subroutine mkdos implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) #include "divcon.dim" #include "divcon.h" C Generates Density of States C C By Arjan van der Vaart dimension itmpc(maxsub), itmpb1(maxsub), itmpb2(maxsub) logical notb1, notb2 C-RDC write(iout,'(//" DENSITY OF STATE ANALYSIS:", C-RDC $ /" -------------------------")') C find the lowest and hightest eigenvalue emin = eval(iorbpt(1)) emax = eval(iorbpt(2)-1) do k=2,nsub emin = min(emin,eval(iorbpt(k))) emax = max(emax,eval(iorbpt(k+1)-1)) enddo if ( then emin = int(emin) - 1.0 else emin = int(emin) endif if ( then emax = int(emax) else emax = int(emax) + 1.0 endif if (stand) then C-RDC write(iout,'(/" CONTRACTED ALL DOS PARAMETERS, SINCE ", C-RDC $ "A STANDARD CALCULATION", C-RDC $ /" WAS PERFORMED. A DENSITY OF STATE ANALYSIS WILL", C-RDC $ " NOW BE", C-RDC $ /" PERFORMED ON", C-RDC $ " ALL ATOMS (1-",I6,") WITH INTERVAL=",F12.3)') C-RDC $ natoms, ddos(1) ndos = 1 idos(1) = 1 idos(2) = natoms nc = 1 itmpc(1) = 1 nb1 = 0 nb2 = 0 call gendos(ndos,nc,itmpc,nb1,itmpb1,nb2,itmpb2,emin,emax) return endif do id=1,ndos id2=2*id id1=id2-1 ia1 = idos(id1) ia2 = idos(id2) nc = 0 nb1 = 0 nb2 = 0 do 100 is=1,nsub notb1 = .true. notb2 = .true. j1 = iatom1(is) j2 = iatom1(is+1)-1 do j=j1,j2 if (iatoms(j).gt.ia2) goto 100 C . Since core atoms have the highest priority, C . we keep on looping over all atoms until a core C . atom is found. We don't have to check for buffer2 C . atoms if a buffer1 atom was already found, since C . buffer1 atoms have a higher priority than buffer2 C . atoms. if ((iatoms(j).ge.ia1).and.(iatoms(j).le.ia2)) then if (iabuff(j).eq.0) then nc = nc + 1 itmpc(nc) = is goto 100 elseif (notb1.and.(iabuff(j).eq.1)) then nb1 = nb1 + 1 itmpb1(nb1) = is notb1 = .false. notb2 = .false. elseif (notb2.and.(iabuff(j).eq.2)) then nb2 = nb2 + 1 itmpb2(nb2) = is notb2 = .false. endif endif enddo 100 continue C . some subsystems might now be listed twice (or more), C . but for the DOS we only want to access each subsystem C . once (at most). C . so do some sorting now, to get a unique list: C . core has the highest priority, then inner buffer, then C . outer buffer C . if the same subsystem occurs in two or three groups, only C . the entry in the group with highest priority will survive, C . e.g. subsystem 6 is both in core (itmpc) and outer buffer C . (itmpb2), then the entry in the outer buffer will be deleted C . A. Compare outer and inner buffer kb1 = 1 kb2 = 1 110 