numerical matrix classes CDSMatrixes are container objects for numerical contents. Elements can be assigned to and read from using [i,j] index notation. They can be added, subtracted, and multiplied classes: CDSMatrix_double CDSMatrix_DComplex CDSMatrix_int Constructor: here, replace ``type'' with the appropriate containee type (e.g. ``double'') CDSMatrix_type(rows,cols,initializer) - initializer optional. CDSMatrix_type(otherMatrix) - construct a new CDSMatrix, initializing elements from those of otherMatrix. Also: SymMatrix_double(size) - construct symmetric real matrix of specified size SymMatrix_double(lowerTri) - construct symmetric real matrix from a lower triangular matrix. Example: s = SymMatrix_double([1,2,3]) print s [1, 2] [2, 3] Methods: fromList(list) - set elements from a sequence of sequences. rows() - number of rows cols() - number of columns set(val) - set all elements to val. setDiag(val) - set all diagonal elements to val. scale(val) - scale all elements by val. One can multiply CDSMatrixes by CDSMatrixes and by .CDSVectors. In addition there are the functions: transpose(mat) - return the matrix transpose inverse(mat) - return the matrix inverse svd(mat) - perform singular value decomposition on mat, and return the results in a structure with members sigma - singular values u - left matrix vT - right matrix Note that the singular value representation of mat is u * sigma * vT eigen(mat) - perform eigenvalue analysis on mat. This returns a list of eigenPairs, each of which has accessors value and vector which which return the expected information. trace(mat) - return trace of mat det(mat) - return determinate of mat