remarks file: xtallib/cross-rf-asu.lib remarks definition of an asymmetric unit for cross-rotation functions remarks Library for X-PLOR(online) remarks remarks Authors: Jian-Sheng Jiang and Axel T. Brunger ! ! Requirements: ! The "$laue_class" was previously defined according to the space group or ! corresponding Patterson space group as defined by the ! xtallib/spacegroup.lib library. ! ! Reference: ! Rao, S.N., Jih, J.-H. and Hartsuck, J.A., Acta Cryst. (1980). A36, 878-884. ! "Rotation-Function Space Groups". ! set echo=false end set message=off end { defaults } evaluate ($tmmin=0.0) evaluate ($t2min=0.0) evaluate ($tpmin=0.0) evaluate ($tmmax=360.0) evaluate ($t2max=90.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) { according to the Laue class } if ($laue_class = "-1") then evaluate ($tmmax=360.0) evaluate ($t2max=180.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) elseif ($laue_class = "2/m") then ! { default the "b" axis unique } evaluate ($tmmax=360.0) evaluate ($t2max=90.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) ! if ($unique = "c" ) then ! evaluate ($tmmax=180.0) ! evaluate ($t2max=180.0) ! evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) ! end if elseif ($laue_class = "mmm") then evaluate ($tmmax=180.0) evaluate ($t2max=90.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) elseif ($laue_class = "4/m") then evaluate ($tmmax=90.0) evaluate ($t2max=180.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) elseif ($laue_class = "4/mmm") then evaluate ($tmmax=90.0) evaluate ($t2max=90.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) elseif ($laue_class = "-3") then evaluate ($tmmax=120.0) evaluate ($t2max=180.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) elseif ($laue_class = "-3m") then evaluate ($tmmax=120.0) evaluate ($t2max=90.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) elseif ($laue_class = "6/m") then evaluate ($tmmax=60.0) evaluate ($t2max=180.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) elseif ($laue_class = "6/mmm") then evaluate ($tmmax=60.0) evaluate ($t2max=90.0) evaluate ($tpmax=720.0) end if display asymmetric unit| tmmin=$tmmin[F5.1], tmmax=$tmmax[F5.1] display for rotation | t2min=$t2min[F5.1], t2max=$t2max[F5.1] display function | tpmin=$tpmin[F5.1], tpmax=$tpmax[F5.1] set echo=on end set message=on end