subroutine mcweeny(nmcw) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) #include "divcon.dim" #include "divcon.h" C This subroutine performs the McWeeny transformation C P' = 3P**2 - 2P**3 C C The old density matrix (stored in pdiag and pdiat) will C be overwritten with the transformed matrix. In the process C piiold and pijold will be used as storage space; piiold C and pijold will also be overwritten with the transformed C matrix. C C The transformation is performed nmcw times. C C Written by Arjan van der Vaart, 3/18/1999 C C to save on memory, store the rows in ff, and the columns in ww dimension b(4*maxatm,4), tmp(4,4) logical igtj, kgtj C we need the "true" density matrix, i.e. half the C closed shell density matrix npairs = ip1(natoms+1)-1 iimax = iimat(natoms+1)-1 ipmax = ip1(natoms+1) ijmax = ijmat(ipmax)-1 do ii=1,iimax pdiag(ii) = 0.5*pdiag(ii) enddo do ij=1,ijmax pdiat(ij) = 0.5*pdiat(ij) enddo imcw = 0 10 imcw = imcw + 1 write(*,*)'mcweeny' if ( goto 6000 C To save memory, the tranformation is performed as: C P'(kat,jat) = Sum(i) [ P(kat,iat) . B(iat,jat) ] C C with B(iat,jat) = 3 P(iat,jat) - 2 P**2(iat,jat) C C This is also a very efficient way to calculate P'; C the algorithm used is a fast block-algorithm which C minimizes the number of computations and retrieves/stores the C data sequentially. C do 5000 kat=1,natoms katn = iatnum(kat) if (katn.eq.0) goto 5000 norbsk = natorb(katn) do 4000 jat=1,kat jatn = iatnum(jat) if (jatn.eq.0) goto 4000 norbsj = natorb(jatn) if ( then call ijfind(npairs,kat,jat,ijaddr) if (ijaddr.eq.0) goto 4000 C . kj will be used later on kj = ijmat(ijaddr)-1 endif call getrow(npairs,jat,norbsj,ncolumn,ww) C . start the loop calculating B(:,jat) ib0 = 0 do 1000 iat=1,natoms iatn = iatnum(iat) if (iatn.eq.0) goto 1000 norbsi = natorb(iatn) call getrow(npairs,iat,norbsi,nrow,ff) do i=1,4 do j=1,4 tmp(j,i) = 0.0 enddo enddo C . calculate B(iat,jat) if ( then igtj = .true. i = iat j = jat elseif (iat.eq.jat) then iidiag = iimat(iat)-1 do i=1,norbsi i0 = i*natoms4 - natoms4 do j=1,i j0 = j*natoms4 - natoms4 do k=1,nrow tmp(j,i) = tmp(j,i) + ff(k+i0)*ff(k+j0) enddo iidiag = iidiag + 1 tmp(j,i) = 3.0*pdiag(iidiag)-2.0*tmp(j,i) tmp(i,j) = tmp(j,i) enddo enddo goto 50 else igtj = .false. i = jat j = iat endif call ijfind(npairs,i,j,ijaddr) if (ijaddr.eq.0) goto 1000 ijstart = ijmat(ijaddr)-1 if (igtj) then do j=1,norbsi iy = ijstart+(j-1)*norbsj j0 = j*natoms4 - natoms4 do i=1,norbsj i0 = i*natoms4 - natoms4 do k=1,nrow tmp(j,i) = tmp(j,i) + ff(k+j0)*ww(k+i0) enddo ix = iy+i tmp(j,i) = 3.0*pdiat(ix)-2.0*tmp(j,i) enddo enddo else do i=1,norbsj ix = ijstart+(i-1)*norbsi i0 = i*natoms4 - natoms4 do j=1,norbsi j0 = j*natoms4 - natoms4 do k=1,nrow tmp(j,i) = tmp(j,i) + ff(k+j0)*ww(k+i0) enddo iy = ix + j tmp(j,i) = 3.0*pdiat(iy)-2.0*tmp(j,i) enddo enddo endif 50 continue do j=1,norbsj do i=1,norbsi b(i+ib0,j) = tmp(i,j) enddo enddo ib0 = ib0 + norbsi 1000 continue C . get P(kat,:) call getrow(npairs,kat,norbsk,nrow,ff) do i=1,4 do j=1,4 tmp(j,i) = 0.0 enddo enddo C . calculate P(kat,iat)*B(iat,jat) do k=1,norbsk k0 = k*natoms4 - natoms4 do j=1,norbsj do l=1,nrow tmp(j,k) = tmp(j,k) + b(l,j)*ff(l+k0) enddo enddo enddo C . store P'(kat,jat) if (kat.eq.jat) then iidiag = iimat(kat)-1 do k=1,norbsk do j=1,k iidiag = iidiag + 1 piiold(iidiag) = tmp(j,k) enddo enddo else do k=1,norbsk do j=1,norbsj kj = kj + 1 pijold(kj) = tmp(j,k) enddo enddo endif 3000 continue 4000 continue 5000 continue C repeat this nmcw times goto 10 C now copy piiold and pijold back to pdiag and pdiat, C keeping in mind that we now need the closed shell C density matrix again. 6000 do ii=1,iimax pdiag(ii) = 2.0*piiold(ii) enddo do ij=1,ijmax pdiat(ij) = 2.0*pijold(ij) enddo end CC------------------------------------------------------CC subroutine getrow(npairs,iat,norbsi,nrow,row) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) #include "divcon.dim" #include "divcon.h" C This algorithm retrieves the rows of the density matrix C for atom iat. The number of rows equals the number of C orbitals for atom iat. C C Arjan van der Vaart, 3/18/1999 dimension row(*) logical igtk nrow = 0 do 1000 kat=1,natoms katn = iatnum(kat) if (katn.eq.0) goto 1000 norbsk = natorb(katn) if ( then igtk = .true. i = iat j = kat elseif (iat.eq.kat) then iidiag = iimat(iat)-1 n = nrow-natoms4 do i=1,norbsi i0 = i*natoms4 + n in0 = i + n do j=1,i iidiag = iidiag + 1 row(j+i0) = pdiag(iidiag) row(in0+j*natoms4) = pdiag(iidiag) enddo enddo nrow = nrow + norbsi goto 1000 else igtk = .false. i = kat j = iat endif call ijfind(npairs,i,j,ijaddr) if (ijaddr.eq.0) goto 1000 ijstart = ijmat(ijaddr)-1 if (igtk) then n = nrow-natoms4 do j=1,norbsi iy = ijstart+(j-1)*norbsk j0 = j*natoms4 + n do i=1,norbsk ix = iy+i row(j0+i) = pdiat(ix) enddo enddo nrow = nrow + norbsk else n = nrow-natoms4 do i=1,norbsk ix = ijstart+(i-1)*norbsi i0 = i+n do j=1,norbsi iy = ix + j row(i0+j*natoms4) = pdiat(iy) enddo enddo nrow = nrow + norbsk endif 1000 continue end