XPLOR-NIH Installaion [ a sample set of command instruction is shown in square brackets ] -obtain a copy of the platform independent -db distribution file in addition to one or more platform specific binary file. -unpack these files wherever you plan on installing xplor. [ % cd /opt % gzcat xplor-nih-VERSION-IRIX64_6.5.tar.gz |tar xf - % gzcat xplor-nih-VERSION-Linux_2.2_i686.tar.gz |tar xf - % gzcat xplor-nih-VERSION-db.tar.gz |tar xf - ] -generate the xplor script and create a symbolic link to a common path location [ % cd xplor-nih-VERSION % ./configure % ln -s /opt/xplor-nih-VERSION/bin/xplor /usr/local/bin/xplor ] -you can also test the distribution by running the testDist script. Note that you need write privledges in the install directories for this to work. [ % bin/testDist ] -if you have a version of your OS newer than that listed in the binary name, you can probably run the older version by adding a line to arch/equivList. For instance, if you have Darwin 6.7, add the line: Darwin_6.6 Darwin_6.7