if (kb2.le.nb2) then 120 if (itmpb1(kb1).lt.itmpb2(kb2)) then kb1 = kb1 + 1 if ( goto 150 goto 120 elseif (itmpb1(kb1).gt.itmpb2(kb2)) then kb2 = kb2 +1 goto 110 else do i=kb2,nb2-1 itmpb2(i) = itmpb2(i+1) enddo nb2 = nb2 - 1 goto 110 endif endif C . B. Compare outer buffer and core 150 kc = 1 kb2 = 1 210 if (kb2.le.nb2) then 220 if (itmpc(kc).lt.itmpb2(kb2)) then kc = kc + 1 if ( goto 250 goto 220 elseif (itmpc(kc).gt.itmpb2(kb2)) then kb2 = kb2 +1 goto 210 else do i=kb2,nb2-1 itmpb2(i) = itmpb2(i+1) enddo nb2 = nb2 - 1 goto 210 endif endif C . C. Compare inner buffer and core 250 kc = 1 kb1 = 1 310 if (kb1.le.nb1) then 320 if (itmpc(kc).lt.itmpb1(kb1)) then kc = kc + 1 if ( goto 350 goto 320 elseif (itmpc(kc).gt.itmpb1(kb1)) then kb1 = kb1 +1 goto 310 else do i=kb1,nb1-1 itmpb1(i) = itmpb1(i+1) enddo nb1 = nb1 - 1 goto 310 endif endif 350 call gendos(id,nc,itmpc,nb1,itmpb1,nb2,itmpb2,emin,emax) enddo end CC---------------------------------------------------------------CC subroutine gendos(id,nc,itmpc,nb1,itmpb1,nb2,itmpb2,emin,emax) implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) #include "divcon.dim" #include "divcon.h" parameter (maxh=1000) dimension itmpc(maxsub), itmpb1(maxsub), itmpb2(maxsub), $ ihistco(maxh), ihistb1o(maxh), ihistb2o(maxh), $ ihistcu(maxh), ihistb1u(maxh), ihistb2u(maxh) id2 = 2*id id1 = id2-1 nn = (emax-emin)/ddos(id) + 1 if ( then d = (emax-emin)/(maxh-1) + 1.0E-4 C-RDC write(iout,'(//" THE DENSITY OF STATE FOR ATOMS ",i6," - ",i6, C-RDC $ " COULD NOT", C-RDC $ /" BE CALCULATED: INTERVAL IS TOO SMALL.", C-RDC $ /" INCREASE INTERVAL TO ",F12.3, C-RDC $ " OR INCREASE MAXH TO ",i9, C-RDC $ /" IN mkdos.F AND RECOMPILE")') C-RDC $ idos(id1),idos(id2), d, nn return endif C first for core do i=1,maxh ihistco(i) = 0 ihistcu(i) = 0 enddo nhco = 0 nhcu = 0 do ic=1,nc is = itmpc(ic) if (stand) then C . base occupation on the number of electrons iocc = (nelec-1)/2 i1 = iorbpt(is) i2 = i1+iocc do i=i1,i2 j = (eval(i)-emin)/ddos(id) + 1 ihistco(j) = ihistco(j) + 1 enddo nhco = nhco + i2-i1+1 else C . base occupation on the Fermi energy (since we don't C . know the charge of this subsystem) do icr=1,ncores i1=isubend(icr-1)+1 i2=isubend(icr) if (( then ef = efermi(icr) goto 10 endif enddo 10 i1 = iorbpt(is) i2 = iorbpt(is+1)-1 do i=i1,i2 if (eval(i).lt.ef) then j = (eval(i)-emin)/ddos(id) + 1 ihistco(j) = ihistco(j) + 1 else ibeg = i goto 20 endif enddo 20 i2=ibeg-1 nhco = nhco + i2-i1+1 endif i1 = i2+1 i2 = iorbpt(is+1)-1 do i=i1,i2 j = (eval(i)-emin)/ddos(id) + 1 ihistcu(j) = ihistcu(j) + 1 enddo nhcu = nhcu + i2-i1+1 enddo nhc = nhcu + nhco if (stand) then C-RDC C . we finished the DOS analysis already, so write stuff C-RDC write(iout,'(/" OCCUPIED ORBITALS:", C-RDC $ //" ENERGY (eV)", C-RDC $ /" (START OF", C-RDC $ /" INTERVAL)", C-RDC $ /" N %", C-RDC $ /" --------------------------------------")') C-RDC do i=nn,1,-1 C-RDC if (ihistco(i).ne.0) goto 30 C-RDC enddo C-RDC 30 iend=i C-RDC y = emin-ddos(id) C-RDC tcp = 0.0 C-RDC do i=1,iend C-RDC y = y + ddos(id) C-RDC cp = dble(100*ihistco(i))/dble(nhc) C-RDC tcp = tcp + cp C-RDC write(iout,'(1x,F15.3,4x,i9,2x,f6.2)') C-RDC $ y,ihistco(i), cp C-RDC enddo C-RDC write(iout,'(/" --------- ------ ", C-RDC $ /" TOTAL ",4x,i9,2x,f6.2)') C-RDC $ nhco,tcp C-RDC write(iout,'(/" UNOCCUPIED ORBITALS:", C-RDC $ //" ENERGY (eV)", C-RDC $ /" (START OF", C-RDC $ /" INTERVAL)", C-RDC $ /" N %", C-RDC $ /" --------------------------------------")') do i=1,nn if (ihistcu(i).ne.0) goto 40 enddo 40 ibeg=i y = emin+dble(ibeg-2)*ddos(id) tcp = 0.0 do i=ibeg,nn y = y + ddos(id) cp = dble(100*ihistcu(i))/dble(nhc) tcp = tcp + cp C-RDC write(iout,'(1x,F15.3,4x,i9,2x,f6.2)') C-RDC $ y,ihistcu(i), cp enddo C-RDC write(iout,'(/" --------- ------ ", C-RDC $ /" TOTAL ",4x,i9,2x,f6.2)') C-RDC $ nhcu,tcp C-RDC write(iout,'(/" ALL ORBITALS:", C-RDC $ //" ENERGY (eV)", C-RDC $ /" (START OF", C-RDC $ /" INTERVAL)", C-RDC $ /" N %", C-RDC $ /" --------------------------------------")') y = emin-ddos(id) tcp = 0.0 do i=1,nn y = y + ddos(id) cp = dble(100*(ihistcu(i)+ihistco(i)))/dble(nhc) tcp = tcp + cp C-RDC write(iout,'(1x,F15.3,4x,i9,2x,f6.2)') C-RDC $ y,ihistcu(i)+ihistco(i), cp enddo C-RDC write(iout,'(/" --------- ------ ", C-RDC $ /" TOTAL ",4x,i9,2x,f6.2)') C-RDC $ nhc,tcp else C . still have to do the DOS of the buffers do i=1,maxh ihistb1o(i) = ihistco(i) ihistb1u(i) = ihistcu(i) enddo C . do the inner buffer nhb1o = nhco nhb1u = nhcu do ic=1,nb1 is = itmpb1(ic) C . base occupation on the Fermi energy (since we don't C . know the charge of this subsystem) do icr=1,ncores i1=isubend(icr-1)+1 i2=isubend(icr) if (( then ef = efermi(icr) goto 50 endif enddo 50 i1 = iorbpt(is) i2 = iorbpt(is+1)-1 do i=i1,i2 if (eval(i).lt.ef) then j = (eval(i)-emin)/ddos(id) + 1 ihistb1o(j) = ihistb1o(j) + 1 else ibeg = i goto 60 endif enddo 60 i2=ibeg-1 nhb1o = nhb1o + i2-i1+1 i1 = i2+1 i2 = iorbpt(is+1)-1 do i=i1,i2 j = (eval(i)-emin)/ddos(id) + 