remarks dgtest4.inp remarks test the dg energy term remarks tests on an ALA polypeptide chain remarks Axel T. Brunger remarks ============== !--------------- ! test one: random four-atom metrization !--------------- structure reset end topology reset end segment name=" " chain LINK PEPP HEAD - * TAIL + PRO END { LINK to PRO } LINK PEPT HEAD - * TAIL + * END FIRSt PROP TAIL + PRO END { nter for PRO } FIRSt NTER TAIL + * END LAST CTER HEAD - * END sequence ala ala ala ala ala ala ala ala ala ala end end end parameter nbonds repel = 0.8 end end set seed = 8787380 end noe assign ( resid 1 and name ca ) ( resid 9 and name ca ) 5. 0.01 0.01 end flags include noe end mmdg iacc=0.2 tacc=0.2 bacc=0.001 pacc=0.2 writebounds=dgtest4.dat end mmdg readbounds=dgtest4.dat end display $embedded display $non_met_gap display $dgscale coor copy end mmdg readbounds=dgtest4.dat storebounds selection=( all ) scale=0.1 exponent=2 end flags exclude * include dg end test first selection= ( resid 9 and name ca ) step=0.000001 tol=0.0 end minimize powell nstep=200 drop=10. nprint=100 tolg=0. end test first selection= ( resid 7 and name O ) step=0.000001 tol=0.0 end flags exclude * include bonds angles impr dihe vdw noe end constraints interaction=( all )=( all ) weights * 0.0001 end end energy end coor swap end mmdg readbounds=dgtest4.dat storebounds selection=( name ca or name n or name c ) scale=0.1 exponent=2 end flags exclude * include dg end test first selection= ( resid 9 and name ca ) step=0.000001 tol=0.0 end minimize powell nstep=200 drop=10. nprint=100 tolg=0. end test first selection= ( resid 7 and name O ) step=0.000001 tol=0.0 end flags exclude * include bonds angles impr dihe vdw noe end constraints interaction=( name ca or name n or name c )=( prev ) weights * 0.0001 end end energy end stop