kt(m) = kt(n) ict(m) = ict(n) end if end do ntheta = m if( ngper > 0 ) then do n = ntheta+1,ntheta+ngper ii = (it(n) + 3)/3 kk = (kt(n) + 3)/3 ! ---only keep if neither is extra if ( epowner(ii) == 0 .and. epowner(kk) == 0 )then m = m + 1 it(m) = it(n) jt(m) = jt(n) kt(m) = kt(n) ict(m) = ict(n) ict(m+ngper) = ict(n+ngper) end if end do ngper_new = m - ntheta do n = 1,ngper-ngper_new ict(ntheta + ngper_new + n) = ict(ntheta + ngper + n) end do ngper = ngper_new end if write(6,'(a,2i6)') & '| EXTRA_PTS, trim_theta: num angle AFTER trim =', & ntheta,ngper return end subroutine trim_theta !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine trim_phi here] subroutine trim_phi(ip,jp,kp,lp,icp,nphi,ndper,epowner) implicit none integer ip(*),jp(*),kp(*),lp(*),icp(*),nphi,ndper,epowner(*) integer ii,ll,n,m,ndper_new m = 0 write(6,'(a,2i6)') & '| EXTRA_PTS, trim_phi: num diheds BEFORE trim =', & nphi,ndper do n = 1,nphi ii = (ip(n) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(n)) + 3)/3 ! ---only keep if neither is extra if ( epowner(ii) == 0 .and. epowner(ll) == 0 )then m = m + 1 ip(m) = ip(n) jp(m) = jp(n) kp(m) = kp(n) lp(m) = lp(n) icp(m) = icp(n) end if end do nphi = m if( ndper > 0 ) then do n = nphi+1,nphi+ndper ii = (ip(n) + 3)/3 ll = (iabs(lp(n)) + 3)/3 ! ---only keep if neither is extra if ( epowner(ii) == 0 .and. epowner(ll) == 0 )then m = m + 1 ip(m) = ip(n) jp(m) = jp(n) kp(m) = kp(n) lp(m) = lp(n) icp(m) = icp(n) icp(m+ndper) = icp(n+ndper) end if end do ndper_new = m - nphi do n = 1,ndper-ndper_new icp(nphi + ndper_new + n) = icp(nphi + ndper + n) end do ndper = ndper_new end if write(6,'(a,2i6)') & '| EXTRA_PTS, trim_phi: num diheds AFTER trim =', & nphi,ndper return end subroutine trim_phi !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine fix_degree_count here] subroutine fix_degree_count(degrees) implicit none _REAL_ degrees # include "extra_pts.h" degrees = degrees - 3.d0*numextra return end subroutine fix_degree_count !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine allocate_14nb here] subroutine allocate_14nb(inb_14,numnb14) implicit none integer inb_14,numnb14 # include "../include/memory.h" integer i_ptr i_ptr = lasti call adj_mem_ptr(i_ptr,inb_14, 3*numnb14) !3*numnb14 here since the array contains, ii, jj and ic0 lasti = i_ptr return end subroutine allocate_14nb !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine copy_14nb here] subroutine copy_14nb(from14,to14,numnb14) implicit none integer from14(3,*),to14(3,*),numnb14 integer n do n = 1,numnb14 to14(1,n) = from14(1,n) to14(2,n) = from14(2,n) to14(3,n) = from14(3,n) end do return end subroutine copy_14nb !-------------------------------------------------------------- !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine allocate_frames here] subroutine allocate_frames(numextra,ifrtyp,iatcen,inumep, & iepfr,ifrst,imid,ithrd,leploc) implicit none integer numextra integer ifrtyp,iatcen,inumep,iepfr,ifrst,imid,ithrd,leploc # include "../include/memory.h" integer i_ptr,r_ptr,maxfr ! ---numextra is upper limit to maxfr maxfr = numextra i_ptr = lasti call adj_mem_ptr(i_ptr,ifrtyp, maxfr) call adj_mem_ptr(i_ptr,iatcen, maxfr) call adj_mem_ptr(i_ptr,inumep, maxfr) call adj_mem_ptr(i_ptr,iepfr, 2*maxfr) call adj_mem_ptr(i_ptr,ifrst, maxfr) call adj_mem_ptr(i_ptr,imid, maxfr) call adj_mem_ptr(i_ptr,ithrd, maxfr) lasti = i_ptr r_ptr = lastr call adj_mem_ptr(r_ptr,leploc, 3*2*maxfr) lastr = r_ptr return end subroutine allocate_frames !