remarks ../xtalmr/unitcell.inp {===>}structure @rigid.psf end {*Read structure file.*} {===>}coor @rigid.pdb {*Read coordinates.*} delete {*Keep protein backbone only.*} selection=( not ( name ca or name n or name c ) ) end xrefin {===>} {*Unit cell for crystal.*} a=44.144 b=164.69 c=70.17 alpha=90. beta=108.50 gamma=90. end vector do ( segid="1" ) ( all ) {*The next two statements would have to be repeated for each space group*} {*operator. Just increase the segment identifier for each new symmetry *} {*mate. *} duplicate selection=( segid "1" ) segid="2" end coor symmetry=(-x,y+1/2,-z) selection=( segid "2" ) end {*The next statement translates the molecules into the standard unit*} {*cell. *} coor fractionalize end vector do (x=mod(x+10,1)) ( all ) vector do (y=mod(y+10,1)) ( all ) vector do (z=mod(z+10,1)) ( all ) coor orthogonalize end {*A new structure file and coordinate file are written.*} write coordinates output=unitcell.pdb end write structure output=unitcell.psf end stop