module sebomd_arrays !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! Author :: Antoine MARION !! Date :: 2013-12-10 !! Function :: Stores arrays needed to perform !! SemiEmpirical corrections in sebomd !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none private integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: Zatms integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: PEPlist integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: interactions double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: Zatms_eff public :: init_sebomd_arrays public :: cleanup_sebomd_arrays public :: put_Z, get_Z public :: put_Zeff, get_Zeff public :: put_PEP, get_PEP public :: put_all_interactions,put_interaction, get_interaction contains subroutine init_sebomd_arrays(n) ! allocates SEBOMD arrays ! use sebomd_module, only : sebomd_obj implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n allocate(Zatms(n)) allocate(Zatms_eff(n)) ! PEPlist ! The MM correction of petide bonds applies ! a constraint on two dihedrals per amide function. ! We need to store two lists of four atoms per amide ! group. ! One need at least 6 atoms to have an amide in the molecule. ! The maximum number of peptide bond present in a molecule of ! n atoms is thus n/6. Since we need to store two dihedral per ! amide, the array has a maximum size of 2n/6 = n/3. allocate(PEPlist(n/3,4)) allocate(interactions(n,n)) return end subroutine init_sebomd_arrays subroutine put_Z(i,z) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: z integer, intent(in) :: i Zatms(i) = z return end subroutine put_Z subroutine put_Zeff(i,zeff) implicit none double precision, intent(in) :: zeff integer, intent(in) :: i Zatms_eff(i) = zeff return end subroutine put_Zeff subroutine get_Z(i,z) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: i integer, intent(out) :: z z = Zatms(i) return end subroutine get_Z subroutine get_Zeff(i,zeff) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: i double precision, intent(out) :: zeff zeff = Zatms_eff(i) return end subroutine get_Zeff subroutine put_PEP(ipep,natm,iatm) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipep,natm,iatm PEPlist(ipep,natm) = iatm return end subroutine put_PEP subroutine get_PEP(ipep,pep_b) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: ipep integer, intent(out) :: pep_b(4) pep_b(1) = PEPlist(ipep,1) pep_b(2) = PEPlist(ipep,2) pep_b(3) = PEPlist(ipep,3) pep_b(4) = PEPlist(ipep,4) return end subroutine get_PEP subroutine put_all_interactions(int_type) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: int_type interactions(:,:) = int_type return end subroutine subroutine put_interaction(i,j,int_type) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: i,j,int_type interactions(i,j) = int_type if ( interactions(j,i) = interactions(i,j) return end subroutine put_interaction subroutine get_interaction(i,j,int_type) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: i,j integer, intent(out) :: int_type int_type = interactions(i,j) return end subroutine get_interaction subroutine cleanup_sebomd_arrays() ! deallocates SEBOMD arrays implicit none if(allocated(Zatms)) deallocate(Zatms) if(allocated(Zatms_eff)) deallocate(Zatms_eff) if(allocated(PEPlist)) deallocate(PEPlist) if(allocated(interactions)) deallocate(interactions) return end subroutine cleanup_sebomd_arrays end module sebomd_arrays