Mat3 class This class represents a 3x3 matrix Constructor: Mat3(m11,m12,m13, m21,m22,m23, m31,m32,m33) Methods: elements can be accessed by matrix indexing: m[0,0] = 42 print m[0,0] fromList( list ) - assign members from a list of lists transpose(mat) - returns transpose of matrix SymMat3 class A 3x3 symmetric matrix class. Constructor: SymMat3(m11, m12,m22, m13,m23,m33) specification of lower triangular elements is optional Methods: elements can be accessed by matrix indexing, as described for the Mat3 class. The following functions are defined: eigen(mat) - returns a list of eigen value/vector pairs in an EigenPair structure with accessors: value(), vector() transpose(mat) - returns transpose of matrix rotVector(vec, angle) - return matrix corresponding to rotation about 3-vector vec by angle (in radians)