! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" !Interface module to provide option for doing QM/MM with divcon. !Written by Ross Walker (TSRI, 2005) from initial implementation by SAH #if defined(MPI) || defined(NO_SANDER_DIVCON) subroutine qm_div() !DUMMY DIVCON ROUTINE call sander_bomb('qm_div','IDC>0 Error','Sander was compiled without support for Divcon.') return end subroutine qm_div #else subroutine qm_div(x, ix, f, escf, atom_type) use qmmm_module, only : qmmm_div, qmmm_struct, qmmm_nml, allocate_qmmm_pair_list implicit none #include "../include/memory.h" !Passed in _REAL_ x(*), f(*), escf integer ix(*) character(len=4), intent(in) :: atom_type(*) !Local integer ier integer i, j, k, m, ir, jr integer mm_no,lnk_no, qm_no _REAL_ :: forcemod(3) integer jjp,jlnk,iyes,iii,ii,ntotqmres,jlnkindx,jjpindx integer, dimension(2*nres) :: npqmres !nres is too much, but at least integer, dimension(nres) :: lnkres !its dynamic-ish now integer, dimension(nres) :: nqmres _REAL_ , dimension(2,3) :: bxbnd _REAL_ , dimension(3*qmmm_struct%nlink) :: qmlink if (qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call) then !qm_xcrd only actually needs to be 4,qm_mm_pairs long... allocate (qmmm_struct%qm_xcrd(4,natom), stat=ier ) !REQUIRE(ier == 0) !Dealocated in deallocate qmmm call allocate_qmmm_pair_list( natom ) allocate ( qmmm_struct%qm_coords(3,qmmm_struct%nquant+qmmm_struct%nlink), stat=ier ) !Stores the REAL and link atom qm coordinates !REQUIRE(ier == 0) allocate(qmmm_struct%dxyzcl(3,natom),stat=ier) allocate(qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink),stat=ier) ntotqmres=1 allocate(qmmm_struct%jqatms(qmmm_struct%nquant_nlink),stat=ier) endif if(qmmm_nml%idc == 2)then ! qmmm_struct%ipres = ix(i02) k = 1 jjp = 1 jjpindx = 1 jlnkindx = 1 jlnk = 1 npqmres(1) = 1 do m=1,nres lnkres(k) = 0 iyes = 0 ii = ix(m) !assign ii to first number in residue i iii = ix(m+1)-1 !assign iii to last number in residue i do j=ii,iii if(jjpindx > qmmm_struct%nquant)jjpindx=qmmm_struct%nquant if(j == qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(jjpindx)) then !current atm in QM region iyes = 1 jjp = jjp + 1 !atom(not link atm) counter jjpindx = jjpindx + 1 end if if(qmmm_struct%nlink .gt. 0)then if(jlnk.gt.qmmm_struct%nlink) jlnkindx=qmmm_struct%nlink if(j == qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,jlnkindx)) then !current MM atm is touching QM region lnkres(k) = lnkres(k) + 1 !sah 4-6-05 increment lnkres so residue can't have more than one link atom jlnk = jlnk + 1 !link atom needed counter jlnkindx = jlnkindx + 1 if(lnkres(k) .gt. 1) then ! WRITE(*,*)"atom ",j,"residue ",m ! call sander_bomb('resnba',& ! 'there is a residue(',m,') with two link atoms',& ! 'adjust QM atoms and rerun') end if !sah 4-6-05 added bomb so that one residue couldn't have two link atoms end if end if end do !end loop through residue if(iyes == 1) then nqmres(k) = i !tells res# in pdb file k = k + 1 npqmres(k) = jjp+jlnk-1 !tells first atm of res in divcon w/link atm end if !bw if we have run through all qm atoms, just exit the loop. if(jjp >= qmmm_struct%nquant) exit end do ntotqmres = k - 1 endif !if(idc==2) call qm_fill_qm_xcrd( x, natom, qmmm_struct%scaled_mm_charges) call position_link_atoms(x) !Print link atom coords to mdout file if(qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call)then call print_link_atom_info(qmmm_struct%qm_coords,atom_type) endif do ir=1, qmmm_struct%nlink do jr=1,3 qmlink((ir-1)*3+jr)= & qmmm_struct%qm_coords(jr,qmmm_struct%nquant+ir) enddo enddo if(qmmm_struct%qm_mm_first_call .and. qmmm_nml%writepdb)then call qm_write_pdb('qmmm_region.pdb') endif qmmm_struct%jqatms(1:qmmm_struct%nquant) = qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(1:qmmm_struct%nquant) qmmm_div%ntotatm = natom call qm_mm_div(x,qmlink, & f,escf,qmmm_nml%idc,npqmres,lnkres, & ntotqmres,qmmm_struct%nlink) !*********distribute link atom forces************* do k=1,qmmm_struct%nlink mm_no = 3*qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,k)-2 !location of atom in qm pair list lnk_no = qmmm_struct%link_pairs(2,k) !Nquant number of QM atom bound to link atom qm_no = 3*qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(lnk_no)-2 !Note this routine uses the flink in the form -flink. call distribute_lnk_f(forcemod,qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qmmm_struct%nquant+k),x(mm_no), & x(qm_no),qmmm_nml%lnk_dis) !NOTE: forces are reversed in QM calc with respect to amber force array !so we subtract forcemod from MM atom and add it to QM atom. m = (qmmm_struct%link_pairs(1,k)-1)*3 !Natom number of MM link pair. !MM atom's new force = FMM(x,y,z) - FORCEMOD(x,y,z) f(m+1) = f(m+1) - forcemod(1) f(m+2) = f(m+2) - forcemod(2) f(m+3) = f(m+3) - forcemod(3) m = (qmmm_struct%iqmatoms(lnk_no)-1)*3 !QM atom's new force = FQM(x,y,z) - Flink(x,y,z) + FORCEMOD(x,y,z) !Note QM forces should be subtracted from sander F array to leave total force. f(m+1) = f(m+1) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(1,qmmm_struct%nquant+k) + forcemod(1) f(m+2) = f(m+2) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(2,qmmm_struct%nquant+k) + forcemod(2) f(m+3) = f(m+3) - qmmm_struct%dxyzqm(3,qmmm_struct%nquant+k) + forcemod(3) end do !**********end of force distribution*************** return end subroutine qm_div #endif