low-level wrappers for the XPLOR interpreter. Explicit reference to this module should not normally be necessary. command(cmd, names) - evaluates an xplor expression names is a list of xplor variable names Returns a list of the values of those variables in the same order as they were requested. fastCommand(cmd, names) - same as command(), except the assumption is made that no atom properties are modified in the XPLOR interface- they are not copied back to the C++ side. This call is much more efficient than command(). shell() - pops one into the XPLOR interpreter shell. Return to the python prompt using XPLOR's END statement. select(selString) - low level atom selector - returns a list of atom indices. setRandomSeed(newSeed) - set XPLOR's random number seed. randomSeed() - get XPLOR's random number seed. uniformRandom() - return and random number between 0 and 1.