C contains all the common blocks that are shared C between divcon and delphi C don't put ANY compiler directives in this file!!! integer myid, nproc, inpt, iout, iscr, irst, & ipdb, itrj, icoor, ich, idmx, igrd, ipbs, ischg, & iphim, igsrf, isolf common /parproc/ myid, nproc, inpt, iout, iscr, irst, & ipdb, itrj, icoor, ich, idmx, igrd, ipbs, ischg, & iphim, igsrf, isolf character symbol*2 double precision emass, zchg integer natorb,nvelec,nquant common /elemnt/ emass(0:83),zchg(0:83),natorb(0:83), . nvelec(0:83),nquant(0:83),symbol(0:83) double precision xyz, atchg, atchg2, atchg3, rminimr, $ rmaximr common/xyzcrd/xyz(3,maxatm),atchg(maxatm),atchg2(maxatm), & atchg3(maxatm),rminimr,rmaximr integer iatnum, natoms, natoms3,natoms4, nprotat common /fulsys/ iatnum(maxatm),natoms,natoms3,natoms4, & nprotat C information for pdb file format character atom_inf*15 common/pdbfrm/atom_inf(maxatm) C nschg = number of surface charges C schg() = surface charge C xschg(3,) = cartesian coordinate of surface charge real xschg, schg, grf,gnp,grf_vac integer nschg common/pb_schg/ xschg(3,maxschg), schg(maxschg), nschg common/solv_therm/grf,gnp,grf_vac double precision time_scf, time_pb, exit_pb common/local_div/time_scf,time_pb,exit_pb double precision drad, drad2 common /scrfins/ drad, drad2 logical screen, scrf, scrfin common /logicpb/ screen, scrf, scrfin