1 ihistb1u(j) = ihistb1u(j) + 1 enddo nhb1u = nhb1u + i2-i1+1 enddo nhb1 = nhb1o + nhb1u do i=1,maxh ihistb2o(i) = ihistb1o(i) ihistb2u(i) = ihistb1u(i) enddo C . then the outer buffer nhb2o = nhb1o nhb2u = nhb1u do ic=1,nb2 is = itmpb2(ic) C . base occupation on the Fermi energy (since we don't C . know the charge of this subsystem) do icr=1,ncores i1=isubend(icr-1)+1 i2=isubend(icr) if (( then ef = efermi(icr) goto 70 endif enddo 70 i1 = iorbpt(is) i2 = iorbpt(is+1)-1 do i=i1,i2 if (eval(i).lt.ef) then j = (eval(i)-emin)/ddos(id) + 1 ihistb2o(j) = ihistb2o(j) + 1 else ibeg = i goto 80 endif enddo 80 i2=ibeg-1 nhb2o = nhb2o + i2-i1+1 i1 = i2+1 i2 = iorbpt(is+1)-1 do i=i1,i2 j = (eval(i)-emin)/ddos(id) + 1 ihistb2u(j) = ihistb2u(j) + 1 enddo nhb2u = nhb2u + i2-i1+1 enddo nhb2 = nhb2o + nhb2u C-RDC write(iout,'(//" THE DENSITY OF STATE FOR ATOMS ",I6," - ", C-RDC $ I6," AS CORE ATOMS ", C-RDC $ /" ARE OBTAINED FROM THE EIGENVALUES OF SUBSYSTEMS")') C-RDC $ idos(id1),idos(id2) C-RDC write(iout,'(8(1x,i6))') (itmpc(i),i=1,nc) C-RDC write(iout,'(" THE DOS FOR ATOMS ",I6," - ", C-RDC $ I6," AS CORE OR INNER BUFFER ATOMS ", C-RDC $ /" ARE OBTAINED FROM THE EIGENVALUES OF THE ", C-RDC $ "SUBSYSTEMS ABOVE AND SUBSYSTEMS")') C-RDC $ idos(id1),idos(id2) if (nb1.eq.0) then C-RDC write(iout,'(" ---")') else C-RDC write(iout,'(8(1x,i6))') (itmpb1(i),i=1,nb1) endif C-RDC write(iout,'(" THE DOS FOR ATOMS ",I6," - ", C-RDC $ I6," AS CORE, INNER OR OUTER BUFFER ATOMS ", C-RDC $ /" ARE OBTAINED FROM THE EIGENVALUES OF ALL ", C-RDC $ "THESE SUBSYSTEM, PLUS",/" SUBSYSTEMS")') C-RDC $ idos(id1),idos(id2) if (nb2.eq.0) then C-RDC write(iout,'(" ---")') else C-RDC write(iout,'(8(1x,i6))') (itmpb2(i),i=1,nb2) endif C-RDC C . and write the Occupied DOS C-RDC write(iout,'(/" OCCUPIED ORBITALS:", C-RDC $ //" ENERGY (eV) CORE ", C-RDC $ " CORE CORE", C-RDC $ /" (START OF ", C-RDC $ "+ BUFF1 + BUFF1", C-RDC $ /" INTERVAL) ", C-RDC $ " + BUFF2", C-RDC $ //" N %", C-RDC $ " N % N %", C-RDC $ /" -------------------------------------------", C-RDC $ "-------------------------------")') do i=nn,1,-1 if (ihistco(i).ne.0) goto 130 enddo 130 iendc=i do i=nn,1,-1 if (ihistb1o(i).ne.0) goto 140 enddo 140 iendb1=i do i=nn,1,-1 if (ihistb2o(i).ne.0) goto 150 enddo 150 iendb2=i iend = max(iendc,iendb1,iendb2) y = emin-ddos(id) tcp = 0.0 tb1 = 0.0 tb2 = 0.0 do i=1,iend y = y + ddos(id) cp = dble(100*ihistco(i))/dble(nhc) tcp = tcp + cp b1p = dble(100*ihistb1o(i))/dble(nhb1) tb1 = tb1 + b1p b2p = dble(100*ihistb2o(i))/dble(nhb2) tb2 = tb2 + b2p C-RDC write(iout,'(1x,F15.3,2x,3(2x,i9,2x,f6.2))') C-RDC $ y,ihistco(i), cp, C-RDC $ ihistb1o(i), b1p, ihistb2o(i), b2p enddo C-RDC write(iout,'(/" --------- ------ ", C-RDC $ "--------- ------ --------- ------", C-RDC $ /" TOTAL ",2x,3(2x,i9,2x,f6.2))') C-RDC $ nhco,tcp,nhb1o,tb1,nhb2o,tb2 C-RDC C . and write the Unoccupied DOS C-RDC write(iout,'(/" UNOCCUPIED ORBITALS:", C-RDC $ //" ENERGY (eV) CORE ", C-RDC $ " CORE CORE", C-RDC $ /" (START OF ", C-RDC $ "+ BUFF1 + BUFF1", C-RDC $ /" INTERVAL) ", C-RDC $ " + BUFF2", C-RDC $ //" N %", C-RDC $ " N % N %", C-RDC $ /" -------------------------------------------", C-RDC $ "-------------------------------")') do i=1,nn if (ihistcu(i).ne.0) goto 160 enddo 160 ibegc=i do i=1,nn if (ihistb1u(i).ne.0) goto 170 enddo 170 ibegb1=i do i=1,nn if (ihistb2u(i).ne.0) goto 180 enddo 180 ibegb2=i ibeg = min(ibegc,ibegb1,ibegb2) y = emin+dble(ibeg-2)*ddos(id) tcp = 0.0 tb1 = 0.0 tb2 = 0.0 do i=ibeg,nn y = y + ddos(id) cp = dble(100*ihistcu(i))/dble(nhc) tcp = tcp + cp b1p = dble(100*ihistb1u(i))/dble(nhb1) tb1 = tb1 + b1p b2p = dble(100*ihistb2u(i))/dble(nhb2) tb2 = tb2 + b2p C-RDC write(iout,'(1x,F15.3,2x,3(2x,i9,2x,f6.2))') C-RDC $ y,ihistcu(i), cp, C-RDC $ ihistb1u(i), b1p, ihistb2u(i), b2p enddo C-RDC write(iout,'(/" --------- ------ ", C-RDC $ "--------- ------ --------- ------", C-RDC $ /" TOTAL ",2x,3(2x,i9,2x,f6.2))') C-RDC $ nhcu,tcp,nhb1u,tb1,nhb2u,tb2 C-RDC C . and write the total DOS C-RDC write(iout,'(/" ALL ORBITALS:", C-RDC $ //" ENERGY (eV) CORE ", C-RDC $ " CORE CORE", C-RDC $ /" (START OF ", C-RDC $ "+ BUFF1 + BUFF1", C-RDC $ /" INTERVAL) ", C-RDC $ " + BUFF2", C-RDC $ //" N %", C-RDC $ " N % N %", C-RDC $ /" -------------------------------------------", C-RDC $ "-------------------------------")') y = emin-ddos(id) tcp = 0.0 tb1 = 0.0 tb2 = 0.0 do i=1,nn y = y + ddos(id) cp = dble(100*(ihistco(i)+ihistcu(i)))/dble(nhc) tcp = tcp + cp b1p = dble(100*(ihistb1o(i)+ihistb1u(i)))/dble(nhb1) tb1 = tb1 + b1p b2p = dble(100*(ihistb2o(i)+ihistb2u(i)))/dble(nhb2) tb2 = tb2 + b2p C-RDC write(iout,'(1x,F15.3,2x,3(2x,i9,2x,f6.2))') C-RDC $ y,ihistco(i)+ihistcu(i), cp, C-RDC $ ihistb1o(i)+ihistb1u(i), b1p, C-RDC $ ihistb2o(i)+ihistb2u(i), b2p enddo C-RDC write(iout,'(/" --------- ------ ", C-RDC $ "--------- ------ --------- ------", C-RDC $ /" TOTAL ",2x,3(2x,i9,2x,f6.2))') C-RDC $ nhc,tcp,nhb1,tb1,nhb2,tb2 endif end