#!/bin/csh -f if ( ! ( $?AMBERHOME ) ) then echo "Warning: the AMBERHOME environment variable is not defined !" echo " It usually should be set to the path of Amber's top level directory." setenv AMBERHOME `pwd`/../../.. echo "Caution: Setting AMBERHOME to $AMBERHOME !" echo " " else echo "AMBERHOME is set to $AMBERHOME" endif set DIF = ../dacdif set LIB = $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/lib set SANDER = $AMBERHOME/bin/sander if ( ! -e ./tleap ) then echo " Error: no ./tleap" exit(1) endif set TLEAP = ` egrep -v '^#' tleap | grep teLeap | awk '{print $1}'` if ( -e $TLEAP ) then echo "" echo "Running leap tests on ./tleap -> $TLEAP" echo "" else echo " Error: ./tleap -> $TLEAP does not exist" exit(1) endif touch x.lib chmod 666 x.lib /bin/rm -f "*.lib *.log *.dif" || goto perm_error echo "leap.log just for loading standard leaprc's" > leap.log echo " building force field libraries:" echo "" echo " '94 ff.." echo "" ./tleap -s -f lib94.cmd >& lib94.out || goto leap_error $DIF -t 4 $LIB/all_amino94.lib all_amino94.lib $DIF -t 4 $LIB/all_aminoct94.lib all_aminoct94.lib $DIF -t 4 $LIB/all_aminont94.lib all_aminont94.lib $DIF $LIB/all_nucleic94.lib all_nucleic94.lib $DIF $LIB/ions94.lib ions94.lib echo "" echo " loadpdb and saveamberparm: 94 ff.." echo "" /bin/rm -f ff94_prm.log ./tleap -s -f ff94_prm.cmd >& ff94_prm.out || goto leap_error foreach i ( aminoan94 aminonc94 dna94 rna94 ) echo " - ${i} " echo " comparing topology to earlier leap version.." $DIF ff94/all_${i}.top all_${i}.top if ( -f all_${i}.top ) then if ( ( ! -e $SANDER ) ) then echo " No $SANDER to use to compare energies" else echo " comparing sander energies" $SANDER -O \ -i ff94/sander_ff94.in \ -o ff94/sander_mdout.${i} \ -p all_${i}.top \ -c all_${i}.crd || goto sander_error $DIF ff94/sander_mdout.${i}.save ff94/sander_mdout.${i} endif endif /bin/rm -f restrt mdinfo all_${i}.crd end # echo "" # echo " loadpdb/saveamberparm with permutations of addIons, solvateBox" # echo " w/ 94 ff.." # echo "" # ./tleap -s -f ff94_iowatprm.cmd >& ff94_iowatprm.out || goto leap_error # foreach i ( dnaio dnawat dnaiowat dnawatio ) # echo " - ${i} " # echo " comparing topology, coords to earlier leap version.." # $DIF ff94/all_${i}94.top all_${i}94.top # if ( -f all_${i}94.top ) then # # if ( ( ! -e $SANDER ) ) then # echo " No $SANDER to use to compare energies" # else # echo " comparing sander energies" # $SANDER -O \ # -i ff94/sander_ff94.in \ # -o sander_${i}.out \ # -p all_${i}.top \ # -c all_${i}.crd || goto sander_error # $DIF ff94/sander_${i}.out sander_${i}.out # endif # endif # $DIF ff94/all_${i}94.crd all_${i}94.crd # /bin/rm -f restrt mdinfo all_${i}94.crd # end echo "" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo " Notes: " echo " - If all tests PASSED, you can 'rm *.log *.out *.lib *.top'" echo " - For a discussion of energy differences (sander*.dif)" echo " see 0README. " echo " - It is common to see round-off differences in the" echo " portion of these tests" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" exit(0) leap_error: echo "${0}: Program error in leap" exit(1) perm_error: echo "${0}: File permission error" exit(1) sander_error: echo "${0}: Program error in sander (could be leap input problem)" exit(1)