numerical vector classes CDSVectors are container objects which behaves much like Python sequences: the [] operator behaves as expected, returning an element or slice and the len() function returns the size of the list. Note that a proper Python list is generated using the slice [:]. Linear algebraic functions (+*-) are also defined on CDSVector objects. constructors: CDSVector_type(size) where the vector size is specified. CDSVector_type(python_object) where python_object is a sequence whose elements are compatible with type. CDSVector_type(other_CDSVector_type) this is a copy constructor. classes: CDSVector_double vector of floating point values. CDSVector_doubles may be multiplied by a .RMat of the appropriate size. CDSVector_Vec3 vector of .Vec3 objects. CDSVector_int vector of integer values. the following functions will act on CDSVector objects: sqrt(vec) - return a new CDSVector object each of whose elements is the sqrt of the correspondig argument of vec. log(vec) - return a CDSVector whose elements are logrithms of the corresponding elements of vec. vec_norm - return a CDSVector_double whose elements are the norm of the corresponding elements of vec. norm(vec) - return the norm of the entire vector. sum(vec) - return the sum of the entire vector. __pow__ miscellaneous members fromList(obj) - read a compatible Python object into the CDSVector. scale(x) - scale each element by the value x. __pow__(x) - raise each member to the x power (accessed via the ** operator). Note that mathematical operations which take element members out of range are not supported. For instance, sqrt(CDSVector_int) is not supported.