REMARKS Grid search for Da, and rhombicity REMARKS MKF 2/18/03 {* read in the PSF file and initial structure *} structure @protG.psf @axis_600.psf end {* parameter files for protein,and axis for dipolars. *} param @TOPPAR:protein.par @TOPPAR:axes.par end coor @axis_600.pdb {* set the weights for the experimental energy terms. *} evaluate ($da = -30.0) evaluate ($lowestrms = 1000.0) evaluate ($lowestda = -30.5) evaluate ($lowestr = -0.05) evaluate ($dacnt = 0) evaluate ($rhom = 0.00) evaluate ($ksani = 0.01) sani nres=1600 class JNHp force $ksani potential harmonic coeff 0.0 $da $rhom @bicelles_new_nh.tbl {* dipolar coupling restraints for protein amide NH. *} end while ($dacnt < 60) loop da evaluate ($dacnt = $dacnt + 1) evaluate ($rcnt = 0) evaluate ($rhom = 0.00) while ($rcnt<20) loop rhombicity evaluate ($rcnt = $rcnt +1) {* Read Structures 1 -> 10 *} evaluate ($no_struct = 1) evaluate ($totalrms_this_da_r = 0.0) while ($no_struct < 4) loop structures evaluate ($file= "compare_" + encode($no_struct) + ".pdb") coor @$file sani class JNHp force $ksani coeff 0.0 $da $rhom end flags exclude * include sani end vector do (mass = 100.0) (not (resid 600) ) {* all atom masses are set the same so that *} {* motion of each atom is equally likely in *} {* the dynamics. Note that the dynamics is *} {* not a realistic model of the motion of *} {* the system; it is a method of minimizing *} {* a highly complicated function. *} vector do (mass = 30.0) (resid 600) vector do (fbeta = 10.0) (all) {* coupling to heat bath *} dynamics internal reset itype=powell stepsize = 0.1 nstep=1000 depred=1 fix (resid 1:400) ! NOTE: change this to the correct range for your protein group = (resid 600) {* Treat the protein and the axis as rigid bodies *} etol = 0.0000001 gtol = 0.0000001 nprint= 1 end sani print threshold=0.0 class JNHp end evaluate ($totalrms_this_da_r=$totalrms_this_da_r+$result) evaluate ($no_struct=$no_struct+1) end loop structures if ($totalrms_this_da_r < $lowestrms) then evaluate ($lowestrms = $totalrms_this_da_r) evaluate ($lowestda = $da) evaluate ($lowestr =$rhom) end if evaluate ($rhom = $rhom +0.05) end loop rhombicity evaluate ($da = $da + 0.5) end loop da Remark Da = $lowestda R = $lowestr write coor output=test.pdb end stop