subroutine dmxinter() implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) #include "divcon.dim" #include "divcon.h" real*8 xiia(3),yiia(3) integer n n = 3 ! interpolation order xiia(1)=1*1.0d0 xiia(2)=2*1.0d0 xiia(3)=3*1.0d0 x=4.0d0 ! interpolation of the diagonal block do i=1,iimat(natoms+1)-1 yiia(1)=pdiag3(i) yiia(2)=pdiag2(i) yiia(3)=pdiag1(i) call polint(xiia,yiia,n,x,pdiag(i)) enddo ! interpolation of the non diagonal part do iatm = 2, natoms do ijpair = ip1(iatm), ip1(iatm+1)-1 jatm = ipair(ijpair) ! ijpair = interaction between atom iatm and atom jatm ! -> does it exists in previous pairs? ! in ipair3 ijpair3 = -1 do i = ip13(iatm), ip13(iatm+1)-1 if (ipair3(i).eq.jatm) then ijpair3 = i exit endif end do ! in ipair2 ijpair2 = -1 do i = ip12(iatm), ip12(iatm+1)-1 if (ipair2(i).eq.jatm) then ijpair2 = i exit endif end do ! in ipair1 ijpair1 = -1 do i = ip11(iatm), ip11(iatm+1)-1 if (ipair1(i).eq.jatm) then ijpair1 = i exit endif end do do ii = 0,ijmat(ijpair+1)-ijmat(ijpair)-1 if ( then yiia(1)=pdiat3(ijmat3(ijpair3)+ii) else yiia(1) = 0.0d0 endif if ( then yiia(2)=pdiat2(ijmat2(ijpair2)+ii) else yiia(2) = 0.0d0 endif if ( then yiia(3)=pdiat1(ijmat1(ijpair1)+ii) else yiia(3) = 0.0d0 endif call polint(xiia,yiia,n,x,pdiat(ijmat(ijpair)+ii)) end do end do end do END c_______________________________________________________________________ subroutine polint(xa,ya,n,x,y) implicit none integer i,j,n real*8 xa(n),ya(n),x,y,yi y=0.0d0 do i=1,n yi=ya(i) do j=1,n if ( then yi=yi*(x-xa(j))/(xa(i)-xa(j)) endif enddo y=y+yi enddo END