structure information for a simulation Simulations provide structure information, including atom information and connectivity. It is generally easier to get and set this information using the higher level .Atom interface accessed through the .AtomSel class. The following functions are provided: currentSimulation() return the current Simulation makeCurrent(sim) make the specified Simulation current. numSimulations() return the current number of Simulations. The following methods for the Simulation class are available currentSimulation() - static method returning the current active Simulation name() - Simulation name numAtoms() - number of atoms in Simulation numBonds() - number of bonds in Simulation atomByID(index) - return an .Atom object by its index bondPairByID(index) - return a pair of atom indices for bond indexed by index select(sel) - low level selector returns list of atom indices given string sel. Use .AtomSel object instead. kineticEnergy() - calculate kinetic energy associated with the current masses, velocities. atomString(index) - a 19 character string unique identifier of an atom, given an atom index. deleteAtoms(string) - delete the atoms corresponding selected by select(). If this method is called after potential terms are created (associated with this simulation) then an exception will be raised. The quantities below may be retrieved using the member function form quantity(), while they are set using the form setQuantity(value) atomPosArr - a CDSVector of all atom positions atomVelArr - a CDSVector of all atom velocities atomMassArr - a CDSVector of all atom masses The quantities below may be retrieved using the member function form quantity(index), while they are set using the form setQuantity(index,value), where index is an atom index. atomPos atomVel atomMass atomFric atomCharge segmentName residueName residueNum atomName fullName