ensemble average a potential term Used with an .EnsembleSimulation for an energy term which is a simple ensemble average of an energy term. i.e. the potential is E = sum_i w_i E_i where the sum is over all members of an ensemble, w_i is the weight for ensemble member i, and E_i is the averaged energy. Constructors: AvePot( otherPotentialName, args ) otherPotentialName could be e.g. .XplorPot, .NOEPot, etc. args are the arguments which these other terms take. *or* AvePot( pot ) where pot is a previously defined potential term. Methods: calcEnergy() calcEnergyAndDerivs() potName() instanceName() subPot() - return .Pot object which is averaged over. Accessors (read/write) scale - scale factor for the term. Overall scale is product of this value and subPot->scale(). Additionally, all of the methods of the underlying class can be accessed as if the AvePot object was actually the sub-potential type.