#include "ncsu-utils.h" #include "ncsu-config.h" ! ! sort of C/C++ union ! module ncsu_value use ncsu_constants, only : STRING_LENGTH implicit none private type, public :: value_t private integer, pointer :: iptr => null() NCSU_REAL, pointer :: rptr => null() character(len = STRING_LENGTH), pointer :: sptr => null() type(value_node_t), pointer :: head => null() type(value_node_t), pointer :: tail => null() ! %next is null() end type value_t private :: append_node type, public :: value_node_t type(value_t) :: value type(value_node_t), pointer :: next => null() end type value_node_t private :: allocate_node interface assignment (=) module procedure assign_V_to_V, assign_I_to_V, assign_R_to_V, assign_S_to_V end interface private :: assign_V_to_V, assign_I_to_V, assign_R_to_V, assign_S_to_V private :: assign_L_to_V public :: assignment(=) ! ! value must be cleaned when no longer needed (memory will be leaked otherwise) ! public :: value_cleanup public :: value_is_empty public :: value_is_real public :: value_is_list public :: value_is_string public :: value_is_integer public :: value_get_real public :: value_get_list public :: value_get_string public :: value_get_integer public :: value_print interface value_append module procedure append_I_to_V, append_R_to_V, append_S_to_V, append_V_to_V end interface private :: append_I_to_V, append_R_to_V, append_S_to_V, append_V_to_V public :: value_append #ifndef NCSU_DISABLE_ASSERT private :: value_ok #endif /* NCSU_DISABLE_ASSERT */ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function allocate_node() result(node) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_node_t), pointer :: node integer :: error allocate(node, stat = error) if (error /= 0) & NCSU_OUT_OF_MEMORY node%next => null() end function allocate_node !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine append_node(value, node) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: value type(value_node_t), pointer :: node ncsu_assert(associated(node)) ! ! if it's a scalar value, convert it to the list ! if (associated(value%iptr) .or. & associated(value%rptr) .or. & associated(value%sptr)) then ncsu_assert(.not. associated(value%tail)) ncsu_assert(.not. associated(value%head)) value%head => allocate_node() value%tail => value%head value%head%value%iptr => value%iptr value%head%value%rptr => value%rptr value%head%value%sptr => value%sptr value%head%next => null() nullify(value%iptr, value%rptr, value%sptr) end if ! ! actually append ! if (associated(value%tail)) then ncsu_assert(associated(value%head)) ncsu_assert(.not. associated(value%iptr)) ncsu_assert(.not. associated(value%rptr)) ncsu_assert(.not. associated(value%sptr)) node%next => null() value%tail%next => node value%tail => node else ncsu_assert(value_is_empty(value)) value%head => node value%tail => node end if end subroutine append_node !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine assign_V_to_V(var, expr) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: var type(value_t), intent(in) :: expr logical :: self_assignment ! ! check for self-assignment ! self_assignment = .false. if (associated(var%iptr).and.associated(expr%iptr)) then if (associated(var%iptr, expr%iptr)) & self_assignment = .true. end if if (associated(var%rptr).and.associated(expr%rptr)) then if (associated(var%rptr, expr%rptr)) & self_assignment = .true. end if if (associated(var%sptr).and.associated(expr%sptr)) then if (associated(var%sptr, expr%sptr)) & self_assignment = .true. end if if (associated(var%tail).and.associated(expr%tail)) then if (associated(var%tail, expr%tail)) then ncsu_assert(associated(var%head, target = expr%head)) self_assignment = .true. end if end if if (self_assignment) & return ! ! not a self-assignment; dispatch appropriately ! if (associated(expr%iptr)) then call assign_I_to_V(var, expr%iptr) else if (associated(expr%rptr)) then call assign_R_to_V(var, expr%rptr) else if (associated(expr%sptr)) then call assign_S_to_V(var, expr%sptr) else if (associated(expr%head)) then call assign_L_to_V(var, expr%head) else ncsu_assert(value_is_empty(expr)) call value_cleanup(var) end if end subroutine assign_V_to_V !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine assign_I_to_V(var, expr) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: var integer, intent(in) :: expr integer :: error call value_cleanup(var) allocate(var%iptr, stat = error) if (error /= 0) & NCSU_OUT_OF_MEMORY var%iptr = expr end subroutine assign_I_to_V !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine assign_R_to_V(var, expr) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: var NCSU_REAL, intent(in) :: expr integer :: error call value_cleanup(var) allocate(var%rptr, stat = error) if (error /= 0) & NCSU_OUT_OF_MEMORY var%rptr = expr end subroutine assign_R_to_V !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine assign_S_to_V(var, expr) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: var character(len = *), intent(in) :: expr integer :: error, b, e call value_cleanup(var) allocate(var%sptr, stat = error) if (error /= 0) & NCSU_OUT_OF_MEMORY e = len_trim(expr) b = verify(expr, ' ') ncsu_assert(e - b < STRING_LENGTH) var%sptr = expr(b:e) end subroutine assign_S_to_V !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine assign_L_to_V(var, head) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: var type(value_node_t), pointer :: head type(value_node_t), pointer :: curr call value_cleanup(var) curr => head do while (associated(curr)) call append_V_to_V(var, curr%value) curr => curr%next end do end subroutine assign_L_to_V !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine append_V_to_V(value, other) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: value type(value_t), intent(in) :: other type(value_node_t), pointer :: node ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) ncsu_assert(value_ok(other)) node => allocate_node() call assign_V_to_V(node%value, other) call append_node(value, node) end subroutine append_V_to_V !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine append_I_to_V(value, x) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: value integer, intent(in) :: x type(value_node_t), pointer :: node ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) node => allocate_node() call assign_I_to_V(node%value, x) call append_node(value, node) end subroutine append_I_to_V !