represent ensemble of structures as a density map. See C.D. Schwieters and G.M. Clore, ``G.M. Reweighted atomic densities to represent ensembles of NMR structures,'' J. Biomol. NMR 23, 221-225 (2002). constructor: AtomProb(atomSel, atomPosList) - atomSel is a string or .AtomSel atomPosList is a list of atomic coordinates for the structures which will make up the map. methods: calc() - calculate density map writeEDM(filename) - write map to specified file in xplor edm format accessor pairs: atomRadius/setAtomRadius verbose/setVerbose - boolean fullMap/setFullMap - boolean. Specify whether to calculate map due to all atoms, rather than only those in the selection. distType/setDistType - one of "quartic","gaussian" scaleType/setScaleType - one of "amplitude","distribution","flat" members: gridVals - with members: xdelta, ydelta, zdelta xmin, ymin, zmin xmax, ymax, zmax - grid parameters cushion - space around molecule for auto-grid generation