Instructions for parallel structure calculation In the Python interface parallel structure calculation is transparently handled by the simulationTools.StructureLoop class. No modification of the script is necessary. The pdbTemplate argument of the StructureLoop constructor should be a string which includes the literal STRUCTURE, which is replaced by a different number for each structure. An example can be found in eginput/gb1_rdc/ Parallel structure calculation in the XPLOR interface is more involved. Scripts should be modified along the lines of eginput/protG/anneal.inp. One should access the environment variables XPLOR_PROCESS and XPLOR_NUM_PROCESSES, and make sure structure files do not collide and that unique seed values are used for each structure. Parallel execution must be specified using flags to the top-level xplor (or pyXplor) command. For distributed machines the appropriate incantation is xplor -py -parallel -machines machines -o logfile.out where machines is a quoted list or the name of a file specifying host names on which to execute the program. If a host has more than one processor, its name can be listed multiple times. Each process writes a output file to logfile.out_#. Requirements for proper operation are that the current directory is on a filesystem shared by all hosts, accessible using the same path, and that password-less login is possible. By default ssh is used for login, but rsh can be used if one sets the XPLOR_RSH environment variable to rsh before execution. If the local computer has multiple CPUs, a simplified version incantation is xplor -py -smp # -o logfile.out where # is the number of processors to use. Note that Darwin (Mac OS) has some deep bug, such that this flag does not work on those systems. Additional parallelism is available when refining against an ensemble of structures. Calculation for separate ensemble members can be carried out almost independently- spread over NUM processers when the -num_threads NUM command-line option is given. These processors are on he same machine. The number of processors used in this way should usually be an even divisor of the ensemble size. Both structure and ensemble-based parallelization could be specified with the following invocation: xplor -py -parallel -machines machine.list -num_threads 2 -o out.log Specifying that an ensemble calculation would be run on processors of each node specified in machine.list.