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine append_R_to_V(value, x) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: value NCSU_REAL, intent(in) :: x type(value_node_t), pointer :: node ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) node => allocate_node() call assign_R_to_V(node%value, x) call append_node(value, node) end subroutine append_R_to_V !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine append_S_to_V(value, x) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: value character(len = *), intent(in) :: x type(value_node_t), pointer :: node ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) node => allocate_node() call assign_S_to_V(node%value, x) call append_node(value, node) end subroutine append_S_to_V !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer function value_get_integer(value) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) ncsu_assert(associated(value%iptr)) value_get_integer = value%iptr end function value_get_integer !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCSU_REAL function value_get_real(value) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) ncsu_assert(associated(value%rptr)) value_get_real = value%rptr end function value_get_real !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function value_get_string(value) result(string) use ncsu_utils implicit none character(len = STRING_LENGTH) :: string type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) ncsu_assert(associated(value%sptr)) string = value%sptr end function value_get_string !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function value_get_list(value) result(head) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_node_t), pointer :: head type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) ncsu_assert(associated(value%head)) head => value%head end function value_get_list !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- recursive subroutine value_cleanup(value) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(inout) :: value type(value_node_t), pointer :: pray ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) if (associated(value%iptr)) then deallocate(value%iptr) else if (associated(value%rptr)) then deallocate(value%rptr) else if (associated(value%sptr)) then deallocate(value%sptr) else if (associated(value%head)) then do while (associated(value%head)) pray => value%head value%head => pray%next call value_cleanup(pray%value) deallocate(pray) end do value%tail => null() end if end subroutine value_cleanup !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function value_is_empty(value) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) value_is_empty = ((.not. associated(value%iptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%rptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%sptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%head))) end function value_is_empty !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef NCSU_DISABLE_ASSERT logical function value_ok(value) implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value if (associated(value%iptr)) then value_ok = ((.not. associated(value%rptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%sptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%head)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%tail))) else if (associated(value%rptr)) then value_ok = ((.not. associated(value%iptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%sptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%head)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%tail))) else if (associated(value%sptr)) then value_ok = ((.not. associated(value%iptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%rptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%head)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%tail))) else if (associated(value%tail)) then value_ok = ((.not. associated(value%iptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%rptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%sptr)) & .and. (associated(value%head))) else if (associated(value%head)) then value_ok = ((.not. associated(value%iptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%rptr)) & .and. (.not. associated(value%sptr)) & .and. (associated(value%tail))) else value_ok = .true. end if end function value_ok #endif /* NCSU_DISABLE_ASSERT */ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function value_is_integer(value) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) value_is_integer = associated(value%iptr) end function value_is_integer !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function value_is_real(value) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) value_is_real = associated(value%rptr) end function value_is_real !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function value_is_string(value) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) value_is_string = associated(value%sptr) end function value_is_string !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- logical function value_is_list(value) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) value_is_list = associated(value%head) end function value_is_list !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine value_print(value, lun) use ncsu_utils implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: value integer, intent(in) :: lun ncsu_assert(value_ok(value)) call dispatch(value) contains recursive subroutine dispatch(val) implicit none type(value_t), intent(in) :: val type(value_node_t), pointer :: curr if (associated(val%iptr)) then write (unit = lun, fmt = '('//pfmt(val%iptr)//')', advance = 'NO') val%iptr else if (associated(val%rptr)) then write (unit = lun, fmt = '('//pfmt(val%rptr, 4)//')', advance = 'NO') val%rptr else if (associated(val%sptr)) then write (unit = lun, fmt = '(a)', advance = 'NO') trim(val%sptr) else if (associated(val%tail)) then curr => val%head write (unit = lun, fmt = '(a)', advance = 'NO') '(' do while (associated(curr%next)) call dispatch(curr%value) write (unit = lun, fmt = '(a)', advance = 'NO') ', ' curr => curr%next end do call dispatch(curr%value) write (unit = lun, fmt = '(a)', advance = 'NO') ')' else write (unit = lun, fmt = '(a)', advance = 'NO') '' end if end subroutine dispatch end subroutine value_print end module ncsu_value