#!/bin/bash ## Setup information for the GLYCAM Run_tests.bash script ## ## Please see 00_README in this directory for more documentation. ## ########## ## # These file types will be instrumental in the tests ## # This file is particularly important. # Tests will be performed for any files having this # string as a suffix. LEAPINSUFF=".leapin" # The rest of these files will be written using the # prefix found for each file matching LEAPINSUFF TOPSUFF=".parm7" CRDSUFF=".rst7" LEAPOUTSUFF=".tleap_out" LEAPERRSUFF=".tleap_error" DIFFOUTSUFF=".dacdif_out" TEMPLOGSUFF=".localLog" # This suffix is not expected to change as it is the standard # comparison suffix for AMBER tests SAVESUFF=".save" # The temp files DACDIF writes will have this prefix DACTEMPPREF="ddtmp." # Overall info will go here TESTOUT="Test_Results" # This file sometimes gets made DUMMYLEAPLOG="leap.log" ########## # These files can be removed after successful tests CLEANUPSUFFIXES="${TESTSUFF} ${LEAPERRSUFF} ${LEAPOUTSUFF} ${DIFFOUTSUFF} ${TEMPLOGSUFF} ${TOPSUFF} ${CRDSUFF}" # These files should be removed even after unsuccessful tests ErrorCLEANUPSUFFIXES="${TEMPLOGSUFF}" ## ## ## Check if we have a particular task to do ## CLEAN=0 EVALUATE=0 GENERATE=0 if [ "$1" = "clean" ] ; then CLEAN=1 elif [ "$1" = "evaluate" ] ; then EVALUATE=1 elif [ "$1" = "generate" ] ; then GENERATE=1 elif [ $1 ] ; then echo "Unknown run option \"${1}\". Exiting." exit 1 fi if [ $2 ] ; then echo "Too many arguments on command line. Exiting." exit 1 fi ## ## ## If this run is not just for cleaning, then perform some basic setup ## if [ $CLEAN -eq 0 ] ; then # Do some other setup for the tests if [ -z $AMBERHOME ] ; then echo "Error: The GLYCAM tleap tests require AMBERHOME to be defined." exit 1 fi DACDIF="$AMBERHOME/AmberTools/test/dacdif" TLEAP="$AMBERHOME/bin/tleap" if [ ! -x $DACDIF ] ; then echo "$DACDIF not found." exit 1 fi if [ ! -x $TLEAP ] ; then echo "$TLEAP not found." exit 1 fi fi