remarks file nmr/generate.inp remarks Generate structure file for a protein remarks using the SA parameter and topology files. rtf end parameter @TOPPAR:protein.par {* $kbon, $kang and $kchi are defined in this file *} end {*Read topology file *} segment {*Generate protein *} name="temp" {*This name has to match the *} {*four characters in columns 73 *} {*through 76 in the coordinate *} {*file, in XPLOR this name is *} {*name is referred to as SEGId. *} chain @TOPPAR:toph19.pep {*Read peptide bond file *} sequence PRO MET GLN TYR LYS LEU ILE LEU ASN GLY LYS THR LEU LYS GLY GLU THR THR THR GLU ALA VAL ASP ALA ALA THR ALA GLU LYS VAL PHE LYS GLN TYR ALA ASN ASP ASN GLY VAL ASP GLY GLU TRP THR TYR ASP ASP ALA THR LYS THR PHE THR VAL THR GLU end end end write structure output=temp.psf end stop