/* * Copyright 1993-2020 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. * * NOTICE TO LICENSEE: * * This source code and/or documentation ("Licensed Deliverables") are * subject to NVIDIA intellectual property rights under U.S. and * international Copyright laws. * * These Licensed Deliverables contained herein is PROPRIETARY and * CONFIDENTIAL to NVIDIA and is being provided under the terms and * conditions of a form of NVIDIA software license agreement by and * between NVIDIA and Licensee ("License Agreement") or electronically * accepted by Licensee. Notwithstanding any terms or conditions to * the contrary in the License Agreement, reproduction or disclosure * of the Licensed Deliverables to any third party without the express * written consent of NVIDIA is prohibited. * * NOTWITHSTANDING ANY TERMS OR CONDITIONS TO THE CONTRARY IN THE * LICENSE AGREEMENT, NVIDIA MAKES NO REPRESENTATION ABOUT THE * SUITABILITY OF THESE LICENSED DELIVERABLES FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS * PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. * NVIDIA DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THESE LICENSED * DELIVERABLES, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * NONINFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * NOTWITHSTANDING ANY TERMS OR CONDITIONS TO THE CONTRARY IN THE * LICENSE AGREEMENT, IN NO EVENT SHALL NVIDIA BE LIABLE FOR ANY * SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY * DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS * ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THESE LICENSED DELIVERABLES. * * U.S. Government End Users. These Licensed Deliverables are a * "commercial item" as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (OCT * 1995), consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial * computer software documentation" as such terms are used in 48 * C.F.R. 12.212 (SEPT 1995) and is provided to the U.S. Government * only as a commercial end item. Consistent with 48 C.F.R.12.212 and * 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (JUNE 1995), all * U.S. Government End Users acquire the Licensed Deliverables with * only those rights set forth herein. * * Any use of the Licensed Deliverables in individual and commercial * software must include, in the user documentation and internal * comments to the code, the above Disclaimer and U.S. Government End * Users Notice. */ /* * cudnn_ops_train : cuDNN's basic training operations and algorithms. */ #if !defined(CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_H_) #define CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_H_ #include #include #include "cudnn_version.h" #include "cudnn_ops_infer.h" /* These version numbers are autogenerated, do not edit manually. */ #define CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_MAJOR 8 #define CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_MINOR 2 #define CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_PATCH 1 #if (CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_MAJOR != CUDNN_MAJOR) || (CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_MINOR != CUDNN_MINOR) || \ (CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_PATCH != CUDNN_PATCHLEVEL) #error Version mismatch in cuDNN OPS TRAIN!!! #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif /* Function to perform backward softmax */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnSoftmaxBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnSoftmaxAlgorithm_t algo, cudnnSoftmaxMode_t mode, const void *alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const void *y, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const void *dy, const void *beta, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, void *dx); /* Function to perform backward pooling */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnPoolingBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, const cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t poolingDesc, const void *alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const void *y, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const void *dy, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *x, const void *beta, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, void *dx); /* Function to perform backward activation */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnActivationBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, const void *alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const void *y, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const void *dy, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *x, const void *beta, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, void *dx); /* LRN cross-channel backward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnLRNCrossChannelBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnLRNDescriptor_t normDesc, cudnnLRNMode_t lrnMode, const void *alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const void *y, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const void *dy, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *x, const void *beta, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, void *dx); cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnDivisiveNormalizationBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnLRNDescriptor_t normDesc, cudnnDivNormMode_t mode, const void *alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, /* same desc for x, means, dy, temp, temp2 */ const void *x, const void *means, /* if NULL, means are assumed to be zero */ const void *dy, void *temp, void *temp2, const void *beta, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dXdMeansDesc, /* same desc for dx, dMeans */ void *dx, /* output x differential */ void *dMeans); /* output means differential, can be NULL */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnGetBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingExWorkspaceSize(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode, cudnnBatchNormOps_t