topology end parameter end segment {*Generate ions *} name="CL- " {*This name has to match the *} {*four characters in columns 73*} {*through 76 in the coordinate *} {*file; in XPLOR this name is *} {*referred to as SEGId. *} chain coor ATOM 1 CL1 CL 1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 CL- end end {*obtain the sequence. *} end coor ATOM 1 CL1 CL 1 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 CL- end segment {*Generate ions *} name="NA+ " {*This name has to match the *} {*four characters in columns 73*} {*through 76 in the coordinate *} {*file; in XPLOR this name is *} {*referred to as SEGId. *} chain coor ATOM 1 SOD SOD 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.00 NA+ end end {*obtain the sequence. *} end coor ATOM 1 SOD SOD 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.00 NA+ end flag excl * incl vdw end coor copy end parameter nbonds atom nbxmod -3 tolerance 0.5 repel 0.75 rcon 4.0 rexp 2 cutnb 4.5 end end evaluate ($xx = 1.8) while ($xx < 4.9999) loop ANALYS evaluate ($xx = $xx + 0.2) vector do (x = $xx) (segid "CL- ") energy end vector show ave (dx) (segid "CL- ") eval ($fx = $result) display DIST $xx $vdw end loop ANALYS coor swap end parameter nbonds atom nbxmod -3 tolerance 0.5 repel 0.75 ratt 2.5 rcon 4.0 rexp 2 cutnb 4.5 end end evaluate ($xx = 1.8) while ($xx < 4.9999) loop ANALYS evaluate ($xx = $xx + 0.2) vector do (x = $xx) (segid "CL- ") energy end vector show ave (dx) (segid "CL- ") eval ($fx = $result) display DIST $xx $vdw end loop ANALYS stop