#!/bin/csh -f set SQM = ../../../bin/sqm set SPDIFF = ../../dacdif set GODIFF = "../../dacdif -a 0.02" set SPTESTS = (meoh_nh3.pm6-dh+.sp) set GOTESTS = (meoh_nh3.pm6-dh+.go) # single point tests foreach i ($SPTESTS) set input = $i.in set output = $i.out $SQM -O -i $input -o $output || goto error $SPDIFF $output.save $output end # geometry optimization tests # do not check the electronic energy and # core repulsion energy, they are too sensitive! # Also, do not check the final geometry since small numerical # differences on different platforms can result in different # Cartesian coordinates although the internal coordinates are OK foreach i ($GOTESTS) set input = $i.in set output = $i.out $SQM -O -i $input -o $output || goto error grep -v 'Electronic energy' $output > tmp grep -v 'Core-core repulsion' tmp > tmp2 grep -v 'DIPOLE' tmp2 > tmp sed -e "/Final Structure/,/Calculation Completed/d" tmp > $output rm tmp tmp2 $GODIFF $output.save $output end exit(0) error: echo " ${0}: Program error" exit(1)