bnOps, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t zDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc, const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, size_t *sizeInBytes); cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnGetBatchNormalizationBackwardExWorkspaceSize(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode, cudnnBatchNormOps_t bnOps, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dzDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dBnScaleBiasDesc, const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, size_t *sizeInBytes); cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnGetBatchNormalizationTrainingExReserveSpaceSize(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode, cudnnBatchNormOps_t bnOps, const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, size_t *sizeInBytes); /* Computes y = BN(x). Also accumulates moving averages of mean and inverse variances */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTraining( cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode, const void *alpha, /* alpha[0] = result blend factor */ const void *beta, /* beta[0] = dest layer blend factor */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *x, /* NxCxHxW */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, void *y, /* NxCxHxW */ /* Shared desc for the next 6 tensors in the argument list. Data type to be set as follows: type = (typeOf(x) == double) ? double : float Dimensions for this descriptor depend on normalization mode - Spatial Normalization : tensors are expected to have dims 1xCx1x1 (normalization is performed across NxHxW) - Per-Activation Normalization : tensors are expected to have dims of 1xCxHxW (normalization is performed across N) */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc, /* 'Gamma' and 'Beta' respectively in Ioffe and Szegedy's paper's notation */ const void *bnScale, const void *bnBias, /* MUST use factor=1 in the very first call of a complete training cycle. Use a factor=1/(1+n) at N-th call to the function to get Cumulative Moving Average (CMA) behavior CMA[n] = (x[1]+...+x[n])/n Since CMA[n+1] = (n*CMA[n]+x[n+1])/(n+1) = ((n+1)*CMA[n]-CMA[n])/(n+1) + x[n+1]/(n+1) = CMA[n]*(1-1/(n+1)) + x[n+1]*1/(n+1) */ double exponentialAverageFactor, /* Used in Training phase only. runningMean = newMean*factor + runningMean*(1-factor) */ void *resultRunningMean, /* Output in training mode, input in inference. Is the moving average of variance[x] (factor is applied in the same way as for runningMean) */ void *resultRunningVariance, /* Has to be >= CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON. Should be the same in forward and backward functions. */ double epsilon, /* Optionally save intermediate results from the forward pass here - can be reused to speed up backward pass. NULL if unused */ void *resultSaveMean, void *resultSaveInvVariance); /* Computes y = relu(BN(x) + z). Also accumulates moving averages of mean and inverse variances */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnBatchNormalizationForwardTrainingEx( cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode, cudnnBatchNormOps_t bnOps, const void *alpha, /* alpha[0] = result blend factor */ const void *beta, /* beta[0] = dest layer blend factor */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *xData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t zDesc, const void *zData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, void *yData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t bnScaleBiasMeanVarDesc, const void *bnScale, const void *bnBias, double exponentialAverageFactor, void *resultRunningMean, void *resultRunningVariance, /* Has to be >= CUDNN_BN_MIN_EPSILON. Should be the same in forward and backward functions. */ double epsilon, /* Optionally save intermediate results from the forward pass here - can be reused to speed up backward pass. NULL if unused */ void *resultSaveMean, void *resultSaveInvVariance, cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, void *workspace, size_t workSpaceSizeInBytes, void *reserveSpace, size_t reserveSpaceSizeInBytes); /* Performs backward pass of Batch Normalization layer. Returns x gradient, * bnScale gradient and bnBias gradient */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnBatchNormalizationBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode, const void *alphaDataDiff, const void *betaDataDiff, const void *alphaParamDiff, const void *betaParamDiff, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, /* same desc for x, dx, dy */ const void *x, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const void *dy, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, void *dx, /* Shared tensor desc for the 4 tensors below */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dBnScaleBiasDesc, const void *bnScale, /* bnBias doesn't affect backpropagation */ /* scale and bias diff are not backpropagated below this layer */ void *dBnScaleResult, void *dBnBiasResult, /* Same epsilon as forward pass */ double epsilon, /* Optionally cached intermediate results from forward pass */ const void *savedMean, const void *savedInvVariance); cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnBatchNormalizationBackwardEx(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnBatchNormMode_t mode, cudnnBatchNormOps_t bnOps, const void *alphaDataDiff, const void *betaDataDiff, const void *alphaParamDiff, const void *betaParamDiff, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *xData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const void *yData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const void *dyData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dzDesc, void *dzData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, void *dxData, /* Shared tensor desc for the 4 tensors below */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dBnScaleBiasDesc, const void *bnScaleData, const