simulation based on an XPLOR backend. constructor: XplorSimulation(clone=False): create a new xplor process and associated XplorSimulation object. If the optional clone argument is True, the current atomic coordinates and PSF information are mirrored in the new object. Otherwise, the object will have no atoms or PSF information. Methods: This objects contains all of the methods of the .Simulation class. In addition, it contains the following: potList() - return the .PotList of potential terms which are evaluated when the SCRIpting XPLOR energy term is active. scriptingIndex() - index into XPLOR renr array corresponding to SCRIpting term. wrap() - return the associated .XplorWrap object. This member is not usually needed. The following routines synchronize simulation values to/from xplor. They are not usually needed. initFrom() - initialize quantities from XPLOR syncFrom() syncAtomIDFrom() syncPosFrom() syncVelFrom() syncFricFrom() syncChargeFrom() syncMassFrom() syncTo() - copy modified coordinates, etc. variables to xplor