! #include "copyright.h" #include "../include/dprec.fh" !+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ !+ yammp-style nonbonded potential subroutine yammpnb(x,f,iac,ico,numex,natex, & cut,cn1,cn2,ntypes,natom,evdw) ! Use the yammp-style nonbonded potential: like a lower-bound ! distance parabola. implicit none _REAL_ x(*) _REAL_ f(*) integer iac integer ico integer numex integer natex _REAL_ cut _REAL_ cn1 _REAL_ cn2 integer ntypes integer natom _REAL_ evdw #ifdef MPI # include "parallel.h" #ifdef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #undef MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION #endif include 'mpif.h' #ifdef CRAY_PVP #define MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION MPI_REAL8 #endif #endif # include "../include/md.h" _REAL_ de _REAL_ diff _REAL_ dis _REAL_ dedx, dedy, dedz _REAL_ dumx, dumy, dumz integer i, j integer ic integer iacI integer iexcl, jexcl, nexcl integer jexcl_last _REAL_ r2 logical skip _REAL_ xi, yi, zi _REAL_ xij, yij, zij evdw = 0.0d0 ! -- big double loop over all pairs of atoms: #ifdef MPI iexcl = 1 do i=1,mytaskid iexcl = iexcl + numex(i) end do do i=mytaskid+1,natom,numtasks #else iexcl = 1 do i=1,natom #endif xi = x(3*i-2) yi = x(3*i-1) zi = x(3*i ) iaci = ntypes * (iac(i) - 1) jexcl = iexcl jexcl_last = iexcl + numex(i) -1 nexcl = natex( jexcl ) if( jexcl > jexcl_last ) nexcl = 0 dumx = 0.0d0 dumy = 0.0d0 dumz = 0.0d0 do j=i+1,natom ! -- check the exclusion list: skip = .false. if( j == nexcl ) then skip = .true. jexcl = jexcl + 1 nexcl = natex( jexcl ) if( jexcl > jexcl_last ) nexcl = 0 end if if( .not. skip ) then de = 0.0d0 xij = xi - x(3*j-2) yij = yi - x(3*j-1) zij = zi - x(3*j ) r2 = xij*xij + yij*yij + zij*zij dis = sqrt(r2) ic = ico( iaci + iac(j) ) if( dis < cn2(ic) ) then diff = dis - cn2(ic) evdw = evdw + cn1(ic)*diff*diff de = -2.d0*cn1(ic)*diff/dis ! write(6,*) i,j,dis, cn2(ic),evdw dedx = de * xij dedy = de * yij dedz = de * zij dumx = dumx + dedx dumy = dumy + dedy dumz = dumz + dedz f(3*j-2) = f(3*j-2) - dedx f(3*j-1) = f(3*j-1) - dedy f(3*j ) = f(3*j ) - dedz end if end if end do ! j=i+1,natom f(3*i-2) = f(3*i-2) + dumx f(3*i-1) = f(3*i-1) + dumy f(3*i ) = f(3*i ) + dumz #ifdef MPI do k=1,numtasks iexcl = iexcl + numex(i+k-1) end do #else iexcl = iexcl + numex(i) #endif end do ! i=mytaskid+1,natom,numtasks return end subroutine yammpnb