void *bnBiasData, /* needed if there is activation */ void *dBnScaleData, void *dBnBiasData, double epsilon, /* Same epsilon as forward pass */ /* Optionally cached intermediate results from forward pass */ const void *savedMean, const void *savedInvVariance, cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, void *workSpace, size_t workSpaceSizeInBytes, void *reserveSpace, size_t reserveSpaceSizeInBytes); cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnGetNormalizationForwardTrainingWorkspaceSize(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnNormMode_t mode, cudnnNormOps_t normOps, cudnnNormAlgo_t algo, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t zDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t normScaleBiasDesc, const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t normMeanVarDesc, size_t *sizeInBytes, int groupCnt); /* Place hold for future work, should be set to 1 now*/ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnGetNormalizationBackwardWorkspaceSize(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnNormMode_t mode, cudnnNormOps_t normOps, cudnnNormAlgo_t algo, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dzDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dNormScaleBiasDesc, const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t normMeanVarDesc, size_t *sizeInBytes, int groupCnt); /* Place hold for future work, should be set to 1 now*/ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnGetNormalizationTrainingReserveSpaceSize(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnNormMode_t mode, cudnnNormOps_t normOps, cudnnNormAlgo_t algo, const cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, size_t *sizeInBytes, int groupCnt); /* Place hold for future work, should be set to 1 now*/ /* Computes y = relu(Norm(x) + z). Also accumulates moving averages of mean and inverse variances */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnNormalizationForwardTraining(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnNormMode_t mode, cudnnNormOps_t normOps, cudnnNormAlgo_t algo, const void *alpha, /* alpha[0] = result blend factor */ const void *beta, /* beta[0] = dest layer blend factor */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *xData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t normScaleBiasDesc, const void *normScale, const void *normBias, double exponentialAverageFactor, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t normMeanVarDesc, void *resultRunningMean, void *resultRunningVariance, /* Has to be >= 0. Should be the same in forward and backward functions. */ double epsilon, /* Optionally save intermediate results from the forward pass here - can be reused to speed up backward pass. NULL if unused */ void *resultSaveMean, void *resultSaveInvVariance, cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t zDesc, const void *zData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, void *yData, void *workspace, size_t workSpaceSizeInBytes, void *reserveSpace, size_t reserveSpaceSizeInBytes, int groupCnt); /* Place hold for future work, should be set to 1 now*/ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnNormalizationBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnNormMode_t mode, cudnnNormOps_t normOps, cudnnNormAlgo_t algo, const void *alphaDataDiff, const void *betaDataDiff, const void *alphaParamDiff, const void *betaParamDiff, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *xData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t yDesc, const void *yData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const void *dyData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dzDesc, void *dzData, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, void *dxData, /* Shared tensor desc for the 4 tensors below */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dNormScaleBiasDesc, const void *normScaleData, const void *normBiasData, /* needed if there is activation */ void *dNormScaleData, void *dNormBiasData, double epsilon, /* Same epsilon as forward pass */ const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t normMeanVarDesc, /* Optionally cached intermediate results from forward pass */ const void *savedMean, const void *savedInvVariance, cudnnActivationDescriptor_t activationDesc, void *workSpace, size_t workSpaceSizeInBytes, void *reserveSpace, size_t reserveSpaceSizeInBytes, int groupCnt); /* Place hold for future work, should be set to 1 now*/ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnSpatialTfGridGeneratorBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, const cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t stDesc, const void *dgrid, void *dtheta); cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnSpatialTfSamplerBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, cudnnSpatialTransformerDescriptor_t stDesc, const void *alpha, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t xDesc, const void *x, const void *beta, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxDesc, void *dx, const void *alphaDgrid, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dyDesc, const void *dy, const void *grid, const void *betaDgrid, void *dgrid); cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnDropoutBackward(cudnnHandle_t handle, const cudnnDropoutDescriptor_t dropoutDesc, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dydesc, const void *dy, const cudnnTensorDescriptor_t dxdesc, void *dx, void *reserveSpace, size_t reserveSpaceSizeInBytes); /* * \brief Cross-library version checker. * This function is implemented differently in each sub-library. Each sublib * checks whether its own version matches that of its dependencies. * \returns CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS if the version check passes, * CUDNN_STATUS_VERSION_MISMATCH if the versions are inconsistent. */ cudnnStatus_t CUDNNWINAPI cudnnOpsTrainVersionCheck(void); #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif /* CUDNN_OPS_TRAIN_H_ */