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine do_pairs here] subroutine do_pairs(ib,jb,npairs,list,num,maxp, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail) implicit none integer ib(*),jb(*),npairs,list(2,*),num,maxp integer enghbrs(5,*),numnghbr(3,*),epowner(*) integer ifail integer i,j,k,l,ii,jj,n ifail = 0 do n = 1,npairs ! ---sometimes second index negative (improper dihedrals) ii = (ib(n) + 3)/3 jj = (iabs(jb(n)) + 3)/3 ! ---check neither is extra. count this bond and also extra attached if ( epowner(ii) == 0 .and. epowner(jj) == 0 )then k = numnghbr(3,ii) l = numnghbr(3,jj) if ( num + 1 + k + l + k*l > maxp )goto 100 num = num + 1 list(1,num) = ii list(2,num) = jj do i = 1,k num = num + 1 list(1,num) = enghbrs(i,ii) list(2,num) = jj end do do j = 1,l num = num + 1 list(1,num) = ii list(2,num) = enghbrs(j,jj) end do do i = 1,k do j = 1,l num = num + 1 list(1,num) = enghbrs(i,ii) list(2,num) = enghbrs(j,jj) end do end do end if end do ! n = 1,npairs return 100 ifail = 1 return end subroutine do_pairs !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ [Enter a one-line description of subroutine do_14pairs here] subroutine do_14pairs(ip,jp,kp,lp,icp, & nphi,nb_14_list,num,maxnb14, & epowner,numnghbr,enghbrs,ifail,chngmask) use qmmm_module, only : qmmm_nml,qmmm_struct implicit none integer ip(*),jp(*),kp(*),lp(*),icp(*) integer nphi,nb_14_list(3,*),num,maxnb14,ifail integer enghbrs(5,*),numnghbr(3,*),epowner(*),chngmask integer i,j,k,l,ii,ll,ic0,n,ni,nl,i3,l3 logical qmmm_skip ifail = 0 do n = 1,nphi i3 = ip(n) l3 = iabs(lp(n)) ic0 = icp(n) k = kp(n) l = lp(n) ii = (i3 + 3)/3 ll = (l3 + 3)/3 if (qmmm_nml%ifqnt) then if (qmmm_struct%atom_mask(ii) .and. qmmm_struct%atom_mask(ll)) then !both true - Skip QM-QM 1-4 VDW qmmm_skip = .true. else qmmm_skip = .false. end if else qmmm_skip = .false. end if if ( (k >= 0) .and. & (l >= 0) .and. & (.not. qmmm_skip) & )then if ( chngmask == 0 )then if ( num + 1 > maxnb14 ) then ifail = 1 return end if num = num + 1 nb_14_list(1,num) = ii nb_14_list(2,num) = ll nb_14_list(3,num) = ic0 !needed to be able to look up scnb and scee from arrays. else ! ---check neither is extra. count this bond and also ! extra attached if ( epowner(ii) == 0 .and. epowner(ll) == 0 )then ni = numnghbr(3,ii) nl = numnghbr(3,ll) if ( num + 1 + ni + nl + ni*nl > maxnb14 ) then ifail = 1 return end if num = num + 1 nb_14_list(1,num) = ii nb_14_list(2,num) = ll nb_14_list(3,num) = ic0 !needed to be able to look up scnb and scee from arrays. do i = 1,ni num = num + 1 nb_14_list(1,num) = enghbrs(i,ii) nb_14_list(2,num) = ll nb_14_list(3,num) = ic0 !needed to be able to look up scnb and scee from arrays. end do do j = 1,nl num = num + 1 nb_14_list(1,num) = ii nb_14_list(2,num) = enghbrs(j,ll) nb_14_list(3,num) = ic0 !needed to be able to look up scnb and scee from arrays. end do do i = 1,ni do j = 1,nl num = num + 1 nb_14_list(1,num) = enghbrs(i,ii) nb_14_list(2,num) = enghbrs(j,ll) nb_14_list(3,num) = ic0 !needed to be able to look up scnb and scee from arrays. end do end do end if end if ! ( chngmask == 0 ) end if ! ( (k > 0) .and. end do ! n = 1,nphi return end subroutine do_14pairs